/dsg/ Demon's/Dark Souls General

The fucking snow one
Fuck me

I played through that on magic only

CSS was doing a third of the damage it would have on normal enemies

DaS2 is my favourite souls game, but this shit is undefendable
I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking with that area

Wolnir's fog and the shit the butterflies fire a you in the DSA fight. Also the pursuer projectiles the skeletons throw at you and the pontiff knights belch out.

just two-hand a Gyrm Greatshield, block, run straight through
ez pz
shit area though

Dried finger shenanigans in Anor Londo is fun as fuck


Fair enough, though generally my issue is with keeping up the dodges through a duel. I'm pretty good at not getting hit by spells, but when it's just over and over and over I eventually slip up. I'll try a shield. Thanks for the advice.

Those areas are co-op areas 2bh. The challange is made for summoning. People that didn't have the dlc could try them out through co-op.

>equipped wolf ring+2 with hollowslayer
>can now trade with fucking ugs, curved gs and even greataxes
It's like the entire poise system in the game was created specifically for GS users.

Pontiff Knights take pursuers out of their eyes
Pursuer-in-a-jar from the Catacombs
Wolnir's burp
Pilgrim Butterfly

Sucks it was retconned to defend against that but now it's a niche thing in pvp at least