"da Bolshevik movement was orchestrated by Jooz to destroy the Imperial regime because da Jooz hate Christian and...

>"da Bolshevik movement was orchestrated by Jooz to destroy the Imperial regime because da Jooz hate Christian and conservative values!"

Oh man, it's such a surprise that the Jews - heavily persecuted by the Tsarist and Orthodox establishment and forced to live in the bleak Pale and subjected to pogroms and discrimination - would thus flock to anti-establishment movements aimed at overthrowing the Imperial regime that very visibly infringed on them!

People on this board can be fucking stupid.

Other urls found in this thread:


no you don't understand

individuals are worthless and their suffering means nothing, only lasting legacies and nations are real

therefore only kings and governments matter, citizens are expendable

It only means they were right in persecuting them, except for the "not finishing the job" part.

>They think we're dangerous and conspiring against them, why would we prove we possess the ability to be decent people and assimilate, when we can corroborate their suspicions to install regimes that falsely promise plenty in order to murder millions of innocent people?

t. Joo

>circular reasoning

this is why u shoot to kill

>They think we're dangerous and conspiring against them, why would we prove we possess the ability to be decent people and assimilate, when we can corroborate their suspicions to install regimes that falsely promise plenty in order to murder millions of innocent people?
>why would we prove we possess the ability to be decent people and assimilate

Shitty post. How could they have assimilated in any capacity when they were de jure and de facto barred from most professions and universities and from even settling outside specific containment zones? Also, why would they have any desire to 'assimilate' to that culture of people who regularly conducted pogroms against them?

>they were de jure and de facto barred from most professions and universities and from even settling outside specific containment zones
Wouldn't have been a problem if they had decided to just stop being fucking jews.

>Pharisees claim murdering innocent people is reasonable
Ecclesiastes 1:9

Bigguyacleese 4:U

So do Christcucks

>man, why didn't these people just abandon their history, religion, and way of life to possibly convince the state to treat them like human beings?

I'd say this post is ignorant, but it's hard to tell if this is bait or not.

>lol Christians in Syria are such faggots, if they are bothered so much by being persecuted, why don't they just convert to Islam?


While this guy is probably a troll, he's also right.

fuck jews

That's what he gets for being a Christcuck :^)))

The Talmud preaches a tribal form of communism with ownership of property to be controlled by elders of the community. This is the basis of the Kibbutz communes in Israel. Here is the only nation in the world which has voluntarily adopted communal living. The hundreds of Kibbutz in Israel operate many farms and factories. It is of interest that they are always millions in debt and must be bailed out constantly with U.S. Foreign Aid money.

>Marx and Engels Were Talmudic Scholars

Karl Marx (born Levi) and another Jew, Friedreich Engels, issued "The Communist Manifesto" in 1848 in London. Marx was descended from a long line of famous Rabbis who were so-called "Talmudic scholars." This is the source from which his communist philosophy springs.

The Talmud preaches a tribal form of communism with ownership of property to be controlled by elders of the community. This is the basis of the Kibbutz communes in Israel. Here is the only nation in the world which has voluntarily adopted communal living. The hundreds of Kibbutz in Israel operate many farms and factories. It is of interest that they are always millions in debt and must be bailed out constantly with US Foreign Aid.

marxists dot org history/etol/writers/hook/1934/12/hess-marx.htm

Germany and Austria-Hungary didn't have persecution and pogroms in the early 20th century, but Jews brought the red plague there anyways.

Yeah, after those two brought WWI to Europe

And how did that concern the Jews?

>Only legacies and nations are real

My god, I didn't think it was possible to *be* this spooked

My people wouldn't have faced all of those expulsions, pogroms, and the Holocaust, if they could just shut the fuck up about their retarded identity for fifteen fucking minutes, and behave like other peoples.

Identity politics is us Jews' self-imposed curse, complete with genetic disease. The Eternal Covenant with idiocy.

Prof. Shlomo Sand said it best:
>This attempt to justify Zionism through genetics is reminiscent of the procedures of late nineteenth-century anthropologists who very scientifically set out to discover the specific characteristics of Europeans. As of today, no study based on anonymous DNA samples has succeeded in identifying a genetic marker specific to Jews, and it is not likely that any study ever will. It is a bitter irony to see the descendants of Holocaust survivors set out to find a biological Jewish identity: Hitler would certainly have been very pleased! And it is all the more repulsive that this kind of research should be conducted in a state that has waged for years a declared policy of "Judaization of the country" in which even today a Jew is not allowed to marry a non-Jew.

They weren't overthrowing fucking shit. Jews were busy dying for their home countries in WWI.

>Oh man, it's such a surprise that the Jews - heavily persecuted by the Tsarist and Orthodox establishment and forced to live in the bleak Pale and subjected to pogroms and discrimination - would thus flock to anti-establishment movements aimed at overthrowing the Imperial regime that very visibly infringed on them!

Plenty of peoples have been oppressed throughout history, not all of them have chimped out and orchestrated genocide against millions of innocents.

>the most butthurt and destructive culture of Mother Europa
>Das Juden are the problem!!!!

>the basis of existence is also the basis for non-existence
I didn't know Stirner tricked this many people.

But OP, the supposed "Jewish" Bolshevik majority even persecuted Jews themselves, so NatSocs are retarded anyway.


Just because you greentext it, doesn't mean it isn't legit. Syrian muslims are the majority natives there. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, leave, or die like the worthless, uncultured dog that you are.

>babby don't know about Balfour declaration

>man, why don't these native people just ignore their history, religion, and way of life, and just change their lifestyle into one that is compatible with my own?

Minorities should adapt to the majority's way of life, not the other way around.

Jews don't like non-Talmudic Jews that don't go with their plans or aren't exceptionally rich
They were basically the Liberal Jews of back then, whereas the Communist Jews were the Talmudic Zionists

You're reaching faggot levels that shouldn't be possible

Oh boy, it's the daily Jew thread. First off, this idea that revolutions or groups must be made up of a representative sample of the population at large or it's a clear sign of ethnic conspiracy is the same logic SJWs use to blame white men for all things wrong with the world. The statistical chances of any group anywhere being "representative" are slim to none.

Jews only made up 5% of the Bolshevik party, only a slight "over-representation" based on their percentage of the population speaking in SJW/stormfag terms, as I said.

You're making an apology for a "fact" ("Jews overwhelmingly support 'revenge politics' against non-Jews") that is complete hokum, because if only 5% of the very large Bolshevik party was Jewish then where were all these other non-Jew-hating Jews at the same time? Why didn't they all hop on the band wagon and try to crush the goyim if it was pre-programmed into them to do so, fampai?

Marx had almost no exposure to the Talmud or Jewish law or any such nonsense you're spewing. You stormfags are incapable of thinking for yourselves, so it's convenient that you can just copy and paste things I guess.

You're retarded if you think non-Jews would allow Jews to quietly assimilate. German Jews were incredibly well assimilated into German culture, and had been living in one of the regions in Europe that allowed them the greatest freedom to participate in public life. The Jewish Renaissance, which encouraged Jews to move out of the ghettos (including those "of the mind," the self-imposed isolation from the greater society) and merge with their society while not sacrificing their religion, was largely the work of Ashkenazi Jews.

But all it took was one decade and all of that was reversed. To non-Jews, a Jew will always be a Jew - that is the rational for Zionism.

>Jews that don't fit MY parameters for Judaism aren't really Jews

And just like that, the goalposts moved all on their own!

>Jews only made up 5% of the Bolshevik party
That's a very bad argument, as the bolshevik party literally numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Jews were highly overrepresented in the higher reaches of the party.

I'm not a >muh jooz guy but come on. Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Radek, off the top of my head.

If you even bothered to read what I said before that, you'd note that I said it doesn't even matter what the percentages are, much less their ranks in the party. It's nonsensical to think that population patterns should determine group patterns in anything at all, ever. That's taking abstract statistical groups and trying to make actual human individuals, with independent plans and thoughts of their own, fit into them. It just doesn't work. I'm just pointing out that the math doesn't add up for fun at this point, because it makes people who believe this shit look doubly retarded.

But you still did not answer this: if only 5% of the party was Jewish, and Jews are pre-programmed Bolsheviks in waiting, then where were the rest of the Jews and why didn't they join this thing they were predetermined to join? How does this prove a thread of evil, for lack of a better word, running through all of Judaism/Jewish life? Shit's retarded.

>If you even bothered to read what I said before that
I'll admit I didn't, but it's irrelevant since I was addressing a particular post of yours.

>t's nonsensical to think that population patterns should determine group patterns in anything at all, ever.
No it's not nonsensical at all. In fact, as OP mentions, it's perfectly normal for the minorities of the Russian empire (jews, poles, balts) to have been overrepresented among the bolsheviks.

Why do you think it's nonsensical? I'm genuinely curious. Do you think it's nonsensical to make the argument that a big reason for the weakening of the Roman empire was its reliance on barbarian mercenaries? Are we supposed to ignore that?

>But you still did not answer this: if only 5% of the party was Jewish, and Jews are pre-programmed Bolsheviks in waiting, then where were the rest of the Jews and why didn't they join this thing they were predetermined to join?
I never claimed that Jews were pre-programmed for bolshevism. I was just pointing out that your previous argument was false, because the bolshevik party was so big that by virtue of the law of large numbers every group would obviously constitute the same percentage of it as their share in the global population.

You seem incredibly butthurt. Is it because we're talking about Jews specifically or is something else?

Actually it was the Roman Catholic Church, in order to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church. If the RCC can eliminate all other Christian churchs Jesus will, at the Second Coming, have no choice but to go to the Vatican to claim His Throne, Scepter, and Crown (Triple Tiara) which are already here on Planet Dirt (Earth).

this. totalitarianism is the ultimate redpill

Those poor, poor, rich Jews.

Doesn't make it ok or right

>being a fascist bootlicker.
lmaoing at your life

>You're retarded if you think non-Jews would allow Jews to quietly assimilate.
>To non-Jews, a Jew will always be a Jew - that is the rational for Zionism.

The Jewish Question was a monumental debate from the 18th Century onwards, and the Final Solution, ethnic cleansing, and Zionism are but three of all the possible approaches.

Bauer, Marx, Sombert and others had other ideas in mind.

Indeed, many Jews chose the USA over the "State of Israel."

And since this is the history board, I'll remind you of the Hellenistic Jews as well. Those were Jews who were allowed by non-Jews to quietly assimilate.

Yes, believe it or not, you don't have to be a racist asshole to be a Jew.

>it's perfectly normal for the minorities of the Russian empire to have been overrepresented among the bolsheviks

Except they weren't. Jews made up 4.15% of the Russian Empire according to the 1897 census: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Empire_Census

4% of the population making up 5% of a revolutionary group is not even remotely what any ordinary person would call "over-representation."

>by virtue of the law of large numbers every group would obviously constitute the same percentage of it as their share in the global population

Except this has hardly ever been guaranteed in the history of the world. In statistical modeling it works, but actual human beings tend to have a will of their own and hardly match a "law" of any sort of modeling. Also, does this not contradict your previous claim that the other minorities in tsarist Russia would be over-represented, or that barbarians caused the fall of Rome even, if there was really some "law of large numbers?"

>Yes, believe it or not, you don't have to be a racist asshole to be a Jew.

I'm not saying that Jews have to be racist, just aware of the fact that Jews have been historically targeted for terrible things just because of their background, no matter how well they have adapted to or acquiesced to the demands of the greater society that they live in. To think otherwise is to ignore two thousand years of history.

States offer protection from arbitrary treatment by other groups. Back when Zionism was first taking off in the 19th century, if you kidnapped British merchants, you had best be prepared to face the wrath of the British government - if you raze a few dozen Jewish villages in the Pale, who's going to stop you, really? This is another acknowledgement of a harsh reality that Jews faced that lead many of them to Zionism. You can't really judge those people as "racist" for seeking the self-preservation and basic human dignity that you already have in the West today.

>You can't really judge those people as "racist" for seeking the self-preservation and basic human dignity that you already have in the West today.
No, you don't need the State of Israel for self-preservation or 'basic human dignity.'

But you do need the racist conquest project called 'State of Israel' to take those away from others.

They care so much about this basic human dignity that they don't take refugees, and the law calls them 'infiltrators.' And das raciss.

Nothing to do with the West, it's just another Middle Eastern country, to the point it even has a Sharia court of law like the rest of its neighbors, all it has is better technology and powerful allies.

>racist conquest project

Funny, the Arabs were the ones who initiated the wars with Israel on a religious/racial angle. That they lost constantly and necessitated Israel taking land from them in victory to establish better defensive positions to deal with more and inevitable invasions of their country... well, sucks to suck.

>they don't take refugees

First off that's false, as the famous air-lifts of Ethiopian Jews shows, and second off they provide humanitarian aid across the globe. First boots on the ground in the Haitian earthquake relief were Israeli imho. They just have legitimate security concerns, so refugees are incredibly risky, but they do still take refugees. What does this have to do with how they treat their own citizens with dignity, exactly?

>it even has a Sharia court of law

Yeah, no. You're just ignorant fampai.


I'm retarded, I meant iirc.

So true. Israel is established and literally the first thing the arabs are doing is declaring a holy/racial war to people who just survived the Holocaust.

This is the part where he calls you JIDF.

Party membership doesn't mean shit. Party leadership does.

>individuals are worthless and their suffering means nothing, only lasting legacies and nations are real

This is moving the goalposts from the original claim that Jews made up a disproportionate number of Bolsheviks, so you know you've failed on that front already I see.

Regardless of the fact that many Bolshevik higher-ups were Jewish, most Jews in the party were not in positions of power. If being Jews meant they were more likely to be promoted in the Bolshevik party (because you think Jews are evil and therefore succeed more in an evil organization), then why were a majority of the Jewish Bolsheviks not promoted to higher positions given their predilection for evil?

In fact, a majority of powerful figures in the USSR were Russian (Stalin being the biggest exception), especially after the initial revolution. If Jews were so over-represented in the initial party power brokers, why did they almost entirely disappear later, if their intention was to run a massive anti-non-Jew organization? None of this, none of it at all, makes a lick of sense when drawn to its logical conclusion.

As stated earlier, the composition of a group can hardly ever be expected to conform to a demographic statistic, and that is equally true for inside the group's structure as well.

The inability of reality to reflect your "appropriate representation" model, and the fact that your own assertion doesn't stand up to scrutiny, should be embarrassing for you.

How can they be considered the natives when the Christians were living there before Islam even existed?

>If being Jews meant they were more likely to be promoted in the Bolshevik party (because you think Jews are evil and therefore succeed more in an evil organization), then why were a majority of the Jewish Bolsheviks not promoted to higher positions given their predilection for evil?
Because the leadership of the party was inherently a minority of the party...?

Jews were pretty throughly purged from the USSR leadership by the 30s. Western Marxism, not so much

I once read this on Stormfront
>There were a lot of part-Jews in Germany, if you include people with one Jewish great-grandparent as "part-Jewish"
>This included many half-Jews with blood certificates in the Wermacht (Field Marshall Muir for instance)
>So, the Holocaust was a Jewish conspiracy to create the State of Israel by making a need for a Jewish homeland

>leadership of the party was inherently a minority

Once again, I just have to start off by saying that groups have never been statistically representative. An example for you: Appalachia, with its large Scots-Irish descended population, sends a disproportionate amount of its young men into the army as compared to the other regions of the USA, but commanders for those Appalachian soldiers tend to come from other regions. This is not a conspiracy against Appalachian people, but reflects the realities that the higher education required for command roles is not as widely available or pursued in Appalachia. However, if we were to look at it through "perfectly proportionate representation" goggles, this would appear to be, in fact, discrimination on the part of the army, because if X% of Appalachians become soldiers, shouldn't X% of Appalachians also become commanders? Get it? People are more than statistical data sets, and the constraints they face and decisions they make cannot be accounted for by simple data read by someone with no knowledge of the reality of the situation on the ground. To argue differently is to accept the SJW assertions of white privilege and other nonsense.

I have not seen proof anywhere that Jews constituted a majority of the party's leadership, or for how long such a state of affairs existed if it did. Even then, what constitutes a leadership position is up for debate too - are you talking about local leadership, regional leadership, or state-wide leadership? Is a high-ranking accountant a leader in the same way as a military leader is? Etc. You have presented a claim without any evidence or reasoning, using the faulty premise of "over-representation" once again.

This could go on in circles forever. Face it - the original claim that Jews were over-represented in the Bolshevik Party was weak as hell, and this claim is even weaker. It reeks of desperation that you have to keep moving the goalposts and digging your hole deeper.



This is an actual position many of them take - the Holocaust did happen but it didn't but it was planned by the Jews all along to create Israel, which required brilliance beyond our comprehension to pull off but for some reason they couldn't use that genius to just create the state of Israel without gassing 5.5 million Jews, which never happened.

After awhile, it makes your head hurt just trying to make the whole thing work according to any standard of logic. You would think that if your conspiracy theory involved your enemy being super intelligent that the fact that they fuck up or get fucked up so often (not to mention that they get "found out" by your average /pol/ack but not by world leaders) is a sign that they might not just be the hivemind superintelligence you thought them to be and that none of this shit makes any damn sense.

Hol' up, I found the numbers for you fampai:

>Among members of the Central Executive Committee of the Congress of Soviets in 1929, there were 402 ethnic Russians, 95 Ukrainians, 55 Jews, 26 Latvians, 13 Poles, and 12 Germans – Jewish representation had declined from 60 members in 1927.[21]
>With regards to Jewish representation in the ruling Politburo, it waned rapidly starting in 1918. It began with the assassination of Uritsky in August 1918. Then Sverdlov died of disease in March 1919 and Sokolnikov was shunted aside. Three years later in 1922, Jewish members in the Central Committee, the Politburo's new name, had shrunk to a minority of three: Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev.
>Eventually they were physically eliminated by Joseph Stalin: Zinoviev and Kamenev in 1936 and Trotsky in 1940.


Gee, that there dang Jewish majority, huh?


Yes, surely wikipedia is a trustworthy source what with all their impartial articles on all things jewish and especially holocaust/6 million. Surely they would not try to whitewash anything in this regard, no

Only if you're the one in charge
>Dictators free themselves but enslave the people

>Jewish facts can't be facts

Yes, surely a stormfag "infographic" is a trustworthy source what with all their impartial takes on all things jewish and especially holohoax/6 gorillion. Surely they would not try to whitewash anything in this regard, no

But seriously, you too can do a source evaluation if you rub those few brain cells of yours together for long enough: Pinkus, Benjamin (1990). The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. There, now you have a source for the numbers.

If you can find something that disproves these numbers for Poliburo/Central Committee membership by ethnicity then please feel free to let me and all historians of the Russian Revolution know. Until then you're just saying I'm lying without proving any actual falsehood on my part - in other words, this is more embarrassingly desperate than the last "clarification" you made.

This is where he calls you JIDF.

>be Stalin
>befriend Lenin
>become his sucessor amongst a shit ton of Jewish high-ranked Communists
>commence purges
>force most of the Jews to live in the Jewish Autonomous Republic
Seems like someone didn't trust the Jews

>t. Kid that will later complain about capitalism

>only lasting legacies and nations are real

Nations are literally fiction

How are you faggots seriously this dense? The first user was quite clearly speaking sarcastically, highlighting the underlying problem with these nazi-sympathisers logic e.g. "a lot of banks are owned by jews... must be a super jew conspiracy! Kill all jews."

The irony is that jews control all kind of shit right now. A jew was one of the chief strategists of an era of the united states' policy of containment of communism. Jews have ran the federal reserve for the whole of the neoliberal period. Jews run Goldman Sachs. AIPAC has complete control over every election that could possibly influence Israel policy.
And communist jews are who you're worried about.

Are you counting cultural Marxists as "communists"?

>Funny, the Arabs were the ones who initiated the wars with Israel on a religious/racial angle
Palestinians initiated nothing.

>well, sucks to suck.
Might makes right, ladies and gentlemen, brought to you by the Middle Eastern racist, tribalist morality.

>What does this have to do with how they treat their own citizens with dignity, exactly?
That you can't be a citizen if you belong to the wrong tribe. For example if you're from Africa.

>it even has a Sharia court of law
>Yeah, no. You're just ignorant fampai.
Please do tell the Israeli Ministry of Justice how ignorant they are:

I must remind you that Germans brought Lenin back to Russia and financed bolsheviks.

>Communist Jews were the Talmudic Zionists

Talmudic zionists ran away to Israel.

I look forward to seeing you cooking up burritos and dancing the cucaracha in 20 years (substitute with kebabs and beheading infidels if European)

>Palestinians initiated nothing

I guess Israel invaded itself in 1947.

>Might makes right

According to the Arab states surrounding Israel, who constantly threatened to invade it and did on several occasions, yes.

>you can't be a citizen if you belong to the wrong tribe

That's bullshit. Some Israelis might reject the claim of African Jews as "true Jews" but they can still become Israeli citizens. The racist shit of the past is *mostly* gone thank god.

>Please do tell the Israeli Ministry of Justice how ignorant they are

A Sharia court that only deals with family and relationships? Yeah, that's hardly Sharia as it is in the surrounding countries where they stone women and chuck gays off of buildings.


>They care so much about this basic human dignity that they don't take refugees
Apparently 850,000 Jews weren't expelled from MENA countries post-1948, didn't mostly go to Israel, and certainly never managed to integrate into their host society to the point that none of them are considered refugees.

Why are there more Palestinian refugees today than there were in 1948? Shouldn't there be very few? Maybe even none? How many refugees from the 1947 partition of India are still refugees today? How many Germans from East Prussia are still refugees? How come Palestinian refugees, and only Palesrinian refugees, can inherit refugee status patrilineally? Why do their Arab host nations refuse to grant third-generation "Palestinian refugees" citizenship and basic legal rights?

>I guess Israel invaded itself in 1947.
No the Brits and the so-called "Jewish Legion" started this whole racist conquest business in 1918.

>According to the Arab states surrounding Israel, who constantly threatened to invade it and did on several occasions, yes.
This is an interesting conversation that is happening:
>Me: Israel is just another Middle Eastern country!
>You: Middle Eastern countries are full of Semitic tribalism and racism!

>The racist shit of the past is *mostly* gone thank god.
Not *mostly* enough:

>A Sharia court
Yep. That which you denied.

>Apparently 850,000 Jews weren't expelled from MENA countries post-1948, didn't mostly go to Israel, and certainly never managed to integrate into their host society to the point that none of them are considered refugees.
No no, read the sentence in full:
>They care so much about this basic human dignity that they don't take refugees, and the law calls them 'infiltrators.' And das raciss.
The difference between aliyah and being an 'infiltrator' is nothing but race.

>racist conquest business in 1918

I don't think Jews ever conquered anyone from 1918 - 1947. They moved in and bought land. Some conquest.

>literally strawmaning

Ho boy.

>Not "mostly" enough"
>link is about "multiculturalism" in the army

Forget the fact that Merkel herself said "multiculturalism has failed," multiple cultures in an army is actually bad because armies are supposed to be cohesive fighting forces. There should only be one culture in military life, and that is the culture of command. This is weak.

>That which you denied

When one says "Sharia court" one typically thinks of Islamist shit like Iran and other countries that enforce Sharia death penalties and such. If all Sharia gets is family courts, that's hardly as barbaric.

>the difference between aliyah and being an 'infiltrator' is nothing but race

But there is no "Jewish race," (genetics can attest to that much too) and most of the Jews moving into Israel from MENA countries were very, very different culturally (being separated by centuries of cultural differences) compared to Israel's earliest population but they took them in anyway. So much for racism/hating other cultures.

Asterix best gaul

Would you rather we use a blogspot run by a member of stormfront?

>Judaism wasn't looked down upon like other religions
>antisemitism of any kind was punishable by death in the USSR
>the Jews were even given there own little state in the USSR where they could do what they want
Yeah, those Jews sure had it bad

From the same article you quoted
>Overrepresentation of a group in a political movement does not prove either that the movement was "dominated" by that group or that it primarily serves that group’s interests. The idea that communist oppression was somehow Jewish in nature is belied by the record of communist regimes in countries like China, North Korea, and Cambodia, where the Jewish presence was and is minuscule.

Also you need to cross-reference those number with other non-communist parties in Russia and Europe to make a valid claim. It's science 101 stuff.

>antisemitism of any kind was punishable by death in the USSR

Any kind of racism was punishable. No idea where you got the death penalty thing from stormfag. But if you seriously believe Jews had a good time in the USSR you are plain retarded.

>labeling everyone you don't like a stornfag
Why do you want me to hate myself for being white?

I am whiter than you which is obvious since I am trying to argue the basis of empirical facts while you sperg out like the the spawn the white trash sperm dumbster you call "mother" :-^^

>Claims ""he's"" white
derails ""his"" own thread complaining about "muh evil whites"

>he doesn't know that classism is the superior ideology
Yeah, whatever. I didn't make this thread. Now post something or someone stating Jews had a good time in the USSR or fuck off.

Jews had a good time in the USSR


>the anti white faggot is still samefagging

>I don't think Jews ever conquered anyone from 1918 - 1947. They moved in and bought land. Some conquest.
Palestine was declared "Occupied Enemy Territory" by the British and French in 1918.

>Forget the fact that Merkel herself said "multiculturalism has failed,"
I too read that quote everywhere but I think she herself forgot it, given she didn't change her policy in the slightest.

>But there is no "Jewish race," (genetics can attest to that much too)
This entire "race" business has always been pseudoscientific, revisionist quackery, but that never stopped any racist in general, as well as in particular when it comes to Jewishness.

Since we know there's no Jewish race, how about we stop this ban on mixed marriages already?

Israeli genetic research hasn't quite stopped yet:
>It is a bitter irony to see the descendants of Holocaust survivors set out to find a biological Jewish identity: Hitler would certainly have been very pleased!

>Jews moving into Israel from MENA countries were very, very different culturally
Again, the difference between aliyah and being an 'infiltrator' is nothing but race.

>literally strawmaning
>Ho boy
Let's recap your racist bullshit, shall we?

>the Arabs
>the Arabs
Arab tribalism as "unique" when they do the same shit as Israel

>sucks to suck
Might makes right

>refugees are incredibly risky
Holy prejudice, Batman!

It's so risky Italy goes out of its way to rescue anybody moving from the coast of Libya, and hasn't had a single terrorist attack after years

>multiple cultures in an army is actually bad because armies are supposed to be cohesive fighting forces
It's discipline and language that matter, not shit like religion or the color of the skin. "Ethnics" are useful with civilians, unless the plan is to kill them...

>When one says "Sharia court" one typically thinks of Islamist shit
Only if one is a racist bastard

And on top of that, here we have an anti-Semitic caricature: GTFO back to already

>Palestine was declared "Occupied Enemy Territory" by the British and French in 1918.

And then they were mandates under the League of Nations. What's your point?

>Since we know there's no Jewish race, how about we stop this ban on mixed marriages already?

Be honest here, the ban is a continuation of the Ottoman Empire's system of dividing religious communities. It is religious in nature, not racial. I agree that it's stupid, but the fact that you're trying to twist that (and a lot of other stuff t-b-h) to be racial shows your incredible anti-Israeli bias means you're willing to bend the truth on anything. You're arguing in extremely bad faith here.

>Israeli genetic research hasn't quite stopped yet

Most Israelis aren't trying to find a "Jewish" gene...?

>Let's recap your racist bullshit, shall we?
>the Arabs

If you can disprove that Arab states and leaders have organized against and attacked Israel dozens of times, then I'll stop saying "Arab" to describe them. It's much easier than saying "Syrian, Jordanian, Egyptian, Palestinian, etc, etc." if I were trying to be PC about it.

>trying to compare Italy to Israel

Italy is not universally hated by its neighbors or by people of the countries where its refugees originate. This is an incredibly bad false equivalence.

>Only if one is a racist bastard

Go up to a random person on the street and ask about Sharia courts and see what they think of first, I'm sure it will get your panties in a twist too.

>And on top of that, here we have an anti-Semitic caricature
>Not appreciating turning stormfag maymays around on them

Babby's first day on Veeky Forums?

>Hitler would certainly have been very pleased!

Based Professor Shlomo

Smart feller

After WW2 Stalin thought the Jews had infiltrated his regime as a 'Fifth Column' of "International Capitalism" and went on a batshit purge.


>In a 1 December 1952 Politburo session, Stalin announced: "Every Jewish nationalist is the agent of the American intelligence service. Jewish nationalists think that their nation was saved by the USA. . . They think they are indebted to the Americans. Among doctors, there are many Jewish nationalists."[38]

>A notable campaign to quietly remove Jews from positions of authority within the state security services was carried out in 1952–1953. The Russian historians Zhores and Roy Medvedev wrote that according to MVD General Sudoplatov, "simultaneously all Jews were removed from the leadership of the security services, even those in very senior positions. In February the anti-Jewish expulsions were extended to regional branches of the MGB. A secret directive was distributed to all regional directorates of the MGB on 22 February, ordering that all Jewish employees of the MGB be dismissed immediately, regardless of rank, age or service record. . . .[39]".

let's just say that no one had a good time under socialism

Ever wondered what happened to that 70 million U.S dollars that was raised between 1900-1935 to help the poor holocausted 6,000,000?
Soviet russians!

imagine if all steppe immigrants converted to judaism upon resettlement