On my way to buy a 2016 civic manual

It's loaded with tech and still weighs under 3000 lbs

This is clearly bait, but
>buying a Civic
>not a poorfag

Are poorfags really the only people that want reliability and economy with good feels? Who the fuck buys cortollas then? Blind, deaf, dumb poorfags?

400lbs too heavy.

Go buy a Miata and not a family sedan

>poor fags
Both my cars would eat that. Youd take my wifes car, she drives a chevy sonic

>buying a civic manual

lmao, what does the manual cost, like $5? can't you just download it for free online? idiot

I agree that the sedan is too big, and the hatch certainly looks massive from pictures but I'll at least wait for the official measurements as well as seeing it in person.

But the coupe is actually an inch shorter than the previous gen coupe and 2739lbs, which is pretty dang good for such a loaded modern car.

It's not perfect, but I think they did a fantastic job with the coupe in particular.

>used luxury

you poor fag

As a Honda tech I can tell you that the reliability isn't there yet for the new civics. We are seeing a huge increase in new random issues with these things.