FAQ >where do I look up tanks tanks.gg >how do i find ppl to platoon with dont be green and ask in the Veeky Forums channel (though it's almost always dead) >what nation has the best tanks? burger >what nation should i avoid? soviet >what is the most aesthetic tank Centurion Action X
News: WG shits out another T-44 variant t8 premium
Swedes get a copycat Cent I as t8 prem
New T10 of the german Porsche heavies is literally that clan wars reward tank
OP here: The new german T10 gets a 12,8 cm gun (CW shit has a 15 cm)
"Cannon: 12.8 cm Kw.K. 46 L / 61 DMG: 560/560/700 Penetration: 258/330/65 mm DPM: 2,100 Rate of fire: 3.75 Overloading: 16 s Accuracy: 0.35 Time targeting: 2.5 s deflection works: -5 ° / + 17 °" - Ritard
My bad.
Charles Sanchez
>Defeat >Victory >Defeat >Defeat >Defeat
t-thats enough tonks for me...
Grayson Sullivan
Threadly reminder that this is the most aesthetic tank in game.
Owen Edwards
Angel Reyes
Anyone know what's up with the recent console 3.5 update?
Sometimes when I try to join a game I'll keep getting thrown out of the battle que with the "returning to garage" message popping up and some of my tanks are visually bugged.
For example, my Crusader is fucked up, the tracks are fucked and my marks only show on the sides & bottom of the gun with a huge gap at the top as if the gun has been moved up but the marks haven't.
I know they added more HD models in including the crusader so maybe they fucked it up.