/poeg/ - Path of Exile General

Thinking youre a better Player because you Play SSF HC is Like thinking youre a better Driver because you replaced your Airbag with nailbombs

did you copy paste that off reddit

Master Herbalist, Tornado Shot, and Death's Opus (or legacy Reach of the Council if you've got a few dozen Exalts to spend). Enjoy the last hurrah of poison double-dipping.

The only truly ethical league in path of unethical is standard. You shouldn't play hardcore because you shouldn't be forced to delete your stuff, you should do it willingly. You shouldn't play ssf because you shouldn't be forced to not party, you should do it willingly. You shouldn't play leagues because you shouldn't be forced to not benefit from loot pinatas, you should do it willingly.

Perform your daily ablutions and remind yourself that if you don't have the discipline to play true ethical path of exile you should just delete your life.

How does poison DoubleDip?
Via "attack damage"?
Wouldnt that mean that WS also Double Dips?

i don't think i mind if you think like that, it's cool

is there a global most of you hang out? or you just join leddits?

attack damage does not double dip retard. go learn how double dippings works

i'm in 3 and i've seen so many faggots greentext in global

Projectile damage double dips. So instead of stacking "bow" damage or "physical" damage you stack "projectile" damage (not to be confused with "physical projectile" damage).