I once took my car to a car show and this 5ft tall vietnamese dude lost his shit over my car You must've thought it was a goddamn P3/4 the way this guy had a hard on for it He was bing bong buk lauing like a lunatic and was getting really handsy with it
I was cool with it but he probably would have gotten shot touching other people's cars like he was doing.
Cooper Lee
Of course it does, but those pieces of shit literally believe it's the other persons fault, so they are free of guilt and simply cannot accrue shame.
Austin Taylor
I keyed a few cars.
Usualy if they park like shit and happen to have nice paint. No point in keying a shitbox
Asher Butler
That`s a qt trap.
Matthew Jenkins
I have never seen anyone key a car and I have never seen a keyed car in my third world country in the last 35 years.
People tend to let each other know when they are displeased about something more directly.
Also adding a scratch to a bush wagon is just like colouring on bleached paper with a white crayon.
Joshua Hernandez
Jaxson Rodriguez
>People tend to let each other know when they are displeased about something more directly. If you do that in the USA, you set yourself up for anonymous never-ending revenge. People believe and carry out NON-LINEAR revenge. Fake example to illustrate point: you insult someone with words. They now feel completely justified in torturing to death your entire family line slowly and with great pain. Then everyone that is your friend is also tortured to death because you insulted that person by saying his fingernails were dirty. America is full of non-linear responses where an insult is all that is needed to justify property damage.
Asher Taylor
I keyed the word "cock" into the color-mismatched hood of my buds Mercedes hoping it would prompt him to finally repaint it as he had planned to do for a year, if that counts
Landon Morris
I key shitboxes for fun.
Camden Richardson
3-4 years ago, I caught a couple mexican kids keying my Volvo just as I was walking out to go trap shooting. They booked it, I peppered one of them with 1-1/8 oz of 7.5 shot. Never saw the little shits again. Had to buy another box of ammo to have 50 shells for the night though.