Have you ever caught somebody in the act of keying your/someone else's car?
Have you ever caught somebody in the act of keying your/someone else's car?
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no but if I did I'd shoot them
I don't live in a third world country.
If it is someone else's car in the apartment complex, then I don't want to get involved. They will key my car in revenge for reporting them. That's the problem with today's people. If they don't get the death penalty, they will get revenge on witnesses. So many witnesses never come forth due to the fear of being penalized. The apartment manager doesn't bother protecting witnesses or anyone in general.
Walked out to the carpark with some salesman polishing my bike to show off some dumbshit 'polish in a spraycan' to some woman, told him to fuck off and he tried pressing the sale on me.
Some fucking people, man, ruin my finish after I spend an hour cutting/polishing the day before so your product looks good.
No, it's not really a thing here in Europe. Never understood why Americans are so disrespectful to other peoples' property.
NZfag here, only time I've heard of someones car being damaged/keyed intentionally is because he narked on the other 2 tenants smoking weed way the fuck back in the garden 40m from the back door.
>Never understood why Americans are so disrespectful to other peoples' property.
It's the culture of selfishness in america. Many people, though not all, believe that other people's problems ARE other people's problems. So if they key that car out of anger, that problem belongs to the other person and has no bearing on who caused the problem. Part of the cult of personal responsibility is that the victim brought that problem onto themselves, thus they are the ones responsible.
Which makes them passive-aggressive cowards, too afraid to confront the other person face to face.
too right
I once took my car to a car show and this 5ft tall vietnamese dude lost his shit over my car
You must've thought it was a goddamn P3/4 the way this guy had a hard on for it
He was bing bong buk lauing like a lunatic and was getting really handsy with it
I was cool with it but he probably would have gotten shot touching other people's cars like he was doing.
Of course it does, but those pieces of shit literally believe it's the other persons fault, so they are free of guilt and simply cannot accrue shame.
I keyed a few cars.
Usualy if they park like shit and happen to have nice paint.
No point in keying a shitbox
That`s a qt trap.
I have never seen anyone key a car and I have never seen a keyed car in my third world country in the last 35 years.
People tend to let each other know when they are displeased about something more directly.
Also adding a scratch to a bush wagon is just like colouring on bleached paper with a white crayon.
>People tend to let each other know when they are displeased about something more directly.
If you do that in the USA, you set yourself up for anonymous never-ending revenge. People believe and carry out NON-LINEAR revenge. Fake example to illustrate point: you insult someone with words. They now feel completely justified in torturing to death your entire family line slowly and with great pain. Then everyone that is your friend is also tortured to death because you insulted that person by saying his fingernails were dirty. America is full of non-linear responses where an insult is all that is needed to justify property damage.
I keyed the word "cock" into the color-mismatched hood of my buds Mercedes hoping it would prompt him to finally repaint it as he had planned to do for a year, if that counts
I key shitboxes for fun.
3-4 years ago, I caught a couple mexican kids keying my Volvo just as I was walking out to go trap shooting. They booked it, I peppered one of them with 1-1/8 oz of 7.5 shot. Never saw the little shits again. Had to buy another box of ammo to have 50 shells for the night though.
You're a cunt, and definitely not that guy's bud.
If you noticed, I was responding to the poster who implied that car keying only happens in third world countries. But that is not quite the case
You are my hero.
I cannot shoot them though. Some kids threw trash into my yard as they were driving by. I knew the car and went to the house to tell them not to do that. The next day, a rock was thrown at the house window breaking it. There's no proof there's a connection, but the kids evidently feel that if they get called upon, they will keep anonymously throwing rocks at the house.
Mexicans have a different sense of responsibility and ethics. I've seen the problem over and over and over. Now I've experienced it through repairing the window. No wonder Mexico has so many corruption violence problems.
The hood was in really, really bad condition tho, with a lot of fucked up clearcoat, small rust spots on the front and so on... and it wasn't all that visible either
He did never repaint the thing, and the car is going to the wrecker as he has bought another W202 in much better condition
spoiled brats
Probably because you're all too poor to fucking afford keys
Well there's also the possibility in American that you confront someone who's armed. An old co-worker of mine accidentally cut this dude off and the guy followed him home and pulled a gun on him in his driveway. Neighbor called the cops and guy ran off.
The blacks around here are always acting "gangsta" but never really do anything other than shoot other blacks. The Mexicans are always the ones causing trouble for everyone else. I live about 3 miles outside of town, but there's a couple trailers parked behind a hill about half a mile from me. 5 trailers in all, all 5 mexican families with a half dozen little kids running around each one. The collective IQ of each family might be around 70 if they're lucky, but they steal shit off my property all the time. I caught them on camera once trying to carry off my 4-wheeler last summer and the cops wouldn't do a thing about it. As of right now, I have a Savage model 10 with 168 grin match hollow points loaded up clocking around 2700fps, so next time I catch them staling off my property, one of those fuckers is going to be dead. See if they deny being around when Eduardo has a hole through his chest.
What is that? Gay sex shop?
>18-20 year old rusty C-classes bought with your own money makes you spoiled
Nah, its where you park your car to have it washed by a government-approved machine using government-approved washing solutions and government-approved water that is recollected, filtered and then reused for the next wash
>government-approved water that is recollected, filtered and then reused for the next wash
SO that anti-salt rinse is made using salty water recycled from washing all the other salt-encrusted cars?
What are those ads? Norwegian McDonald's or something?
>the cops wouldn't do a thing about it.
It's bad for officers' careers to have discrimination or racial profiling charges filed. Even if the officer is not convicted, the accusation is a blemish and can delay promotions or salary advancement. The aggressiveness of anti-discrimination activists and mexicans filing discrimination charges has resulted in the police being more reluctant to investigate cases that are not completely obvious. That's what happens when the police feel their careers are more important than what you think about them.
>pic related
Its just ads for food from the gas station we were washing our cars at. Used to be a Statoil, now its a Cirkle C as they bought up the Statoil gas station brand here
I've gotta drive nearly an hour and 30 minutes to reach the closest McDonalds, and I can get much better food at the same/lower price locally, or just make it myself
Fuck I'm retarded, I forgot what picture I was going to include for you
>I've gotta drive nearly an hour and 30 minutes to reach the closest McDonalds
You're not missing anything. Might be the most overrated fast food chain to come out of America.
On a side note, what is the perception of German cars in your country? Is it like America how they have the stereotype of super expensive maintenance and breaking down all the time?
Tell me about it... the few times I've eaten there I just get this feeling that my body isn't sure if has consumed actual food or something else
As for german cars;
Generally well
VW is seen as *the* average mans brand with the models Polo, Golf, Passat, Tiguan and Touareg selling really well and being absolutely everywhere. The VW Transporter is also the absolute king on the mid-size van market after Toyota decided to not continue the Toyota HiAce due to stricter emissions.
Mercedes, BMW and Audi are viewed as the best luxury brands, and the pinnacle of reliability and so on. They've got really high status, and the BMW X3/X5/X6 are the mall crawlers of choice for all the uppity city folk
>super expensive maintenance and breaking down all the time?
Thats actually how most folks here view american cars, as we typically envision american cars as being huuuuuge landbarges and SUVs with roaring V8s and extremely poor build quality
Still a lot of older Tahoes and Suburbans to be found tho
>Thats actually how most folks here view american cars
As do many Americans haha
I mean, generally they aren't wrong with those opinions on American vehicles.
>Tahoes and Suburbans to be found tho
When new just about all of them were registered as "light trucks", meaning that you needed the light-truck C1 license to drive it, while having the full loading and towing capacity, but needing yearly inspection instead of bi-yearly
What the light-truck registration meant was a very reduced registration tax, making them surprisingly affordable for their size and power. After some years one could re-register them as standard passenger cars for free, meaning that "anyone" would be able to drive them legally, although reducing the towing and loading capacity by a bit
Still, they never sold in the numbers that the Land Cruiser, Patrol and Pajero has
How did they reduce the towing and capacity? Did they pull a spark plug and cut the springs? Because the truck left stock would still have the same towing and loading capacity. Or is this some weird Nazi crap where they pull them over, and fine them if they're towing or loaded heavier than the registration allows?
Funny because the Tahoe and Suburban are 2 of the most reliable American vehicles ever built. Well exceeds 98% of european trash.
I imagine any average cop has plenty of such complaints anyways, non-white criminals always try to pull the race card when they get caught.
>90's europoor mercs
Found the 3rd worldfag
i have. my father was dropping off my big sister on her school and drives out the driveway. i saw some woman scratching a car with scissors. but the strange thing was the the driver was in the car and what looked like a friend right next to the bitch. and they were cool with it.
>Worked at a Gamestop for a while after high school
>A few months in, cars start getting keyed in the shopping center parking lot
>Two or three cars a week, usually on Thursday or Friday afternoon
>We're just down the street from a high school, pretty obvious who's doing it
>Employees of all stores there keeping an eye out for high school kids in afternoons but we also have to, you know, work at our jobs
>Goes on for a couple of months
>Number of cars keyed goes up each time
Then one magical day...
>Ringing up a deal for a customer
>Glance out window
>Bright red BMW Z4 with vanity plates for the local NFL team pulls into a space across from the store
>Glance back at cash register
>See movement outside, glance up again
>Two stoner looking guys in hoodies walking down front aisle of parking lot, keying as they go
>Key across the back of the Z4 that just pulled in
>Z4 rocks to one side, door opens, starting left tackle of local NFL team steps out
>Stoner dudes run for it
>300-pound pro offensive lineman can run considerably faster than them
>Grabs them both by the hoodie, lifts them off the ground, swings them around for a while while shouting at them
>Suddenly smiles
>Drags both of these fine young men to every store in the shopping center, introducing them to the staff and the customers
>Hands them over to the cops when he finishes the meet-and-greet
One of the better days at that job.
>have smart home and push to start car
>can't key anyone
You do realize there is a key inside every fob, right?
I'm too cheap to valet park so I completely forgot about it
>Have you ever seen somebody keying a car?
Yup. It was some young 5 to 8 year old kid with parents walking to their car in the mall parking garage. The kid was scratching cars while walking by them. The parents didn't care.
I was having a bad day, so I didn't care either and didn't bother recording any of it. I have enough problems without being dragged to court for the cars that didn't get video recorded or having to turn over my phone as evidence or getting accused of being a racist witness.
No but vaguely related
>be in high school
>walking around neighborhood like delinquents
>see another group of delinquents
>go and talk to them
>one is wearing sunglasses that look remarkably like mine (at night)
>they are mine
>I left my car unlocked
>grab them off his face
>what actually happened takes a while to hit me
>they're already down the block
So that was an interesting thing
>go park in a kinda hidden free parking lot
>few cars so I can park with both sides free
>come back hours later to find it keyed all the way through on the passengers side
>I still have no idea why
On paper. Aka you can tow/carry well over the limit on the title, but you'll be fined if caught
They have problems with severe rusting here due to the mediocre rust protection aswell as people not caring for them properly, as well as often having much too small a space to fit a proper battery that works well in our temperatures, leading to a lot of people running an extra battery from the boot. Glow plugs on diesel engines were also weak as shit from the factory, and you won't find a single one that has the stock ones.
But, other than that and a few electrical gremlins they do just fine. The heavy weight and 4WD make them a good choice for people who want a roomy and extra powerful SUV thats not too expensive
happened to our car. it was a long scratch, entire right side of the car (Q5), but fairly shallow. we opted to try >smart repair first before giving the whole side a paint job, and to our surprise it was really really good. virtually impossible to spot it now.
> No, it's not really a thing here in Europe.
Maybe not with the native population. Shitskins however..
Did it work? Did he replace/repaint it?
>Never understood why Americans are so disrespectful to other peoples' property.
Because if you talk to someone, those people now blame you if anything happens to their property even if you didn't do anything to it. The chance is high that if they are assholes about parking, someone ELSE will attack their car. But YOU get the blame simply because you talked to them. Because of that blame game, not many people talk to others.
I woke up the morning after a massive party, and somebody had keyed "arse biscuit" on the roof of my relatively mint kia sportage. Since this was in germany, and the party was a school one, I still suspect the british exchange students
>mfw a guy with a top hat and a cup of tea vandalized my kia in germany's most ghetto carpark
Probably bullshit, but I love it m8
>british exchange students
>It's not really a thing here in Europe
You guys are so up your own asses I swear
>100,00 people
>40,000 vehicles registered
Not doing too bad really. Some people have a truck but no electricity in their house.
most of the time i drive a Subaru Sambar, everyones mystified by something that theres 1,000,000,000 of in Japan here apparently. some guy walked over to it with a beer in his hand and rocked the fuck out of it sideways trying to tip it over, i walked over giving him a what the fuck look and his buddy picked him up in a truck and left
otherwise about 10 years ago a pair of Indian wannabe gangsters in a Cadillac (with Saskatchewan plates, shocking) were in the car wash and one of them got pissed off at me because he wanted me to rinse off his hands but my timer ran out. faggot had a ring on each finger and said fuck it and wiped his hands on my cars trunk and scratched the fuck out of it. wish i knocked his lights out but i was only like 17 at the time
t. beta manlet
> gave him a want to fuck look
mad americuck spotted
keep sucking off those niggers, cuck
This is why I didn't press charges on the asshole who backed into me despite having it on camera. The damage was just a scuff on my bumper and the driver was some ghetto mexican driving a poverty-tier Mercury SUV. Doubt they had insurance and they knew where I lived since it happened at my apartment so it was easier just to ignore it.
Sadly they didn't live there too, otherwise I would have waited a few months and vandalized the car to the point that it was a writeoff.
Are you that guy from the Subaru sambar video in regular cars reviews?
>This is why I didn't press charges on the asshole
>driver was some ghetto mexican
Many years ago, a mexican guy was doing something to my grandparent's car parked streetside in front of their home. I came out and saw and ran to their car which was still running. I guess that mexican dude was going to do a grab and run after he removed whatever he wanted. He couldn't stop me from grabbing the keys out of his ignition. So he was stuck with the car there. He tried to threaten me, but could not because the noise and shouting got lots of neighbors to come out to watch.
When the police came, my grandfather declined to press charges when the mexican kid kept on complimenting my grandparents for their fine home and lots of nice big windows. Yes, they have genuinely large picture windows arranged in landscape orientation. They would be really expensive to replace since they are in commercial frames that are covered over to look like residential frames.
It sucks that criminals threaten people to avoid prosecution. But the police cannot mount a 24/7 guard in front of the house for the rest of time. So criminals win because expensive windows are easy revenge targets.
Running donut wheel in the winter
Man you have a deathwish
They're normal tires, just not "MUH SUPER SWAMPERS BRO"
High weight + small tires do give typically the best on-road winter performance
don't judge everyone by your own standards
no but I did catch some faggot trying to break into someone's car at a supermarket once. I got into my car and saw him on the next isle. I called the cops but as every other time I've called they didn't show up until everyone is gone. This was before phone cameras were standard on everything so all I could do was give them a description.