OP here
Irish ancestry so guess by /pol/ standards I'm not white
OP here
Irish ancestry so guess by /pol/ standards I'm not white
>using SAE fucking scum
Just because your ancestors lived in ireland, doesn't mean you have ethnic Irish ancestry.
You can tell by your finger nails you have non-white in you. But you appear white in this photo.
Face pic is required to confirm passable as white.
You also have fat fingers.
Knew a guy from my car club that wanted to do coilovers himself. He jacked up one side and was going to do them left/right instead of front/rear. Taking off the sway bar and as soon as the nut it off it whips out and pins his wrist against the body. He had to wait half an hour for someone to help him because his phone was in the car and nobody was around. Turns out it broke his wrist too so thats a painful 30 minutes hes never going to forget.
If you dont know how to work on cars dont touch it. If you think you know how to work on cars definitely dont touch it
it's my birthday so I guess I drank enough to post a face pic
My eyes are blue if you can't tell by the picture so OP confirmed not shit skin
I hand torqued it so it should be sufficiently tight. Thanks guys
Happy birthday guy. Friendly reminder that this is the faggot that's calling you a nigger.
OP here
That's kinda whyxI like when rice patties want work done at my shop.
It shows a certain kind of humility so can respect
You're not Irish.
You look eastern euro, probably something like a mixed Romanian.
Which is non-white. But most people just group you in with whites anyway.
Fuck off, mechanic shill. People have to learn somehow so they don't get screwed by kikes like you.