>implying median household income isn't lower than it was 15 years ago
>implying obesity and depression haven't handily beaten all of the latest advances in medical technology
I'll give you safety.
>implying median household income isn't lower than it was 15 years ago
>implying obesity and depression haven't handily beaten all of the latest advances in medical technology
I'll give you safety.
>Future historians will literally look at our time as the apex of civilization and development.
This is it? Feels terrible man. I'd rather be living as a free peasant in southern France feasting, fucking and farming almost every day.
>ywn celebrate a festival dedicated to this or that catholic saint over some fresh wine, bread and just caught boar with your pals.
Being a peasant was infinitely better than being a urban Romancuck or, even worse, modern man.
>>implying obesity and depression haven't handily beaten all of the latest advances in medical technology
both of these things are fixed by the use of cannabis
reiternece to my mass point of view perspective. ur all a joke
lower than communists
Why do neckbeards that spend their entire lives indoors behind a computer screen always romanticise a life of back breaking labor?
If you think being a peasant is so great go move to Bangladesh and farm rice paddies for the rest of your life. Nothing stopping you.
.implying geologists don't laugh at the bullshit that climate scientists spout.
>used as a treatment to increase appetite in people undergoing chemotherapy therapy
>helps obesity
>literally proven to cause serotonin deficiencies after cool down
>treats depression.
>dude weed lmao
What are you going to tell me next, cannabis treats anxiety?
>peak oil
>implying we won't just transition to renewables
user pls
renewables that aren't hydro produce fuckall energy
nuclear is the way to go
t. 100% real geologist
tell u ur an insigificant fucking retard and not worth the time and leave this here nailed to your forehead for the senate to see in lieu