That's socialism
Was it communism?
>implying there is any meaningful difference
Wew lad
Or course not. They never even said it was.
The USSR was communist in that it wanted to achieve the stateless and collectivist system called communism, but obviously never got there.
Khrushchev said "we will have communism by 1980" but macro financial woes and the distraction of the Cold War prevented this from being possible.
>macro financial woes
Like communism?
Communism is a stateless society where people share everything.
You're thinking of socialism, which is WORKER control over the means of production. The USSR claimed their government was a worker's state, but it was so undemocratic and repressive that this was clearly a lie.
What communism?
Ironically everyone who thinks the USSR is communism is buying into Soviet propaganda
Ironically everyone who thinks communism is a good idea is buying into Soviet propaganda
No, that's state capitalism
Nah man
Communism means there's no government. That's the point.