>Mods, modding guides, and FAQs tesgeneral.com/ >Found a problem or have a suggestion? Use the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the site! >The Booru vgtes.booru.org/ >The Lewd Booru (Use the filter if you find a picture objectionable) booru.Legacywaste.org/
>tfw no classic ebony armor mod >any armor I wear is going to be some enigmatic mysterious knight of ambiguous intent rather than looking glorious
Aaron Sullivan
Post bread baking or cooking
Jackson Murphy
Waifus and stuff!
Christopher Kelly
Ok, so I used Skyrim Mod Combiner with all options available. Everything looks great, except this trees.....Any idea what it could be? A shame because everything else looks beatiful...
Levi Foster
install enhanced landscapes or enhanced vanilla trees
Dylan Ramirez
>The Punished
What the fuck is this thing?
Owen Bennett
That looks like when I tried to install Tropical Skyrim with NMM like four years ago except in my case the entire world was like that tree
Ethan Carter
Just use amidianborn textures for ebony armor and you're good to go.
Matthew Carter
I don't think dremora eyes should look like that a cocoon, you dum-dum check what's inside
Joseph Turner
The flesh bags actually have skeleton bits inside if you tcl through it, proving that they're definitely the twisted remains of tortured mortals.
I think the Punished, which is still pulsing and alive, may very well be daedra that perished outside of their sphere, and are still incubating (since daedra don't really die, they always come back after long periods of time.)
Jace Williams
its a vagina
Michael Wood
Jesus fuck, Oblivion did indeed not age well.
Parker Davis
A snake.
Brody Rodriguez
For Skyrim, post your
>Favorite vanilla weapon >Favorite mod weapon >Favorite vanilla armor >Favorite mod armor
Ryder Bailey
>a single closeup screenshot of a single dungeon element is enough to declare that a game hasn't "aged well" >the "games can age" meme please leave
>Skyrim Mod Combiner Is it a good alterative to all the textures mods ?
Kayden James
So, what precisely is the curse that made the Chimer into Dunmer? Where does it come from?
Colton Johnson
Fun fact: the face carved on the axe is that of an elf screaming in terror.
Sebastian Bailey
Christopher Morgan
>Favorite vanilla weapon Silver Greatsword
>Favorite mod weapon Upgraded Silver Greatsword, with a sheath!
>Favorite vanilla armor Nightingale Armor
>Favorite mod armor Rought Leather Armor, with a cape.
Bentley Barnes
Holy shit.
I would have never noticed that on my own.
Christopher King
Azura. Azura. She was mad at the Tribunal for killing Nerevar and fucking with the Heart of Lorkhan to become demigods. She punished them by turning the Chimer into the Dunmer, which the Tribunal turned it into a blessing rather than a curse.
Joseph Johnson
Ow god all this mod shit is fucking annoying as fuck. It's a neverending problem, goddamn.
I just want a beautiful game.
Charles Thomas
Azura is even cooler in my book now.
morrowind_guide.txt in a nutshell.
John James
Well, you can even see tears flowing from the eyes.
Ethan Perez
>curse an entire race because of the actions of three people >cool Nah she's a bitch.
Grayson Jenkins
Still the nicest of the Daedra.
Bentley Johnson
Meh, the curse wasn't a big deal. Grey skin and red eyes. I see worst.
Michael Cook
>nicest >not based mom Meridia
Blake Richardson
Tied with Meridia desu, but Meridia gets a deduction for potentially fucking over an untold number of mortals had her plan to assassinate her old fuckbuddies succeeded.
Leo Myers
Ultimate Combat, SkyTweak, TK Dodge, lock on and attack commitment
Logan Jones
I wouldn't have noticed it, there's a lot of details and it never really stuck out to me. The Rueful Axe I could see, but this was a stretch.
Caleb Ramirez
>the curse isn't that terrible so it's okay, she ain't bad Nah, still a bitch.
Tyler Price
Fuck Meridia and her goldendicker Umaril.
Justin Scott
>Favorite vanilla weapon Steel greatsword. Good proportions, even in vanilla. Most of the rest are sized terribly.
>Favorite mod weapon The Crecy - Albion Longsword by Billyro. Literally my swordfu, based on the one by Albion Arms, which is magnificent.
>Favorite vanilla armor Ebony for heavy and scaled for light.
>Favorite mod armor Wow, that's a hard one. I guess I don't have one in particular, but the Wayfarer's Coat and the Hedge Mage Armor are two I really like, and both look extremely comfy.
Jonathan Gutierrez
What the fuck is Skyrim Mod Combiner.
It sounds cancerous.
Wyatt Clark
Meridia was responsible for Umaril the Unfeathered, a sorcerer with powers that most mortal men or mer could only dream of and was so cruel, so evil, that even the gods feared him. She also supplied him with daedra and Aurorans, and made a deal with him so that he can be brought back after being defeated by Pelinal
Pelinal pls So she lacked some foresight in her choice of champions. It's not her fault that Umaril was a dick.
Evan Martin
This has absolutely no advantage over just using Mod Organizer.
Caleb Murphy
It's because she was fucking him. She doesn't care about mortal lives which is why he wrecked havoc with her help. She only hates the undead because they offend her.
Fuck Meridia in her hypocritical cunt. Praise Arkay instead.
Xavier Carter
Arkay x Meridia porn when?
Camden Torres
Reminder that Nocturnal is the only honest, non-vindictive daedric prince.
Arkay x Molag Bal is more heretical. Much much more heretical.
Isaiah Lee
>It's not her fault that Umaril was a dick. She knew she was a dick, that makes her an even bigger dick. At least Azura had Nerevar and the Nerevarine
She was also fucking the other Daedric Princes as well.
Shut up, Mistel.
Josiah Foster
I already came twice
You aint gonna make me cum
Im all outta gas
Not so fast
Ah your finger just went up my ass
Aaron Thompson
>a batch program that puts mods together based on the opinions of someone else
Jaxon Morales
>Shut up, Mistel. no
Adam Bailey
It might be more heretical, but it's less fappable. Now Molag Bal grabbing ahold of Dibella or Mara right in front of the other Divines...
Elijah Hughes
hey guys, new guy again from last thread
what do you do for HD textures of vanilla weapons/armor? Just get them all individually? That seems like an insane hassle
also, not to insult the person who maintains the tesgeneral website, but having to click on a mod, wait for the popup, then go to the nexus is insanely slow
if the popup worked quickly it wouldn't be an issue, but currently it's almost impossible to browse the lists the way it is.
Zachary Gonzalez
You do NOT call based mom a dick. She just wanted what was best for the Ayleids.
Joshua Reyes
aMidianBorn Book of Silence retextures almost all the vanilla armor and weapons.
Ayden King
They're being "punished" to make sure they
1. Don't go soft(er) 2. Don't make the same mistake that got them killed in the first place
So it makes sense that it looks like a cocoon, they are going through a sort of transformation to become more demonic when they finally regain physical shape.
Daniel Green
Use amidianborns book of silence, and then pick and choose what he didn't cover. The site in the OP for what armors and weapons wernt covered.
Anthony Richardson
>it's less fappable Moragu Baru can transform into a fuckable female. Imagine femMolag seducing Arkay into corrupted depravity.
Brandon Davis
>She just wanted what was best for the Ayleids. Who happened to be violent slavers.
Jaxon Wood
thanks, this is great
Jace Adams
A thousand times this.
Exactly. They're being punished for being failures. I imagine the incubation process towards reincarnation is not a pleasant one.
Blake Green
Wait wait wait source.
Hudson Gonzalez
Daedric Princes can choose to appear however they want. They're also genderless.
Logan Davis
>Ayleid sympathizer Oi cunt.
Adam Baker
Yeah... well... she hates skeletons and that's pretty cool.
Tyler Howard
I want a helmet/armor like that, just a clunky, cartoonish knight helmet, like some chubby nerd threw it together in his garage for larp.
Nathaniel Bailey
Yeah, sure, but they seem to have chosen defaults (mostly, anyway).
Ayleids > Dwemer desu
Aaron Lopez
Lucas Evans
>Like all the Daedric Princes, Molag Bal has no definite gender. Most often, however, he appears to his followers as male. Sigillah Parate mentions in her spiritual commentary that she belonged to a cult known as the "Witches of Molag Bal", where Molag Bal often appeared to its members in the guise of a mortal female. From Invocation of Azura.
Nothing new senpai.
Angel Richardson
>wanting to be an amorphous blob of meat and flesh
Anthony Morris
oi my ancestors were ayleids you want me to get the knees out again, you fuck?
Luke Hall
any mods to make the stormcloaks more extreme? On the terrorism/racism front
I want the blood of elves
Aaron Torres
I know they have no definite gender. I didn't know that Molag used to switch, though.
Jonathan Carter
She also wanted to be filled with daedric cocks as well and got disowned accordingly for being a slut. Oh wait, "consorting with illicit spectra."
She hated the Divines so much for stopping the Ayleids' crimes against humanity that she exploited the Oblivion Crisis as an opportunity to revitalized her murder champion and pour her daedric servants back into the world for revenge against the Divines.
Jose Lewis
Male or female form, I'm pretty sure he'll still have a dick.
Robert Diaz
>Namira asks her worshipers to find innocent people, kill them, and eat them >Nocturnal doesn't even care about having worshipers Try again.
Ayden Lewis
you ever wonder if "guise of a mortal female" was just some really clever bitch fucking with them
Jonathan Perry
His dick is now re-purposed as a spear though.
William Cox
Adrian Ortiz
Just the tip.
The rest of it he loans out to random adventurers to use to bludgeon people to death with.
Jeremiah Powell
>find this at level 1 in a low level goblin dungeon wew lad
I understand the arguments for leveling scaling to an extent
Jordan Carter
>consorting with illicit spectra Shut up, that could mean anything. And the Divines weren't without fault either, them and their genocidal maniacal nutjob.
Nathaniel Harris
>implying the Divines made Pelinal >implying it wasn't you piss elves, after realizing you fucked up
Austin Perez
It was. It was all Akatosh. Divines are not infallible either.
Luke Martin
>getting cool loot at level 1 is bad how
Robert Price
If I actually thought that I wouldn't be using mods to remove level scaling entirely. I just understand why the argument that it can easily break the game is valid.
Evan Clark
Reminder that Pelin-El was a reaction to the Ayleids and their abhorrent deeds.
Reminder that the Ayleids sent him back in time Themselves with the blessing of Akatosh to eliminate the Ayleid and free humanity because the Ayleids knew they fucked up.
Reminder that Meridia was kicked out of the Magna-Ge and didn't participate in the creation of Mundus so she couldn't kick it with the Divines. So she had to whore herself out to the Daedric Princes so she can find shelter in Oblivion and become a Daedroth, like a HOE to her PIMPS.
Benjamin White
Namira actually cares about her followers.
Back in Oblivion she sends you to wipe out a bunch of Jehovah's who wouldn't take the hint and leave them alone.
Joshua Jackson
>The source of all luck in Mundus >Benefits everyone >She only asks three people for anything in return You're welcome, by the way.
David Turner
We're kind of straying away from the original point here. The thing about Meridia is that her heart is in the right place. She cares about her people, she tries to help them. She doesn't get pissed at and curse her people. And she hates undead scum, this part is most important.
Christian Rodriguez
I'm tired of the "Azura is a bitch" meme. That's a deflection AlmSiVi pulled when called on their shit. What did Azura actually do that was bad? The only reason anyone thinks of turning the Chimer into the Dunmer as a curse is because AlmSiVi called it a curse. The "curse" was changing their skin and eye colour to resemble Azura herself (or to resemble the vulcanic land they lived on, and then she changed her own appearance to resemble them; In either case this shows an empathy for the Dunmer people), and making them extremely resistant to fire and heat. She literally made them better, as a sign that they should not trust the new Tribunal. That's what we in Cyrodiil call a "blessing," not a "curse."
She is the god of dusk and dawn, every sunrise and sunset belonging to her domain, and the beauty of her realm is supposed to be so overbearingly beautiful that it makes Dibella look subtle. In the Dawn while the other Daedra were ridiculing the Aedra for following Lorkhan she was busy making preparations for the calamities to come as a result of the Shattering; While the other Daedra were eating other gods and raping Nedes she was transforming a tribe of the forest people into a race of guardians to protect the moons. She greatly rewards those who do good in her name or who are loyal to her, and is caring, protective and worrying over those who betray her. She's probably the single most "good" god in TES apart from Mara and perhaps Meridia, but even the latter created a killing machine to combat another killing machine (as is the wont of the magna-ge). At her very worst Azura resembles the Old Testament Judeo-Christian god, sending a devotee to live in solitude for a hundred years on a bet with Sheogorath (reflecting Job, where on a bet with an angel God tortures a devotee).
Dylan Watson
She cursed her main cult because of the actions of THREE people, when the bulk of the guild doesn't even know about her connection to their continued success.
Jonathan Cooper
>The only reason anyone thinks of turning the Chimer into the Dunmer as a curse is because AlmSiVi called it a curse. Actually AlmSiVi spun it as a blessing.
>Cursed No, her influence was severed from Mundus. The absence of a blessing is not a curse.
Thomas Roberts
>ITT: tribunal apologists
Noah Russell
>supposed to be elder god tier because of her proximity to darkness and, by extension, the void >can't do anything if a bunch of mortals aren't helping her
w e w
Joseph Myers
It's 2016. Can we re-animate beast tails yet?
Kevin Robinson
She ultimately doesn't care if her influence reaches Mundus, but she offers it, so long as mortals are willing to defend it. Sounds pretty generous to me.