Tfw my insurance company is being sued 3 months after an accident

>tfw my insurance company is being sued 3 months after an accident
>a couple months after I was deemed at fault
>she suddenly now has back pains
>just checked her Facebook
>tons of happy pictures

There is a statute of limitations from what I remember when the same happened to me, but either way I wouldn't worry about it.

Win or lose, you should be fine unless it was for something like drunk driving.

I'm not really sure about any of it. I just know my insurance company called and told me they were being sued by the woman.

She waited 3 months after the accident and made sure I was at fault. She's a fucking cunt. She was fine and dandy at the scene of the accident even though I was the one who got cut up and bruised. She didn't have a single scratch and was walking around fine and her latest Facebook photos show her at celebration events all happy and smiling.

I think she is just after a pity check, but I don't know how much she is actually going to get if she wins, which she probably will considering she probably hired one of those "injury" lawyers on TV for her "back pains".

Women really do need to be legally banned from driving

Well, that's why you have insurance, OP. They don't want to pay any more than you do, so they'll put their team of lawyers on it and find a way of paying as little as possible.

The most fucked up part is I think she was actually at fault since she pulled out of me while I was going around a curve but insurances said since I lost control and spun out into her car, I was at fault. The road was slightly damp. If the dumb bitch would have waited for me to pass her side street, the accident would have been completely avoided. Dumb fucking cunt.

If you exchange any sort of information with the other party involved in an accident, ALWAYS get a police report. I've had 2 friends get absolutely fucked over by situations exactly like these OP.

Hopefully your insurance calls bullshit, a lot of the times they won't fight it and will just settle to avoid the potential of going to court and taking an even bigger loss along with a shit ton of legal fees. Take everything you can from her Facebook, especially if it shows her doing physical activity that someone wouldn't normally be able to do with a back injury

First thing, contact your insurance company and give them the link to her facebook. They will have their attorneys go through and archive it all with a bonded third-party so that it can be used in court.

I simply got her FB by pulling the police report. I hope my insurance company has enough common sense to do the same thing.

>she pulled out of me

>she pulled out in front of me

freudian slip?

Well, she is about to fuck him over, so I guess this is accurate

>er latest Facebook photos show her at celebration events all happy and smiling
A good lawyer will use this against her. FB is like the ultimate bullshit detector. We had a guy at my work that was out on disability because he got hurt at work and claimed to have hurt his back. A month passed and this retard posted tons of videos on his FB of him partying and weight lifting and just doing a ton of shit that if someone hurt their back would never ever be able to do. He was fired about a month later.

i had siatica from an accident that the other party was at fault for

it was awful i fealt like i was some old man unable to lift or sit

>you're supposed to stop having a life and being happy if you're injured
what is wrong with you people?

She had a very feminine penis.

you are an old man and you could never lift you fucking fatass shitlord

>tfw your girl pulls out of you and doesn't finish inside

Same thing happened to me. Literally a 2 mph bumper bump. She waited 30 days and sued for 30k. Insurance just paid it because they said it was cheaper to pay than fight, even when they know this bullshit happens all the time.

Didn't raise my insurance at all. I'm just mad they paid a filthy scammer fuck.

I bumped into the back of a ram once going about 12 mph and only hit the tow hitch. Rams owmer claimed back injuries.

>december 2, 2015
>kid runs out into street
>rear end lady at ~10mph, my first accident
>she gets out and seems nice, we go through the process with the police, get a ticket for following too closely
>it gets reduced to a parking violation with a $20 online traffic course
>a few months later start getting calls from my insurance and these letters
>she immediately got an ambulance chasing lawyer
>first demand was for $18k but it went up every time there was a correspondence between her lawyer and my insurance
>now, 2 years later, she is "still in treatment" and the bills are over $77k
>for a 10mph accident that she drove away from

Was that when you totalled your Evo?

Do us all a favour and just buy a fucking Cavalier, maybe the 2 star side collision rating will be a godsend and get you before you ruin too many more nice things.

>obligatory leased auto FRS

It's not uncommon for pain to be delayed from an accident. If you've been hit seriously you will generally fill with adrenaline which will block out the pain for a while.

Yeah, but we know all of these stories are just people trying to scam insurance companies for free monies

I remember when I got rear ended into the car in front of me who got pushed into the guy in front of him. I had to go to fucking court because the guy in front claimed to have severe injuries.

My sister got a ticket for a "pedestrian strike" when she pulled up to a cross walk and stopped a little to far forward. A lady wasn't looking and walked into the side of her car a full two seconds after she stopped. The passenger door. Fell on her ass. Got up and apologized for not paying attention. Cop was behind us and cited her "because a pedestrian was touched by her car". Three months later her insurance was hiked because the lady sued and received 50k for tail bone injuries.

Couldn't you get the police car's dash cam footage of the incident in her defense?

yeah for a couple of hours, not month after user. If she really did have back pain she would feel it in less than a weeks time. Smells like insurance scam.

Man I hate reading stories like this, whats a good dash cam?

this transgender thing is really getting out of hand.

screen cap the pics with the upload date visible and send it to your agent/adjuster, you'd be surprised how dirty insurance cases play in court. I've heard a few play out identically and social media posts from the "injured" person got their suit denied or they had to pay fines