What generals in history went full >muh ideals and never seized power even if they had the chance?

No, theyre quite cucked. Presidents approval is needed for large ops since hes commander n chief.

Weve had a few general presidents tho. Grant, washington, ike.

Yeah but Yang went actively hard denying that he wanted power, after restoring power after the coup, not killing thrunict, etc

>yo what if we treated our leader like a god
>that wont be a rebbelion causing problem xD
>7 rebellions occur
>meanwhile everybody is shitting on the republic for having a few corrupt politicians

I hate Yang

What animu is this? Sounds interesting.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes


No seriously faggot learn to do a reverse image search instead of being spoonfed.

Neo Genisis Evangelion

The show doesn't show the scope of what Reinhard's empire would turn into, which is the whole point of Yang's point of view. You're far more likely to be heavily abused in an autocracy where only one person needs to be corrupt, versus an entire system of government needing to be corrupt. Furthermore with an autocracy, corrupt breeds future corruption with the only exception being exceptional men like Reinhard. But corrupt democracy can be taken out of power, just as the GOAT feared would occur when they ordered the plan to invade the Empire.

The nazi army general staff where inches away from assasinating hitler so many times, but they chose not too.

I think they were okay with war and couldnt get another politician to rally the people in time for a blitzkrieg.

Legend of the galatic heroes