What are some of the worst/most inacurrate documentaries?

what are some of the worst/most inacurrate documentaries?

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Fahrenheit 911

There's this one part of the movie where Michael Moore claims that (Saddam's) Iraq never harmed a single American before the 2003 invasion. I don't know if he purposely ignored the gulf war, or did the excessive fat in his head make him forget?


any documentary with a political bias (everything by michael moore)

Everything ever made by Michael Moore

This, sadly, because there is a lot of truth mixed with lies and it has poisoned the well for every one else that defends the Christ myth theory.

The Greatest Story Never Told

The main argument of it is "allies were bad so that negates any bad done by the axis". Furthermore, it takes the Western narrative against Germany and simply turns it around. It's not even an argument, it's just saying "what you say is bad is actually good because I say so". It's also filled with completely irrelevant things, like the Japanese missile torpedo and the stupid ending with the pictures.

The only good thing about the documentary was that it shed light on Hitler's past and Allied war crimes, albeit in an extremely propagandized method. Seriously, why can't people just admit that both the Allies and the Axis committed atrocities?

>Seriously, why can't people just admit that both the Allies and the Axis committed atrocities?
Because that's not edgy and it doesn't recruit emotionally vulnerable people into my bullshit ideology

>Seriously, why can't people just admit that both the Allies and the Axis committed atrocities?
And look at the world even a bit objectively? Preposterous.

>Every WWII movie or doc ever made is pure ally propaganda and emotionally appealing distorted good vs evil narrative.
>The only one that shows the other side is an independently made garage production
>Higher standards should be required of the independent garage production than the Hollywood versions
Fuck off.

>Seriously, why can't people just admit that both the Allies and the Axis committed atrocities?
Why would a victor ever admit that they where 'just' as bad as the enemy they defeated?

Give it some time, WW2 is still relatively close so we still feel some of the "the victor did nothing wrong" effects. This will eventualy pass.

>Give it some time, WW2 is still relatively close so we still feel some of the "the victor did nothing wrong" effects. This will eventualy pass.
Zionist groups for one have been dismayed by how modern youth no longer think of the Jews as victims. I think we're getting there at a good speed.

Fahrenheit 911
Bowling for columbine
Capitalism: a love story
Where to invade next?
Nanook of the North
Super size me

well we passed 2-3 generations that did not have parents that experienced the actual war itself. That most likely has something to do with it.

>expecting logical, coherent arguments is having "high standards"


What? Do you mean Iraq is responsible for resisting America's intervention or am I missing something?


Why are all the batshit documentaries always American?

What about freakonomics?

is this an actual thing?

How dare they shoot bullets at an invading army

Anything related to the Holocaust

Because you don't apply the same standards to Hollywood productions.
You didn't start by denouncing Hollywood for setting the bar low to begin with.
You're biased and refuse to admit it.

this is a sad truth

Iraq is responsible for invading Kuwait and the resulting war with the international coalition

Besides, Moore's claims that Iraq had never acted violently against the US (a country he says, that "has never harmed a single American soldier") has no basis in reality…
>Iraq fought a war with America 12 years before the US invaded in 2003. Even if you try to argue Iraq was merely acting in self-defense (they weren't) they still "harmed" a fair share of US soldiers
>Iraq spent much of the 90s trying to shoot down US/UK planes who were enforcing UN mandated "no fly-zones" over Iraq's Northernmost and Southernmost regions
>Saddam attempted assassination of George HW Bush
>Bill Clinton's aerial bombing campaigns to dismantle Iraqi weapons systems that were directly violating UN Security Council resolutions

Whats wrong with super size me?

Other than Spurlock is a cunt?

No one has yet managed to reproduce the same results via the same experiment

Leading to speculation Spurlock was either "cheating" in his McDonald's diet by eating more than he says he was, or by walking less than he said he was

thanks man this is pretty hilarious

>anything with Gnosticism
>anything with "teh illuminate"
>"did 6,000,000 really die?" and other naziboo revisionist propaganda
>anything aimed at morons, ancient aliens, secret history of the paranormal etc

Here are some great documentaries:

The War That Never Ends -- The Peloponnesian Wars

Civilisation (1969)

The Secret of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

People have different metabolisms. IIRC in the movie itself he interviewed a guy that only ate at McDonald's and was a wanklet.

Ah gotcha.

that fucking tiger sound on the centipede always cracks me up.

>The Secret of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony
Tl;dr that for me?

There's about as many lies in the counter video "Zeitgeist Exposed" or whatever it's going by now.

...But it was stupid for Zeitgeist, a movie with an essentially technocratic socialist anti-oligarchic agenda, to open up by picking on the most socialist anti-oligarchic Jew of all time. (Granted, they dropped the subject in its redundant sequel.)

Plus, really, all the ancient religions tied up with and influencing Judaism and Christianity actually make them richer and more relevant, unlike something that's spawned out of thin air with no ties to the greater story of the ancient struggle of man at all, like say, Scientology.

This isn't Suicide Squad or something, this is a documentary. Of course I'll judge them differently.

The point of this documentary was to persuade the reader to see Hitler as the "good guy". They did an extremely poor job at this, as their arguments were extremely childish and illogical. You don't need a million-dollar budget to make an argument.



regardless of how much you dislike Moore and his documentary its indisputable that

1) Saddam had no connection to 9/11 and did not have WMDs other then old ones we gave him during the Iran/Iraq war
2) Bush et al knew this and invaded Iraq on false pretenses purposely and lied to the American people about it
3) It was a retarded decision that has caused massive problems for the region and for the US, and we never should have invaded

Moore's documentary being flawed is the last thing we should be upset about

>Moore's documentary being flawed is the last thing we should be upset about
Actually it's the first thing to be upset about because we're in a fucking thread about inaccurate documentaries

Nevermind the fact that we gave him permission to invade Kuwait...
...Been so long since I've seen that Moore flick, I canna remember if he even brings that up.

The 1991 invasion (or what lead to it) was the real mistake, it kinda made the 2003 invasion almost inevitable. Saddam had almost zero control over his country by the time we went in, so some shit woulda went down to force us in there sooner or later.

Granted, the fact that we installed such an Iran friendly government afterwards was just batshit insane retarded, given our designs on them as well as long standing mutual hatred.

>Of course I'll judge them differently.
Neither side is intending to be objective and impartial. It's a propaganda war, except it's a propaganda war of one man versus a standing army, and you're basically asking for the one man to bring a knife while the standing army gets to use every weapon avaiable to them. In short you're a hypocrite.
>They did an extremely poor job at this
Opinion and considering the source, not surprising. Discarded.

Here are a few more great ones imo

Karajan's Magic and Myth

Of Beauty and Consolation Episode 2 -- Roger Scruton

World War I in Color HD

Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth

It's about the French Revolution

Did you actually watch it?

They literally have a guy on who eats nothing but big macs three times a day, every fucking day, and point out there's nothing wrong with him.

And the "problems" Spurlock had were pretty minor.

I suspect you just read a critique of the film without ever actually having seen it. Not that it isn't overall just silly, and not particularly well made, but it also isn't particularly inaccurate or even biased (despite intending to be).

>Kuwait = America
got it


When will this pseud meme die?

Irrelevant. You're trying to change the topic of conversation at this point.

Moore claimed Iraq never acted violently against the US before 2003, a claim which is absolutely false. Regardless of whether you try to justify their past aggression before 2003 as being either "encouraged" by the US/UK or being in "self defense", it still doesn't wash away the fact Iraq "harmed" plenty of US soldiers before 2003.

And like that other user said, the entire point of this thread is dishonest documentaries. Moore's claims should be the first object of conversation.

I dunno if you could say there's "nothing wrong" with Big Mac Guy.

...Though it may not be the fault of the Big Macs, so much as whatever it is that made him decide to live on nothing but Big Macs.

What the fuck are you talking about?

It's a documentary.

An excellent rebuttal.

I suspect you lack the reading comprehension to understand my post

Its a totally valid point to make to state that other then when Iraq was defending its armed forces from US intervention that Iraq had never attacked or sought to harm Americans who weren't engaged in armed conflict against them. He could have explained the point more so there was no confusion but its a totally valid point.

The very fact that you're ignoring George HW Bush's assassination attempt from Saddam proves you're ignoring anything that inconveniences your argument. You're not a serious person.

The point is that Spurlock was entirely open about different people having different metabolisms and dietary needs, and that some people eat tons of McDonalds foods with no real health problems - even, in this rare case of Big Mac Guy, eating nothing but McDonalds for over a decade.

That's about as fair and balanced as you can expect a documentary to be.

...and Spurlock was on a fucking vegan diet for years before starting this experiment, so one would assume he'd have more problems than most. (Which was part of the point.)

...and the "problems" that resulted were extremely fucking minor - he was actually surprised at how minor they were, as was the doctor monitoring him, and both said as much in this documentary. I dunno how often this "experiment" was reproduced, nor under what circumstances, but I'm sure some people like that would have had a much worse reaction.

I mean, the ending conclusion of the documentary, despite starting out as an attempt to make it look like fast food is killing everyone, was basically, "yeah, it isn't healthy, but you can adjust, and it isn't going to kill you". The documentary actually goes on a journey to defeat its own premise - and you can't say that about a lot of documentaries.

So, my conclusion, is you didn't watch it, and just swallowed some propaganda against it.

That doesn't justify invading a country you retard. If they really wanted to they could easily have found a way to bomb him from the stratosphere.

Mostly. We have some good docs, but most everything on history channel is LITERALLY that ridiculous.

Are you just pointing that mistake out on its own or are you implying that the Iraq Invasion was justified?

Though it is kinda ignoring the fact that the assassination attempt against Bush Jr's dad was a result of the 1991 invasion, and, despite 11 Iraqi's and 3 Kuwait's being imprisoned, there's a lot of debate as to whether it was a real thing.

Also wondering where this quote is in the Moore movie... Not that there weren't a lot of inaccuracies, but I don't recall that particular one. It'd certainly be accurate to say that Iraq never presented an existential threat to the US, and was a steadfast ally throughout the 80's, Saddam being our most favored ally in the region, outside of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

My mom watches this show every week. It was tolerable and somewhat entertaining at first but in its quest to find material to cover it's stretched things so far that I can't even ironically enjoy it.

Any Neo Nazi revionist bullshit.


It is one of those "so bad it's good" shows to be sure.

At the same time, it's kinda disturbing how seriously some people take it. Folks just can't accept that people 10,000 years ago weren't actually any dumber than we are - they just didn't have such a huge backlock of recorded learning to work with. If anything, they were smarter, as they had to know a whole lot more information without the ability to reference shit. It's insulting to your ancient ancestors, and by proxy, to one's self and mankind in general, to think they couldn't have built all this shit without the help of aliums.

Name one neo nazi documentary besides The Greatest Story Never Told with using google.

*without using google

Any Hollywood MSM propaganda movie or doc about WWII.

>THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED, THE WHITE SUPREMACIS ARE LYING TO YOU (even though they are a marginalized group and we own the media, academia and politicians)

>like say, Scientology.

What, are you a fucking idiot? The exact same thing happened with all myth humans have, scientology is simply recent.

Scientology will kill all religion, literally do not know how people can believe Christianity but not Scientology. Give it 100-200 years there will be no difference between the utter retardation of Scientology and Christianity.

>Fahrenheit 911
>On March 19, 2003, George W. Bush and the United States military invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq. A nation that had never attacked the United States. A nation that had never threatened to attack the United States. *A nation that had never murdered a single American citizen.*
Actually, I suppose the last is technically true if you use the legal definition of "murdered". Killing soldiers in battle isn't murder. (Not that Iraq killed a whole lot, Saddam ordered his troops to surrender whenever facing a superior force in 91, and most of them did so. Over 90% of our KIA were to friendly fire or other "non-hostile deaths".)


Meanwhile on /pol/:

>THE HOLOCAUST DIDN'T HAPPENED, THE JOOS ARE LYING TO YOU (even though they are a marginalized group and we really only hate them because white girls see us as undesirable)

>JOOS are a marginalized group goys, I mean guys! Don't pay attention to the hooked nose men behind curtain
t. Shlomo


>Over 90% of our KIA were to friendly fire or other "non-hostile deaths"

Think yer reading that wrong.
>147 killed by enemy action, 145 non-hostile deaths
It means nearly half of our KIA weren't from the enemy. 292 total KIA's.

>Iraq: 20,000–35,000 killed
Not that it wasn't as horribly lopsided as one would expect.

Though I remember how we were all so worried going in...

>OMG! 4th largest army on Earth!
>Largest veteran force in the world!
>Muh Elite Royal Guard!
>Dis gonna be good!
>(Entire veteran force surrenders on the spot.)

Took long enough. I think we can all agree on this one right?

>the jews are the reason for [insert personal predicament here]
>you disagree with me?? le schlomo maymay XD

instead of replying to the bait. why not take a nice cup of coffee and simply report the message

>Jews boast about owning Hollywood
>XD that's okay
>Non-Jew points out that Jews run Hollywood
> >( that's not okay stormwiener nazee pol

I was just pissed at George and Saddam for getting the Dark Shadows remake canceled. Fucking mandatory war coverage...

Report for what? The truth? Also forgetting that he was the one that started with the low tier shit baiting

then you go do the same. bait cometh in many forms

Anything by D'Souza is utter rubbish.

Cannot agree more.

Not an argument

Kuwait != America or a treaty ally

>Seriously, why can't people just admit that both the Allies and the Axis committed atrocities?

Because that doesn't make for good propaganda.

>Moore claimed Iraq never acted violently against the US before 2003,
[citation needed]

Nothing claimed in your greentext is necessarily false.

This is late, but that's not a Veeky Forumstory doc, it's a /pol/itical doc

Which is what I said... (Though it is dancing on a thin line here and there.)

I fucking hate Micheal Moore so much

Anything with Al Gore in it.


So, obviously you're referring to, "Hillary's America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party"

I'd watch a movie of the world dealing with the US suddenly ceasing to exist.

He didn't say it justifies the invasion, retard. He was talking about the validity of Moore's claims. Learn to read.

>Sudden worldwide financial collapse.
>War, war everywhere.
>(half century of Hell on Earth passes)
>Everything somehow turns out okay.

There you go. You just had to respond to him didn't you? Fuck off.

I can't wait.

Somewhat ironically, suddenly removing the US would have much the same effect on the world as removing Saddam had on Iraq... Multiplied by a thousand. Unimaginable power vacuum.

Albeit, that may pale when set next to the geological disaster caused by removing the continental US from the tectonic map... I somehow suspect the scenario doesn't go that far though.

I dunno if I should be mad at you for removing that post, and thus avoiding lighting this thread with the fire of a thousand suns, or just extremely proud of you for realizing with great power comes greater responsibility.

wow stupidest shit I've ever seen

Read "Without Warning".

It's a good book.