Was Augustus the single greatest leader of all time?
>He turned Rome into what it was always meant to be.
>Found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble.
>Consolidated power while keeping the peace.
>Ended a brutal civil war.
>Loved by the people.
If not him then who?
Was Augustus the single greatest leader of all time?
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he also spawned a shitty dynasty of inept degenerates. Also, who's to say that Mark Antony wouldn't have made a better Rome?
He was pussy wiped by Cleopatra. His loyalty by then belonged to Egypt and not Rome.
>having a belly button on armor
Antony ran off with his whore and was not loyal to Rome.
>actually believing 1st century B.C. propaganda.
>He turned Rome into what it was always meant to be.
a Dictatorship? How very Republican of him.
>Found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble.
aka spending vast amounts of capital on useless prestige projects
>Consolidated power while keeping the peace.
He literally started a civil war
>Ended a brutal civil war.
which he started...
>Loved by the people.
did they have public opinion polls back then?
He would be nothing without Agrippa.
>he also spawned a shitty dynasty of inept degenerates
don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
you forgot the vile nilotic rites
He wasn't an Antonine.
Think about this, he solidifed the Empire's power so much that it survived and even thrived despite his absolutely dirt tier trash successors
In that fucking order. Surprised Rome didn't fall the fuck over when you look at the shit list of shit people.
>turbo manlet who fucked preteens
one of us
Tiberius was a pedo.
Caligula was batshit insane, probably because he saw his entire family murdered when he was just a kid.
Cladius was mentally handicapped but was still decent.
Nero was just a teenager when he become an Emperor. He probably wanted to enjoy his youth rather than taking responsibilities of an emperor. That's probably why he got rid of his control freak mother.
>who's to say that Mark Antony wouldn't have made a better Rome?
He got run out of town by the liberatores, do you really think he would do better than a man who dominated the senate for decades?
>turbo manlet
Pretty sure neither of these describes the average Veeky Forums user
>Cladius was mentally handicapped
What, just because he stuttered? He was considered a social embarrasment because he was a physical cripple, but roman academia respected his historical work and he managed to rule decently, so he can't have been a literal retard.
>Surprised Rome didn't fall the fuck over when you look at the shit list of shit people.
I didn't fall fuck over because there weren't that shitty at all. Most of what we know about Augustus successors was just senatorial propaganda.
More like it didn't fall over because aside from Claudius and pre-dementia Tiberius (who were actually competent), they were too busy partying to bother with government, leaving most of the burden to the preexisting system set up by Augustus.
>Not my main man Emperor Wu
pretty sure you're wrong
Augustus is def one of the greatest rulers ever. But I'd say Trajan and Genghis Khan were better desu
I read somewhere that Caligula was a decent ruler until he became sick one day and turned insane afterwards. Could be something like Lead Poisoning.
Nero fiddling while Rome burned was definitely a propaganda. Fiddle wasn't even invented back then.
This is correct. He got yellow fever. Most of his actions after are senatorial exagerations. And he did a lot just simply piss off the senate(Declare war on Poseidon,Make Horse Consul etc etc)
He opened his palace to the people and led the fire brigades against the fire
Yeah, Caligula and Nero were demonized.
>aka spending vast amounts of capital on useless prestige projects
It's not even true, either. By the time Augustus died, Rome was still a city of red bricks with less than a dozen governmental marble buildings.
It's literally just propaganda from the Res Gestae Divi Augusti.
>trash tier
He wasn't a bad emperor tho. For his overall lack of experience, he was actually a quite skilled and resourceful leader. Not to mention Rome conquered the bongs under his reign, something that even Caesar wasn't even able to do.
>Caligula was a decent ruler until he became sick
More like, he wasn't fucking insane before the sickness, but he was still extremely tyrannical and more focused on attacking the senate than doing anything helpful.
>Fiddle wasn't even invented back then.
Just in case you're actually serious (you never know on this board), his biographers said he played the lyre, not the fiddle.