Which 20th century scholars will be widely read 300 years from now?

Which 20th century scholars will be widely read 300 years from now?

Philip K. Dick

Keynes will be seen as perhaps the most influential writer of the 20th century.

John Green

he wasn`t a scholar, he was a prophet

Fukayama, Sarte, Camus, Derrida, Foucalt, Keynes, Hayek, Friedman, maybe DFW if you count him as 20th century, Pynchon, a couple of sci fi authors, and Lenin.

I'm not memeing, and some of these people are idiots, but they had ideas that will resonate.

Vsauce and Jaun Verde


Maybe, but even if you give capitalism a friendly paint job it's still an unsustainable and inefficient system.

Why Fukuyama? His naive faith in the permanency of liberalism has already been proven to be misaimed.

He'll be an ironic footnote to history at best.

No, it was designed to be efficient, it's just efficient about the wrong things.


He understood that the Information Age would bring new capacities for paranoia, fakery and control, spent much of his life saying so, and was thoroughly vindicated. If he ever existed.

t. bolshevik

keynes is shit

Name another legitimately political theorist that is as widely known ( and don't name pundits like Ann Coulter) and who's writings were used by modern political leaders.

As I said, not all of them were spot on, but fukayama made an impact on American politics during late last century.

Did you not read the op, or are you actually that mentally deficient?

This, he'll be remembered in a similar fashion to Marx.

Sam Power is the Lukacs of liberal interventionism

I don't know if she has the necessary influence ( intellectually; obviously she has influence over government) to be read in 300 years, and she wasn't really active in the intellectual realm until the 21st century, so she doesn't qualify for this discussion anyway.

John Rawls

No one, the same way no 17th century schoolar is widely read today.

Try reading his later works. Nobody btfo'd Fukuyama more than himself.

Doesn't mean he won't be read about 300 years from now.
After Yellen said she's in for another QE, you would think people would have dropped Keynes long ago. He simply embodies a set of ideas and leanings that have prevalence today.

Keynes represents the technocrat.
Granted 300 years is a very long time, but you're very optimistic if you think we will get rid of technocrats in the next century.

Adolf H.

Are you high? Have you ever heard of Murray Rothbard, or Robert Nozick, or Milton Friedman?

Noam Chomsky

Elliot Rodger

Only Nozick will leave a lasting impact. Rothbard will be forgotten, Friedman will be remembered much the same way as Thomas Carlyle or Herbert Spencer.

Heck they still make you read a paragraph of Spencer in undergrad I think


Not a scholar

Not an argument

Samuel Huntington. He was right. Fukuyama will be known as the obvious wrong about anything guy.

Hitler never wrote any academic literature or attended an institution of higher learning

>tfw Huntington is considered wrong by most scholars today

Keynes, Heidegger, de Jouvenel, Fukuyama, Wittgenstein.

Not necessarily a scholar but Lee Kuan Yew


Elliot Rodgers