yeah, with no stream it's just a shit spam nobody except participants care of
/svg/ Shadowverse General
James Walker
Jaxson Russell
thanks man
Adrian Gutierrez
This one aint working either
Go to mine 15879
Blake Clark
>No Aurelias
>No Tsubakis
>No Merlins
>No Moons
>No Atomemes
>3 fucking Zirnitras
end my fucking life fampai
Jaxson Jenkins
gg Cat
Adrian Stewart
She summons an Anne. It's the exact same card.
Kayden Robinson
Eli Gray
Elijah Stewart
So If you summon grea,spawns anne, anne gets bounced and you play it again
summons another grea, correct?
Sebastian Morales
Yeah, I felt kind of greasy wining that match.
Good game though