What did it say? It's deleted now.
Why are there so few primary sources for pre-islamic persian history?
I forget now lol
>during its prime
but the caliphate was waning and completely degenrated by this point. Infact it was the primary reason why no one rushed to the cities aid as expected.
>Fun fact: Iran during the 6-7th century, prior to the Arab invasions, was actually rapidly becoming Christian.
Actually it continued to convert to Christianity, with churches spreading across Iran and well into Central Asia under the height of the early Caliphate. The Arabs helped spread Christianity, ironically, and only later did Islam take over as the elite of Khorasan multiplied and rapidly spread a new Persian-Muslim culture under the Abbasids.
yeah really
you'd be surprised how much the Mongols burned.
They pillaged and destroyed a lot. They routinely sent people back to the bronze age. There's a reason why horror stories found their way to Britain.
Nope, nothing compared to the former.
>not wearing the Lion flag shirt
>wearing le islamic republic flag shirt
No true diasporic Persian.