Cuckoldry is one hell of a drug.
Why did they gradually begin loosing against barbarians...
That's /r9k/ tier bitching.
The #1 job of women is to take came of the home, which itself has defined borders (either at the end of the family, or the end of the local community). Their job, above all, is to secure their offspring so that they can have grandchildren. For most of history they couldn't negotiate with invaders like their husbands could.
More importantly, the entire concept of the nation-state could not come about if it wasn't for women entertaining the idea that there is a world outside of their local community. This is relevant as things like civic participation (things like rallies, voting, etc which nationalism relies heavily upon) largely came about because it spread to the other half of society. This is why basically everyone ended up supporting women's suffrage, because it makes the state (and it's borders) stronger.
The modern trend of SJW cuckoldry also comes from a very male source: the idea that everyone should be equal. Women didn't come up with that and did not promote it as they were shit fighters before firearms came about.
>Why did they gradually begin loosing against barbarians?
Did they?
>This is why basically everyone ended up supporting women's suffrage, because it makes the state (and it's borders) stronger.
Gonna need some citation for that brah
Take a good look at this map. The first states who gave women the right to vote did so weren't states, they were territories. They needed women's vote in order to surpass the 60,000 (voting) pop benchmark to be admitted as a state (which, among other things, has defined borders and their own state police rather than federal marshals).
Specifically, take a look at the first state that did so: Wyoming (1869). Wyoming is also the least populated US state, and the one that is the most reliably Republican (ie, conservative/reactionary).
The same is true nationally. Wilson, who himself was a /pol/ tier Dixiecrat, pushed for Suffrage so that his party (the Democrats) could make a comeback (after the civil war, the Dem party was totally gutted and locked out of DC until Wilson). Remember that in 1920, the Democratic Party was still the party of segregation and run by reactionaries.
>forgot image
There are so many fucking issues that led to the collapse of the Roman empire there are literally volumes detailing them.
The economy in the west was in shambles as nobody understood what inflation meant, made worse and worse by constant civil wars. The military was disjointed, each legion only loyal to whoever promised to pay them more.
Nobody wanted to join the legions anymore because it was almost a death sentence with all of the power struggles, so outsiders were used to fill the ranks then treated like outsiders by those back in Rome.
You had crumbling infrastructure, political infighting, an economy that was in the shit and causing more and more of the people into proto-feudalism, weakened armies, and mass migration of tribes trying to get away from the huns.
There isn't a single reason the WRE fell. It was a cascading systems failure that was hundreds of years in the making.
My god you are wrong, the Rhone, the Rhine and the Meuse river have been found to have beeb used by the romans. We have evidence, quickly found by a quick google of Roman canal digging in Zeeland in the Netherlands.
Romans deployed barbarians from Britain to Greece not just in France. Most goths were originally recruited in Moetia and Dalmatia for example
When you look at the east-west division between the two Roman states, most people don't realise how big the WRE was compared to the ERE, and yet the WRE had the same population, was less urbanized, was poorer, and could raise less troops. If you compare the amount of troops present in the West in the late 200s/early 300s (230,000) to the amount the WRE could raise (180,000), you start to see why it fell. Before the split, troops from the East could be deployed to stop any kind of serious invasion across the Rhine. Taxes collected from the East could also be used to support the recruitment of mercenaries and extra troops to supplement the Western legions. After the division of the empire, the East was no longer willing to support the West. The WRE was simply too large and too economically backwards to support itself. Only a united Rome could have possibly survived as the classical Rome we know (The Sassanids and the Muslims would not have been able to take on a united Rome).
yet there's a huge mountain range between italy and france/germany