Is there any ideology that can properly accommodate sociopaths or people who don't feel empathy?


>*schniff* why do you feel the need of shearshing for shuch a thing? Don't let yourself be reshtrained by *schniff* ideology


Anarcho capitalism

The smartest psychopaths in the world are apex predators.

low-level psychopaths prey on innocent victims.

High-level psychopaths prey on low-level psychopaths.

How do i level up?

What are your favorite books/documentaries/movies - feel free to present w/e you like regardless of way it is delivered.

there's a lot of psychopaths out there, they're nothing special. Something like 40% of normies

Sociopaths cannot function if they can't manipulate others.

Well I assumed that in an anarchy there would immediately form gangs and warlords, among whom the most forceful sociopaths would rise to power.