The tourney STARTS NOW The brackets are shuffled and final. Recheck the bracket for your round 1 opponent and REPLY TO THIS POST WITH: >[Name] >[MatchID]
Either do this or if your opponent did it already, join his match and play your
R1 Match. It is best of 1 (one). After finishing, write the results of the match into the challonge bracket and
wait for your next opponent.
Look out for posts made by !!V/SKh83GTy1 in case of announcements. And dont
forget to ALLOW SPECTATING. Take your time and have fun!
>Kitol >degesoka Disqualified. Sorry user!
Brody Young
i would impregnate Grea!
Jace Scott
You don't even have a dick, Anne.
Hunter Roberts
Dominic Brooks
Virgin here, I got a sex question.
If you have anal sex with a girl (female) and cum inside, she can get pregnant? And what would get pregnant? Her ass or her uterus?