I really don't want to deal with ouroboros. Please turn him back.
Nicholas Rodriguez
Will someone host a tournament tonight?
Andrew Torres
>you lived long enough to see dragon uncucked.
Is this real life
Christopher Bennett
Play Havencraft.
Daniel Campbell
Lucas Green
thank you jurius
Aiden Martin
No, Discord. Stay away with your shit tournament.
Carter Perry
>Dragon gets 2 mediocre to decent legos >Dragonbros party like they got their own Albert
Michael Allen
What happened?
Jayden Rogers
>all new dragon cards are really good for T2 Is dragon saved?
Ethan Phillips
Charles Nelson
My oc card isnt needed anymore! Whitch craft should I recreate it for now? Hear!
Adam Morris
>tfw eyes actually got watery because of the excitement They did it guys Dragon is finally playable
Lincoln Allen
Daily reminder that:
>as long as morde exists, Shadowfags can't complain about anything.
>as long as ramp exists, Dragonfags can't complain about anything
>as long as ... bloodfags are subhumans anyway so they can't complain about anything
Christopher Clark
do I look a discord faggot to you
Sebastian Campbell
Stop this meme. It isn't good.
Jeremiah Sullivan
Not until I can play as a cute moon bunny.
Matthew Ward
Would this work?
Ouroboros cost 1 less for each time Ouroboros has been cast this game.
Alexander Howard
Ouroboros not so shit anymore
Colton Bennett
>mfw ouroboros was actually good
Logan Price
Still shit, it needs storm or rush.
Ian Foster
Not every class can be sword user
David Martinez
What are you fucking talking about? It's garbage. It's Mordecai that has to be played from hand every turn. Do you not understand how terrible that would be? No one would run Mordecai if killing him actually made the enemy sink their entire mana pool every turn to bring him back. And no, 8 mana is not worth a fucking demonic strike.
William Scott
Vampy does, batlord.
Easton Sanchez
Lmao 2carrot
Ian Morgan
Ouroboros is already plenty strong, its cost is justified.
Caleb Price
Just evolve Zell niichan.
Chase Cruz
>infinite healing angel + demonic strike on an 8/4 carrot Ayy lmao
Jordan Nguyen
Benjamin Jackson
Lef or rite?
Ryan Lee
You forget dragon can ramp?
Nathaniel Bailey
Run odin.
John Hill
Why the fuck did cygames do that Toying with my emotions like that Is this some sort of new marketing strategy?
Julian James
Would Eris with a bunny suit be good too?
Hunter Scott
Xavier Howard
>Bane, random enemy, random destruction, board dmg, board destruction, simply hit him in the face. It's like you've never tried to meme with haven target immunes
Dread dragon already wasn't enough, 3 is less than that and there's much more healing to make the burn irrelevant
Ethan Torres
Post that Ouroboros
Carter Jackson
>there are people saying that the fusion of Carrot with Temptress Vampire in the Ramp class isn't good You'll be crying about Ouroboros in one month, just wait for it.
Josiah Allen
Ramp doesn't make a card good. That's why dragon runs so many neutrals.
They where testing us. Only true dragonbros stayed and had hope.
Robert Allen
This. At least it's 3.5/5 card now. Giving it storm or rush will turn it into 5/5 card.
James Harris
neither is amazing but i've won games off rise of the dead getting back kwahy 2 or 3 times
I'd go left
Sebastian Morris
Just ramp dude. INFINITE VALUE
Luis Parker
Mason Bennett
Mordecai doesn't heal you when he dies. Mordecai doesn't cast demonic strike everytime he comes back. Think of it from the opponent's perspective; it is worth the ressource to kill this guy when killing it will heal him and he'll come back next turn and do demonic strike again?
John Brooks
>tempest of gods didn't have Euryale or Stheno
Jacob Ortiz
The funny thing about this card is it MIGHT actually be good in a mid-range/aggro deck that dumps its hand. But it absolutely isn't good in ramp. Spending your mana every turn to bring back this beatstick to die to a carrot is such a bad play in a deck that already sits there with a big hand most of the time. The infinite value it offers is of most value to decks that run out of cards, and take two.
Brandon Garcia
46785 concede please
Alexander Evans
>turn 9 evo >Dragon Sorry, not everyone is the pet class
>t. never played dragon Single follower plays virtually never amount to shit then you're in odin/baha/satan country and you're outmatched
Evan James
Source on the Ouroboros unfuckery other than that site?
Leo Long
Because the meta is naturally shifting away from hard aggro decks, saharamp can play much more greedy and be much more consistent. Due to the fact that saharamp already does extremely well against control decks, and this new neutral card that does 2 damage to everyone when it attacks should solidify its dominance over midrange decks. Saharamp is now a solid Tier 1 that will only consistently lose against neph, which will drop down in popularity due to midrange shadow. Something saharamp should have no problem against.
But here we have Storm ramp. A deck which had a really hard time surviving early game and clearing tanky boards of midrange decks. With the new dragon legendary, not only does this completely fuck over midrange, it forces control to use their hard removal on it instead of using their hard removal on forte, genesis, bahamut, etc. Unless they can banish it, from turn 5-6 and on if you have decent ramp, you will just keep healing and they will not have a board at all.
I expect storm dragon to dominate the meta since it already does extremely well against d shift, seprah, and control decks. With the apparent death of aggro and the new dragon legendary to heavily counter midrange, i except storm ramp to be an extremely dangerous deck. Possibly even the cancer of this expansion.
Jaxon Taylor
does rise work with morde?
Anthony Rogers
shit taste senpai
Jaxon Nguyen
2 hours ago, at Cygames HQ:
>guys, today is the day >they'll finally get to see ouroboros >i can't wait to see their reactions >we saved dragon, i hope they like it as much as we do >CYGAMES WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT >DRAGON IS KEKED AGAIN >w-what the fuck happened? w-why are they so angry? >wow dude, look at this >they completely butchered the text on the card man >quick, send them a message, they HAVE to fix the text >damn, the hype is completely ruined
Anthony Wright
yes but you get healed every turn and you can deal face damage every time. and it's not like they can just let it sit there with its 8 attack.
if you don't have a solution you'll need to waste resources on it. all while rowen gets to sit back and wait.
the key here is how early you get it out. t5 priestess into t6 ouro into t7 ouro is pretty decent pressure for those turns.
Ryan Morgan
Thats because the early game for dragon was so shit that they where unable to use any strong cards, and where forcing to spam saha + luci to stay alive.
Gabriel Cooper
Well roach can still do that, plus lelDurandal anyway
Robert Thompson
That's kind of my point. Most decks that play the control game will just play around it. Either they'll burst you down from the tempo loss, or find some other way to cockblock it. Essentially, they are incentivized to ignore it and take advantage of the fact you just spent 8 mana to Inferno Dragon. If ramp dragon typically had the aggressive tempo and was the one dictating the pace of the game I'd agree it is good, but ramp dragon DOESN'T play that way, you're always coming back from behind, so this thing just intensifies that problem.
Jace Stewart
I would guess it does
Ian Murphy
Dragon runs so many Neutrals bevause every other legendary they have besides Forte is garbage.
Camden Perez
Dragoncucks are never satisfied until they get an instant win all-in-one card.
Ayden Brown
So is haven going to popular because meme dragon and their last words? Maybe dirt rune popular now?
I still think blood legendary is better than dragon.
Jackson Perez
>Turn 9
9pp you mean. Which would be around turn 7-8 for Dragon
If you want a better combo dragon can have a 13/13 storm for 7pp
Cooper Myers
>Rush Play Saha, rush something, die and be healed
>Storm Play Zell alongside it, 11 damage to face + Zell's 4 damage with rush
This thing isn't just good by itself, the whole point is that it can combo with tons of cards, and since it always goes back to your hand then the combos will always be available
Gavin Rodriguez
I'll have fun with it in flute at least. Plus 2 water princesses and I can play ouroboros and 2 hellflames per turn
Christopher Cox
thanks luna
Ryder Davis
If Ouroboros is going to see play how many are people going to run? >put in 3 >the other 2 become clutter the moment you draw 1 >put in 1 >never draw it
Yeah, that's a fair point, but I don't consider godhand ramp to be something you can or should balance ramp around. That doesn't happen every game, or even every third game. Maybe I'm super unlucky, but I consider any play that relies on perfect ramp to be a BAD play.
Jayden Price
people who post about dragon dont know shit about the class
Josiah Cruz
how do you even make these cards?
Nathan Roberts
Maybe they butchered it on purpose because they love to see dragon-players cry
Alexander Ortiz
Saha only works on neutral cards bro
Tyler Gutierrez
>blood >dies to themis >dragon >dies to themis but doesn't care
Really wonder which one is better,.
Thomas Wood
And for 2 hours, they experienced what it was like to live as rowen
Just cavalier into ouroboros leviathan into serpent's force forte face bro
James Scott
>thinking... c'mon roachshitter you can't even count to 20 play, just play already
Camden Richardson
>dragon will have 2 mediocre decks >saha ramp and ouro storm >saved It'll be playable but that's it
Noah Sanchez
It seems like a 2 of to me. You really want it in the mid game, but it's like Seraph in that having more than one in your hand is pretty shit.
Logan Cruz
Okay, poll time. How many of you who think Ouroboros is great have 500+ games on the craft?
Anthony Gonzalez
It's still hot garbage.
There's also no answer to dshift now, since turn 6 lethal aggro is getting wiped off the face of the earth I guess.
Andrew Young
>ouroboros dies to a 2pp BlACKED + 1 damage or 3pp Petrify >maelstrom serpent doesn't
Really make me think...
Jose Morris
>phoneposter >retarded post I cant wait for the endless crying on here about how cancer dragon is.
Michael Evans
They'll just fucking slam snake priestess and use baldy man
Jack Cooper
Looking for non concede victory, I can just beat on you. Happy to concede after if you need, use 'lets battle again' if you want me to 57544
Sebastian Jenkins
JO and Evolve are back
Oliver Jackson
Probably going to run 2. Then its eaiserr to draw 1 and if 1 gets banished I got another.
Gabriel Sanchez
The people saying this card is shit don't know anything about Dragon. Dragon hard a weak early game and nothing that good to Ramp into besides Bahamut. Now they got a Fervor snapped into a 4/5 body + a 5 health Ward that they can play on turn 3 and a recursive Temptress with 8 attack to Ramp into. Dragon is saved.
But it can kill a follower when it's summoned, and more if you have evo or play another card alongside it. It's not as if the opponent can necessarily win the next turn, it does help taking over the board, and if they just ignore it then you have 8 worth of damage on board next turn on top of what you play that turn.