If Adolf Hitler was totally convinced jews were evil and he had to stop them...

Wow that is some epic shit.

That shit might be even better than the Finno Hyper War.

inb4 /x/ is that way GTFO muh Veeky Forums

>If Adolf Hitler was totally convinced jews were evil and he had to stop them, doesn't that mean he was doing the right thing?
Germany suffered under the Great Depression
Everyone agreed the Great Depression was caused by rich bankers speculating in the stock market
In the 1930s there was a lot of racism against Jews
i.e. >Jews = Bankers
To preserve the freedom and economic security of the German People he sought to free them from the boom bust cycles of International Banking and Finance once and for all.
>smash Jewish banking
>end cycles of Great Depressions
>insure security and future of Germany with National Socialism instead of stock market gambling

Since WW2 we have had 70 years of international economic boom bust cycles caused by rich people gambling.

Just like prior to WW2...

Or how incredibly buttflustered the Soviets were about the Deathcamps.

Seriously, it's one of the Soviet Unions most hilarious and obvious failings. Funny enough, if you want to try and argue that Hitler didn't deliberately target the Jews for extermination, Soviet and especially DDR historiography is the closest you're going to get to 'academically respectable', until the wall came down and the very historians writing it called it crap.

Thank you for your message!

I didn't explain more details about human history on the ground and deities world because I can't remember all the stories from the book "True World History and Religion(written by Maitreya Buddha in Korean and published in 2015).

There are a lot of histories such as deities' war in the heaven and on the ground , 1st Cosmos Coup in the heaven, 2nd Cosmos Coup on the ground.

Surprisingly, the only deity except for Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha as the only true original Creator was Maitreya Buddha against the coup.


When I read his history and watch his Vods, I felt so sad. Evil deities completely spoiled and destroyed his family. They also fabricated all the history in order to hide Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha's and Maitreya Buddha and Messiah's existence.

It is simply said to be wars between good and evil.

There are some English versions

Book name : Maitreya Buddha and Messiah

Written by Maitreya Buddha in Korean
Published in 2015
Its English version :

I think the above book has brief stories for people who don't know cosmic law.

The below is (Original version) Prajan Paramita Heart Sutra written by Maitreya Buddha in Korean and published in 2015.

This includes more details including universe before Big Bang, evolutionary process before quarks' birth, Evil's birth, etc.

VODs related to this book are open to the public, but English users can't watch them.
Instead of the VODs, there are their English transcripts for English users.


I hope a lot of English versions will be provided on the website.

>"it's not fascism when we do it".
You mean national-socialism, right?

nazis were a comical caricature. just like trump, everyone can see he's retarded, but no one's making it stop.

that's what evil looks like. fallacy and delusion and enough quiet acceptance to allow it to keep going.

Dilmun(r. 6000BC~4000BC) was located in Takla Makan Desert before the place turned into desert.

Thank you for correcting the record.