Hear squeaking noise that stops when I brake and also stops as I continue driving a few minutes later

I'm saying if you are an average dude who knows average shit about cars (not a lot) I won't take things like brakes to chance. I'm just saying dude.

Brakes usually don't just "go out" squealing can be a number of things like the back of the pads not having brake quiet on them.

Shops will try to scare you with "Sir those brake pads are at 5%" or some bullshit when in reality they are perfectly safe for the time being while you order the parts to DIY it.

OP here

The thing is the squealing comes and goes. Like wtf?

My brake pads alone cost me over $500 and I fitted them myself
Cars aren't cheap.


Yeah you fucking retard! You should definitely trust a Laotian Image board for your car needs and flip off the professionals. It's not like it could get you killed or anyone else for that matter.

I spent less than a hundred bucks for four rotors and brakes front and back and I havent noticed anything wrong with them. I think you just may be one of those faggots that think spending an extra 50%+ somehow makes things better.

Do they squeal when you first start driving?

I put some pads on a car that claimed to be quiet but squeal like a motherfucker when they are cold.

Yeah and then as I drive some more (and when I brake) the squealing stops.

I'm a retarded flipper baby and I did my pads and rotors OP you have no excuse

I'm imploring him to learn what to do in the future