The only legitimate beliefs are Judaism and agnostic atheism!

Judaism is a ripoff of ancient Israelite religion.

>inb4 retard claims they're the same thing

Nope, judaism was created in Babylon

t. Abraham Shlomo Zion Shekelberg III

Classic ignorant asses changing topic with racist and plain out stupid comments!
Im not a Jew, Im an agnostic atheist and I recognize the Jews as the true revolutionaries who launched us from a dark ages where we where killing each-other over stone god to a less darker age where we are killing ourselves over a invisible ONE creator, jews are the inventors of the concept of ONE god!
Agnostic atheism will be the next concept to move us forward to an age of religious peace where we are unify by science and the search for the answer of if there is a god or not!

le ebin false flag

t. Simon Bloomberg

Christianity is a ripoff of second temple judaism


Second temple judaism is a ripoff of Yahwism and Zoroastrianism.

Yahwism is a ripoff from Canaanite polytheism.

reasonable bait desu

If it's not an Eastern religion then it's already shit-tier