/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Played two hours now, and i only get players in copper or under clearance level 30.
Even if I ace a few rounds as soon as I die I have to watch those braindead players.
fucking painful.

where did ash hurt you user?
want to talk about it?


>some dude on my team does an out of bounds glitch
>wipes almost their entire squad
>run out and finally kill him through the glitched vehicle
>try to kick him but my team doesn't go for it
>next round he purposely goes Montagne so I can't teamkill him
>end up getting him anyways
>get banned for 30 minutes for trying to stop scumbags from cheating
Thanks Ubisoft!

post your face when ash gets blackbeard threatment

>at least one has an ping above 100
>I leave
Fuck those 3rd wolrd niggers and their shitty inernet connection

inb4 wahwah it's the fault of the server

Hey user, I manually select the server so I always get 200 ping.

I also only play 3 speed ;)


Know what? We are never going to play against each other because i leave before the round starts.
I rather wait another minute.

never ever