>concept art
You do know what that means, dont you?
Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/
They do have to fit in dedicated files size for each hero, and Varian already requires 3 sets of anmation for his attacks, they had to cut corners in a few places.
Pic related, another case of this.
she was released on the 15th of December, after Cho'Meme who was released on the 17th of November, so she was on schedule
360 Day stimpack worth it? Or will the game be dead by then?
if it didn't die until now it won't die anytime soon
I doubt a bunch of feathers and an oni face on the sword are enough to cause more problems than Varian's 3 stances.
Alarak is cute!
>power rankings as tier list instead of actual power rankings
user please
>Not playing Samuro as a specialist
who's bill