What is the best language and why is it Icelandic?

What is the best language and why is it Icelandic?

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Because it's not

that's a weird way to spell Hungarian


Literally who?

Because your some filthy vikingboo and like that backwards snownigger language for an island dwelling scum-populace

t. Nigel


All Scandi languages sound effeminate on men and goofy on women.

French sounds goofy and effeminate on men

see, I always found it uncouth and guttural...


French is le ultimate effeminate language. Sorry.

>best language
Best sounding? Most efficient? Most spicific? What is the criteria your basing this on?

Mongolian is the best language

This is like posting a video of ebonics and criticizing british english...

Bork bork bork.

As far as functionality goes, I'd say English, simply due to it's massive vocabulary.

bóþk bóþk bóþk*


Sven please, there's a reason why French men are stereotyped as lady killers and you Nordic types as boring victims of adultery.


If you were to take a poll, the language we are currently speaking is most likely to have the most popular opinion behind it, simply because people are selfish and consider their traits to be superior, or don't want to have to learn a new language. But also because it has become something of an international language, as it has long been established as the language of trade and international communication in many countries, despite not being the most spoken language. That would be Mandarin, but obviously that can't be the winner LOL


I didn't realize you could spread your ass open on youtube.

>lady killers
Honor killings are no joke, user.

>If you love me, you also love my shit
Oh my

Wow look at those comments, what a bunch of lame nerds.

YouTube also allows tits.


Yeah I know it's allowed in some contexts like art or music videos but I would have thought that a porno shot of a girl's asshole would be off-limits no matter what but that's the great thing about surprises.


>s for sh sound
>sz for s sound
For what purpose?

sh is way more common

>What is the best language and why is it Icelandic?
i'll drink to that

Spanish from Spain


Was listening to "heyr himnasmiour" as I found this thread.

Weird that german isn't included.

German's pretty different from English typologically

English because of the natural superiority of the Anglo-Saxon Man

Nope. You try getting used to spoken French and understanding a French movie. Fuck no it ain't easy.
Most of my fellow Americans are shit of shit at speaking or even understanding normal spoken French but walk around like they're fluent.

Personal opinion here my favorites are:

- French
- Persian
- German
- Japanese
- Russian

Feels goodman

El español de españa es mierda y merece ser desechado por la especie humana. El español latino es el unico que importa, sobre todo al norte de Mexico.

Yeah thats why they kneel to grande cesar.

Latin confirmed has best language

Russian sounds really nice, especially in songs


yes it sounds beutiful. to bad Swedish has been polluted by anglo, German and french languages. language purging when?

Icelandic is great for that linguistic purity.

As a Germanic language itself, English speakers should admire that.

Oh lord

English. We have zero derivation. We can literally use nouns as verbs and vice versa with no stem change. I took a run, I golf clubbed that zombie's head, I Googled why English is the most superior language ever made, etc.

English gets most of its words from French and German, so it's not purely a "Germanic" or a "Romantic" language. It has Celtic roots as well

Italian I would say. And i'm French.

Best sounding - French, Italian, Latin, Nipongo, Arabiyya.

Most useful modern languages 1) English, 2) Standard Mandarin, 3) Español, 4) Arabic, 5) Hindi/Urdu, 6) French, 7) Portuguese

Most important historical languages - Latin, Hellenic, Classical Chinese, Sanskrit

Börkur Börkur Börkur

Ragnar @ 3:31

Reconstructed Ancient Greek senpai


>good sounding

Germany falls into a 1.5 catagory. Taking 750 hours

Icelandic is great.


>, Arabiyya.

I've literally never heard any one say arabic was one of the best sounding languages but i sort of agree.

as opposed to Español?

Apperantely none of you have heard lithuanian

>Proto Norse


What should be the structure of progression for this to be effective? If my calculations are correct, one would need to spend an average of 4 hours a day practicing one of these languages to accomplish the 25 week timeline; is that feasible?

>ctrl + f finnish
>Phrase not found
Veeky Forums, I'm disappointed in you.

>superior language
>full of homophones like Night - Knight

>comments full off triggered poltards on a comedy video
thank you based iceland

Your writing system and pronunciation are beyond saving.


This is really funny if you understand Icelandic lol.

Incidentally, the bearded guy in that video played a guy who blows up because of a tripmine in True Detective.

Old English.

1066 never forget.


>bearded guy

German, obviously.

Because it's not a particularly unpleasant sounding language, you memester

Ólafur Darri Ólafsson

This is the best language thread. Here's the unpleasant language thread:

>they speak this language in europe
sounds like nomad steppe shit to me

Basically it is. It belongs to the Uralic language family. Have you ever heard Finnish or Estonian?


try latin m8.

>All Scandi languages sound effeminate on men and goofy on women.
Literally just described the french tongue. Shove a white flag up your ass.

I choose spanish. Sounds super sexy on women AND men. If you think it sounds too gay, just speak mexican spanish where you growl every fuckin word.

English has almost no German or Celtic words

I always found french eloquent and and romantic with no effect on the speakers masculinity or femininity.

Mexican Spanish sounds too barbaric to me. That goes for most of south American language.

If you ask me, French sounds sexy and elegant.

Completely different ballgame we're talking about. French has countless soft or dropped sounds in speech which makes for an incredibly difficult time of trying to understand it spoken normally, particularly when you consider the various different accents, the high rate of speech, and the large amount of idioms they use.
Latin? Try Chinese m8. Latin is for pussies who can't handle moon runes.
See what I did there?

whats wrong with our writing system

sea, wen yew ask this...

most of letters have multiple ways to pronounce them and doesn't have any rules to determinate which way is correct in given word. But that shouldn't be a problem unless you are trying to write unknown word.

The only way to know for sure how a word is pronounced is to hear someone say it. There is no guidance from the spelling.
The whole language is filled to the brim with homographs and homophones.