So go against my instructor's word whose got a lifetime of riding and not get a 250?
/usdbt/ - No eurocuck edition
Jacob Bennett
Owen Adams
What's the best place to buy cheap Helmets in EU?
Hudson Clark
Yes get an sv650, ninja 650 or even a m600
Dylan Cruz
post pics of your cousin first
Luis Bailey
get an SV 650.
only bike you'll never want to get rid off
Easton Rivera
What happened to >still no grom
James Perez
Also what are the best cheap brands? Nolan?
Dylan Reed
Yes he is a retard, get a restricted 650, they have the same power only you don't have to sell the bike once 45 horsepower bores you because they have around 80bhp unrestricted.
Ryder Garcia
Why is /dbt/ all eurofags and ausfags, even during amerifag peak hours?
Gavin Howard