Fisker is back and teased their new car, the Fisker E-motion

>Can charge 100 miles in 9 minutes

They shouldn't be using that sort of claim as a way of being "better" than competitors. That's the sort of desperate claim that make them lose credibility with knowledgeable car buyers. Charged that fast, the Li-Ion cells lose a lot of lifespan. I think that is an irresponsible charging rate.

Karma Automotive Fisker is a game that the best way to win is not to play.

That's so ugly, even the mustache looked better.

Wrong picture, but you know what the front looked like anyway.

D-dorn? Is that you? Where's my cheese?

>Fisker is back and teased their new car, the Fisker E-motion
How much does this monster weigh? The Karma was 5300 pounds curb weight. That's a lot of weight opposing any sort of "fuel efficiency", all weather steering, and responsiveness on the road.

Fisker keeps playing musical chairs with new different model names and skins. The Fisker Karma got criticized for both its 5300 pounds and the love-it-or-hate-it looks. So now this E-motion is presumably a modded re-skinned Karma.

But when Fisker keeps doing this, it's like they're admitting all those abandoned models are vaporware.

I dont know what Henrik fisker is doing with his new car but i can tell you that the new version of the karma revero is really nice. All the stupid fossil leaf shit has been abandoned in favor of carbon fiber and brushed aluminium pannels

ya i know which one you are referring to

That makes it a white elephant you can't hardly drive anywhere unless it is Rodeo Drive in Beverley Hills or similar places.

>Fisker E-motion
The prices on Fisker keep creeping up higher and higher with each new model. If I was in the mood for buying $100K cars, I'd get the proven Tesla which also has a developed infrastructure as well as local places already accustomed to servicing them. I've purchased "orphan" products (e.g. fisker) before and after the experience want nothing to do with those anymore.

finally a car with a face just like my hentais