/tesg/ ~ The Elder Scrolls General

His dick is now re-purposed as a spear though.


Just the tip.

The rest of it he loans out to random adventurers to use to bludgeon people to death with.

>find this at level 1 in a low level goblin dungeon
wew lad

I understand the arguments for leveling scaling to an extent

>consorting with illicit spectra
Shut up, that could mean anything. And the Divines weren't without fault either, them and their genocidal maniacal nutjob.

>implying the Divines made Pelinal
>implying it wasn't you piss elves, after realizing you fucked up

It was. It was all Akatosh. Divines are not infallible either.

>getting cool loot at level 1 is bad

If I actually thought that I wouldn't be using mods to remove level scaling entirely. I just understand why the argument that it can easily break the game is valid.

Reminder that Pelin-El was a reaction to the Ayleids and their abhorrent deeds.

Reminder that the Ayleids sent him back in time Themselves with the blessing of Akatosh to eliminate the Ayleid and free humanity because the Ayleids knew they fucked up.

Reminder that Meridia was kicked out of the Magna-Ge and didn't participate in the creation of Mundus so she couldn't kick it with the Divines. So she had to whore herself out to the Daedric Princes so she can find shelter in Oblivion and become a Daedroth, like a HOE to her PIMPS.