Yugioh Pro General - /dng

Tripfags are shit.

namefagging is the real deal

>11 posin into the thread and no "youre cardfu" post yet
explain your self

King Calamity is better than Quasar though.

Sekrit anti-ABC tek

>op finally gets updated to ygopro general
>the upcoming sets are STILL outdated

>activate card
>Tributing the monster isn't a cost
>Dragon Buster pops your only monster on the field and you can't resolve Polymer


What if you have 2?

rate my cacfaggotry
1 synchro tuner + 2 or more nontuner synchro monsters
This card must be synchro summoned and cannot be summoned by other ways.
This card cannot be destroyed by battle.
When this card is synchro summoned, declare one card type (Monster/Spell/Trap.) Once per turn, during either player's turn, when your opponent activates a card or effect of the declared type, you can negate that activation and destroy it. If this card leaves the field, you can add one card of the declared type from your deck to your hand, activate it to your side of the field, or special summon it.