Is anyone else shocked at how utterly stupid and brain-dead the average person is? Go on to your Facebook (if you have one), click on the top trending posts and just read some comments. What caused this total retardation of the common person?
Is anyone else shocked at how utterly stupid and brain-dead the average person is...
>What caused this total retardation of the common person?
Are you implying people were less retarded before? Most people in most times and most places have been really fucking stupid.
Fuck Fuck off you fucking faggot, I hope you burn in hell. You're a pretentious, arrogant bastard. You should suffer an awful death. Your entire family should also be killed just for sharing the same genetics as you. Maybe save us the trouble and kill yourself. That'd be preferable to having you shit up this board even more.
No, genuinely 'smart' people have always been outliers, and even they do stupid things.
Best answer that can be written.
>Go on to your Facebook
Why would I do that when I can just come here for evidence?
all of us are much dumber than we think we are
apart from me, i'm super smart
>having a facebook
Prove it.
I know OP. There are some people who are so fucking stupid, they can't even figure out how to make a thread pertaining to History or The Humanities.
i've read like, three books on wittgenstein
my mummy calls me her little scholar
Most people don't SHOW their intellectual potential. They APPLY it in professional settings.
this is very true of women. from their tweets n' shit you'd think they were retards but miraculously some of them are capable.
I know, right, oppee? It's like these utter sheeples don't have it all figure out unlike yourself, a recent high school graduate and likely a distinguished service sector employee.
This refers to this. I deleted my post because grammar n' shit.
Is he really wrong though? A ton of people I meet come off as almost brain dead.
Literally almost brain dead? Did you call the ambulance?
>Very well, but I certainly at this point would not be surprised if the unthinking public at large are unashamed at tossing out such sentiments, which do not deserve the slightest attention – their stupidity is apparent from a distance for anyone willing to look; such are the majority of the population, who know how to gossip and nothing else. On subjects which they have not learnt and are not good at learning, they all now criticise the educated as if these subjects were not desirable or beneficial to anyone, and they also even try to deter those who wish to learn.
Pietro Bembo 1494
If we go purely by IQ- which definitely has some issues but it's a handy quick and dirty gauge- anyone over 130 is as far removed from the average person as the average person is removed from somebody who is legally mentally handicapped.
Average people- those in the close range around 100 IQ- are normal. They constitute the bulk of society. If you're over 130, you're legitimately a short-bus kid, but on the opposite end of the scale.
The average person has always more or less be equally retarded throughout history. The only difference now is that 1. the internet allows that retardation to be more readily expressedwitnessed and 2. you're around to actually witness it rather than rely on testimony from others regarding it.