>Links and Resources
pastebin.com/DSnHZ3EC (embed)
>Natural 5 star list for Fire Emblem Heroes
Ryoma (Red); Lyn (Red); Lucina (Red); Tiki: Dragon Scion; Leo (Red);
Azura (Blue); Hinoka (Blue); Linde (Blue);
Hector (Green); Minerva (Green);
Takumi (Grey); and Elise (Grey)
Where is the result of the poll?
If you don't reroll for two natural 5*s you may as well just quit.
Should I upgrade my castle?
reroll for /Lucina/ thread
Noon and it's still not out here
>still not available on US App Store
Come the fuck on!
xth for What does the gamepad in the bottom corner of the title screen mean? I can't get it to do anything