how would you explain this to your parents?
How would you explain this to your parents?
own up to it, don't be a bitch, and offer to buy another one.
Mom, Dad, I'm... ...I'm a faggot ricer cuck who is long overdue for suicide.
say your toyota just accelerated on it's own
you won't have to unless they're very stupid
I'd start with a small physics lesson
then explain to them that you're a fucktard
Mom, Dad, I'm... a chink.
that'll buff out
Just a classic case of imploding fridge. Happens all the time.
yeah, my brother didn't get away with it. i was on Veeky Forums at the other side of the wall and hear a crash in the garage and think mom is doing something upstairs
>realize that idiot brother just crashed in to something
>open the door and yell, what the fuck, man
no scratches or dents on the car exept on the number plate. funny enough, this happened 2 days later:
>get in his car with my uncle. uncle tells him not to crash into the truck in front of us
>brother imitates stepping on the pedal and saying wroooom
>backs up
i think my brother could be retarded
I'd replace it. Not a faggot NEET
What do you do with the old one?
Put it at the end of the road. In the city there's lot of metal junkies that'll scoop it up in an hour
your brother is almost as retarded as my sister when it comes to driving.
When I was 15 my friend rammed his moms blazer through their fence. I said we shouldn't take the car out since we were 15. He insisted and drove around town. We got back and he said see nothing happ... Right through the fence.
Just flip it around
It's not about 'getting away with it', it's about owning up to something you did wrong and carrying on with the consequences.
"Mom, Dad, I identify as Asian and would appreciate if you refer to me as Wang Wei from now on".
What am I looking at?
What kind of car is this?
Chinese made volvo
What's that got to do with my parents?
>i think my brother could be retarded
Have your brother go in for an eye exam. It sounds to me like he may need glasses. If each eye is at different levels, you'll have problems with depth perception.
Negative compression, happens all the time due to temperature differentials.
i misspelled pushing the wrong pedal
unintended acceleration is a human mistake
braking will stop the car even if you have the most powerful car on the world
>having your garage connected to your house
>not having a basement to keep your freezer in
The only thing I'd hit is the tool box but that has never happend
>mfw this is OP
fuck you
>pushing the wrong pedal
I bet OP was in an autotragic
This. As the air in the freezer gets colder the pressure decreases so it caves in the walls of the freezer.
real man never explains himself