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Cars #174
How much did it usually cost to pimp someone's ride?
10/10 Aesthetic Cars
Can you actually feel when VTEC kicks in or is it just a meme? what is this nig nog on about;
Can someone explain this to me?
WTF is this?
Putting diesel in unleaded fuel car to damage it
Name one (1) non-cucked manufactuer of automobiles
How long till icÉ takes over?
Frosty has died
Blocks your path
Post overrated weeboxes
Have you ever fallen in love with a car?
Anyone want to get added to a really good car group chat filled with strong opinionated...
Who makes the best all wheel drive system?
Itt: legendary japanese sports cars
Looking for a new car, but I need a spacious trunk opening. What are history's greatest liftbacks? (coupes also welcome)
Why are people paying 60k$ + for a front wheel drive ,4 cylinder honda...
Depressing truths
First-time car purchase
Tfw you finally start to get the hang of driving a stick after being an automatic pleb your whole life
Guy gets rid of Tesla because of worn tires and scary RWD
What's the best racing game for the PS4?
What does the color of someone's car say about them?
One cylinder pros and cons edizione
Tfw wanna get a r32 but live in croatia out of all places
Is it possible for a silver colored car to look good compared to other colors?
ITT: Great car designs with one big flaw
Really enjoy cars
Whats the best drunk-friendly car?
Lets discuss crossovers
What is this?
Thoughts on the fusion?
How badly did I mess up buying this? 2013 Ford Fusion SE 1.6
Rotary brothers theme starts playing
Fake lambo
Why did the Volkswagen XL1 fail?
How do we make Acura great again?
In 2-3 years Toyota is going to release a new MR2
90% sure my GS-R needs a total engine rebuild, do I just sell it and not tell the next owner?
Why are the Chinese such horrible drivers?
Why do people on Veeky Forums dislike automatics?
Can Veeky Forums explain the appeal of the nigmobile style to me? I just don't get it
Nissan 370z
305 hp
How can someone justify paying 20K for a 17 year old car?
What's the best way to deal with mirror smashing motorcyclists? Dash cam?
Gg coupefags
/osg/ - Auto Sticker General
Comfy feels lads
Some soulless chink in Vancouver leaves her little kids in the car on a hot summer day with the windows rolled up while...
Why do people buy Corvettes when Snek exists?
Alright lads I'm off to college in the fall and bought this car with money I saved up running an online business and...
I'm going to be buy a car to replace my DD soon and have been obsessed with BMW v8s like the e34 530i and the e39 540i...
[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]
When will the MSRP meme end?
Buying a GM product
Finally just got my first manual transmission the other day. I feel pretty confidant about it...
ATF flush vs drain
I'm want to learn cars and I figure the best way is to buy a junker and fix it up...
/ct/ - CANADA Thread
Let's see those engine bays!
Go to NYC
Audi TT RS
What color is most likely to attract the most buyers for my Mustang...
What is the point of buying a "sports" car when a superbike will outrun t 99.999% of the time?
Motorcycle crashes
What's it like to be poor and drive a bad car?
What does this stand for?
/ORG/ : Revival
Do motorcycles go faster when the rider does a wheelie or is it just something that happens in videogames?
Picking up grandaddy's car for him
Rip Twingo. Also, fuck the left
What does Veeky Forums think of Doug DeMuro?
Is FWD really so bad when considering normal people...
Be car
What did Audi mean by this?
At Mercedes dealer
I'm going to be a fanboy of one car maker
How can so many people afford $35000 cars?
What car is this?
What is the most expensive FWD car ever mass produced?
So, I bought a new car
What's Veeky Forums's opinion about this car?
*pulls away from you on one wheel*
New to this board, do you guys think it's possible to drift my Ranger?
Bl/o/g time
There's examples everywhere of cars being converted from pop-ups to fixed...
What would a good, comprehensive list of essentials you should always keep in your car compose of?
This asshole overtakes you and brake checks you
3.5L V6
Rotaries are dead because they leave fuel unburnt and can't meet emission standards
Veeky Forums トヨタ
That'll be $5 plus tip
The 458 is the best sounding road car ever
Ugliest mustang
This is why we need self-driving cars
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
What kind of a retard buys this?
What detailing products do you use?
Why is the V10 underappreciated?
Which generation of non-STi WRX is the best?
Fordfag tries to post a more powerful unmodified na engine than pic related
/mg/ - Miata General: late night cruise edition
Shit boxes have unironicaly become the "DREAMCARS" of some normies, i hear this more and more often now...
Avoid product contact with any surface
When did you finally grow up and realize that this is the ultimate driving machine no matter how much miata fags tell...
How does this make you feel?
Sleep tight brapper
A few months back (February 22nd) I made a thread saying I was going to buy a Focus RS
4 cylinder engines
Quick you have 5k to buy a used car what car do you get? bonus points if a Coupe
Car and Driver releases test results for new Type R
Coolant explosion
Drifting is fun
Which compact truck is best compact truck?
First manual car
Rob Dahm crashes RX-7
Tell me about old land cruisers
Front wheel drive
IC is fucking finished, why are you still driving outdated technology?
Engine claim thread
ITT: Your favorite car from a movie/show
I'm a good and defensive driver, I won't get into any accidents
What car does he drive Veeky Forums ?
Manual vs Automatic
I've been here 4 years and can't recall a single time when Veeky Forums was good. Has Veeky Forums ever been good?
Electric Cars
Help? Also rant thread? Maybe? Idk
Should I trade in my s2000 for a focus rs?
If pushrods are superior to OHC then why aren't they used in any relevant racing series? Not to mention OHC is lighter...
VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
I have a friend thats trying to convince me that left foot braking his auto shitbox is the proper way you should drive...
Why the fuck are Mustang fastbacks so ridiculously overpriced...
Mustang failed at new crashtest
Is driving a hobby just for rich white men?
S/o/Cal Nightc/o/re, super short notice edition
Veeky Forums's thoughts?
How do I get to NYC by car without having to pay tolls?
Buying a Golf GTI, got a deal on one with the sport package (limited slip, big brakes) for $23,999
Drove to work without wearing a seatbelt today
Lets be honest here with everyone
ITT: A E S T H E T I C car publicity spots
Beautiful Cars
Overrated cars general
Are pushrods superior to ohc?
Post a pic of your favorite engine
Would you buy a base model Corvette?
My father is passing this SL-500 down to me, why should I sell it Veeky Forums?
What is the cheapest car you've owned that you drove for a significant amount of time?
Kia Optima
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
Who here /saab/?
Are bikes really as dangerous as everyone says?
Can we have a realistic dream car thread. We post cars we could buy within the next 24 months
To Cop Or Not To Cop Craigslist
Labor unions were a mistake
RX-8: what should I know?
Automatic transmission slipping?
/CCG/ - Classic Car General
I hear it being brought up a lot, but does a car's >Nurburgerking lap time
There is literally nothing wrong with drunk driving...
All good old cars are ether rusting way or rising in cost
In 15 years everyone who shits on the gt86 will be hailing it as the new godcar and the best tuning platform in the...
Veeky Forums's opinion on this fat fuck as a weekend fun car?
ITT: cars for listening to vaporwave while driving at night on a highway lit by orange street lights with large...
Ok Veeky Forums, maybe you can help me. When I turn the key on my car, nothing happens. No clicks or any noises...
Modern Cars Sound Shit
5-doors were a mistake
"its a salvaged title, but if you drove it, you'd never know"
Post the best Subaru Impreza cars
I have a problem
App/o/lachian Summer Meet
Literally the fastest car on the planet
Best cheap car which will look good with a Twingo front...
Hello Veeky Forums my mechanic is trash, and I was wondering if you guys could help me. I have a 2004 beatle 2.0 engine...
So if "wrong hand drive" is RHD, "wrong wheel drive" is FWD, and the "Wrong engine placement" is mid/rear engine
Did I fuck up buying this?
Suppose you're given 50k to buy any new car you want, what car would you get?
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
/brit/ - Brit/o/ General
Ford 3.5L EcoBoost
Why do poor people key cars?
Why are these things so fucking cool?
Be me
The internal combustion engine will be a museum piece by 2050. Don't be a dinosaur, make the switch to electric now...
Mfw a girl posts a picture of her on a yacht, exotic sports car or in a private jet
What does Veeky Forums use to deep clean upholstery after say, an asshole friend shits his pants in the back seat?
50's 60's 70's 80's 90's
Tell me why I shouldn't buy an '09 Grand Marquis with 110k miles for $1400
The Great Debate
What happened to the cheap RWD turbo? At the moment, no one is making them
Do you like hatchbacks?
My my moms boyfriend's friend just got a new lifted ford pickup and wants me to model with it...
I Just got jumped by two niggers outside my house...
Ideally the controlling of any machine should be as straightforward as possible...
Be infatuated for 3 semesters with my onitis crush
B is for Boobs
Weird habits
Hey babe i think we should really get rid of your Coupe if we're planning on having kids soon...
Wiring Problems Cause of Engine Swap
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
Sleeping in a van tonight. AMA
What car would you buy if you won a million dollars?
No spoilerino. Should i watch this?
You have to be fucking kidding mitsubishi
How long until we get a small, affordable electric sports car that's actually good? Pic related looks pretty good...
Failed my drive license test
Why are there so few RWD new car options?
What are the most annoying type of car fanboys/shills?
/osg/ - Auto Sticker General
Dodge Charger
App/o/lachian Summer Meet
What the hell happened?
And now, an Initial D thread without memes
Let's play a game Veeky Forums
What are the best mods for the CRX in terms of cost:performance?
Living in a van
I thinking of investing in a new car. I'm 23, ~ok driver(do speed). Somethin compact like a Mazda6 or 3...
First time ever a NASCAR attempting the Hill Climb
Its one of these threads
/ovg/ - Hurt Micra Edition
Easily the worst Mustang ever made
Happy Independence to the yanks
[DBT - Daily Bike Thread]
Sup Veeky Forums i'm moving 2000 miles away. how do i do the least damage to my car?
Free car
I don't know much about Fiat but all I've seen on it from this board is universal hatred. Why is that?
Wearing your seatbelt
Who are some other good drifters on youtube?
Probably obvious, but not to an idiot
What jack do you use?
Gearbox pattern thread
QUICK Veeky Forums
Let's see those gauge clusters
Anyone here have experience with DIY alignments?
Childhood is idolizing the Italians
ITT: post deluded sellers, any site allowed
I've come to realize something. I have zero understanding of slow drivers, especially lanehoggers...
This was rated number 1 out of 13 subcompact crossovers
Focus RS
The depreciation is already setting in like all lincolns. By this time next year they will be in the mid to low 20s
Rough idle
I'm in NYC and noticed a lot of cars have these bumper protectors
WA meet July edition
Got a ND Miata, but looking to trade it in for a decent sporty sedan. Any suggestions?
Tfw your rhd is auto and your lhd is manual so you never get to drive with your foot out the window
Does Veeky Forums own driving shoes?
Body kits
What was in the wrong?
ITT: all things rally related
Acceleration numbers
What the fuck is the Nissan Juke?
What cars have the best audio system from factory?
ITT: Cars you like from manufacturers you don't normally care about
Post your car's butt
One of the admins of my city's most populous and normie car group on Facebook is a shameless Veeky Forumstist in...
What are some cool ls swaps you want to do?
Post cars that flyovers drive
What is the american equivalent to an ae86?
Volvo Thread
What's the deal with the 3 series? Why are they being traded in so much?
I've got a job interview coming up for a sales position at a GM dealer. I have no sales experience...
Perfect Scion?
Off the Shelf OBDII readers
[ Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/ ]
Persuade me not to buy an 86 without just saying "it's slow"
'Tism Triggers
Post your car
Is built in sat nav a meme? what if your car gets old and they stop pushing updates to the maps?
What would Veeky Forums do if they lost their license?
ITT: Cars you wish were imported to your country of residence
Question regarding Zombie Apocalypse
Why are cars so god damn ugly these days
/hg/ 本田
My 12-13 year old neighbors decided to borrow their mom's car and fucking nailed the garages at my apartment...
ITT: we post efficient and practical vehicles to trigger americans
Tfw just changed oil for the first time by myself
Gee Tee Three Hundred And Fifty or Challenger Memecat?
German (((engineering)))
Show me a more aesthetic engine bay than this. I'll wait
Former enemies - Mitsubishi and Subaru form a rally team and begin cooperating on creating the best rally car ever as...
The first model 3 rolls off the assembly line next week
What does Veeky Forums think of the Ford Probe? It's basically a Mazda in Ford sheet metal
That guy that actually fastens his seat belt
I can look at a modified automobile and tell you with absolute certainty the race of the owner and be correct
If you were to do a trip across the United States and planning to hit every state with 3 other adults what car would...
The two giants finally met
[Daily Bike Thread - DBT]
Wtf i thought this was meant to smell nice, and probably "cool" (ice). it smells like shit
IDIOT thread
Get a manual
Has there ever been a successful black race car driver?
Drifting general
What car do I need for impressing black women?
Post tasteful cars
C4 Corvettes
Looking for the photo where the Asian guy crashes his r32 gtr in a corner on a mountain run...
Why do black people have such great taste in cars?
Why does CVPI get all buttflustered and starts bragging about being here since 2008 as if that makes him an oldfag when...
Tfw blew a tranny
Selling Limits and Dealer's Licensing - Your experience?
So tell me how bad is your car right now
Hilariously overpowered
What tires are currently on your car? How much did you pay? Are there any glaring problems?
ITT cool nicknames for cars
Mfw i am an actual GM fangirl
140k """"""""super""""""" car
Show us your brakes and suspension
Sport Utility
A.c. alternatives?
About to plop down 10k on a brand new mitsubishi mirage. It's fun to drive, the warranty seems great on paper...
You will never be able to afford a fast car
ITT: desperate memes that shills spout when attempting to damage control
My Summer Car thread
Often play music with windows down (not obnoxiously loud)
90k miles 2002 Z28. Its auto but man its still fast as fuck and has that beautiful LS1 growl
What the fuck was his problem?
How mad are Americans they can't buy this pick-up?
If I see a car like mine in a parking lot, I always park next to it. Is this autism?
Lincon Town Car
Is there such a thing as a fit race car driver?
Honda Civic type-r
When a eurofag says he's gonna by a pick up truck
[Daily Bike Thread - dbt]
Tfw your car can't do a long jump
Clean old shitboxes II
What will realistically happen when (((self-driving electric cars))) take over...
What are some budget performance cars
What kind of person buys the new NSX over a
Verizon HUM/Car tracker
Veeky Forumss opinion on the Aston Martin Cygnet?
Keep hearing about how gas is super cheap
Which one do you like the most?
You don't need a Ram 3500 for hauling boats and driving on gravel roads...
People at work know i am in need of a new car and that i am actively look
How much should you spend on a first car?
I just spent over $100 on a toy version of my car
Why are we still making cars when we've already reached the pinnacle of beauty?
Real life NFS
School me on the 2L-T engine
Tell me why i shouldn't get pic related to my wife?
Between the US, Canada, and Japan, which country is the most autotragic? Are there other countries where manual is rare?
Which cars actually attract girls?
You're driving down a long and lonesome curvy road at night, having fun...
Electric Cars
Can someone colour this in for me? Thanks
Honda accord "euro"
/dbt/ - [ Daily Bike Thread ]
When did Veeky Forums first start driving?
Burger luxury cars aren't just "luxury" cars in name only anymore, now they make the real deal
Why do integra's get stolen so often?
Need help with new car
Ricing out your ride, stancefaggotry and lifted trucks are already old news, what's the next retarded thing for cars?
Whats this aesthetic called?
What kind of car does the devil drive?
Dog fucker edition
Anyone spare a minute and share some good feels?
Tfw you accidentally fill your godmachine with low octane plebgas
Does a Mustang make sense for a first time buyer...
/ccg/ Classic Car General
What's a good vehicle for a man going his own, like me?
Manual is fun dude there is no point in getting an auto
Are these things expensive in the US as well...
Honda Fit
Honk Honk
It's this shit that make me want to fucking die
In what condition is your current car's paintjob in?
Neighbor got a Type R
[Daily Bike Thread - dbt]
Someone help me explain why a Fiat is a terrible choice for a car in America...
Hello Veeky Forums. /mlp/ here
I don't know anything about physics, explain to me why we don't put these on cars
What went wrong?
Range Rover Evoque is a shit car that can't offroa
The true White man's sports car
What does Veeky Forums think dsms?, both gen1 and gen 2 dsms
Tfw cucked
Pay 100k+ on a German luxury car
Auto Parts
Next Japanese car brand do go bankrupt
Car camping thread?
/osg/ - Auto Sticker General
When car shopping, what specific specs do you look at and consider? For me it's:
Why hasn't gm responded to this?
So, Veeky Forums, why exactly do we hate Haldex again?
Have you mastered your home course?
One can dream, right?
What does Veeky Forums think of the cadillac cts-v coupe?
Going on a first date tomorrow, total QT, problem is i dont know what car to take. the 85 fiero with a 3800SC swap...
The last thread fizzled in record time edition
Why do German/Japanese cars always lack a sense of humor? Why can only Anglo countries (USA, UK...
About to spend ~$30,000 on an american car. Living the dream
[Daily Bike Thread - dbt]
Hey. To the gas guzzling, petrol heads and coal rollers out there. Your world is going away...
Nice interiors in otherwise ugly cars
How in the FUCK did a goddamn land boat muscle piece of shit made by americans get a time like this...
Post rust
If you had a time machine and could send only one modern car back to 1987, what would it be?
/ovg/ - OVGTP Round 1
It's a cyka blyat episode
How do I become Baby, Veeky Forums?
The bose suspension was deemed too heavy to be executed commercially
How do I stop caring about what people think of my car?
Fastest car for 10k
Truckerfag thread - /TFG/
He values clutch life over ride comfort
Want a rwd stick shift for under 5k
How do you respond to people who ask you to fill up their gas tank because they need to go to their dying aunt's cancer...
Is the 944 cool yet?
Timing chain on my audi rs4 just went bye byes. how hard is this going to be to diy?
What is the best automotive brand and why is it Subaru?
Buying new cars
330ci ZHP or M3?
So Veeky Forums, I recently purchased a Honda Fit as my new daily driver, working out pretty well so far...
Redpill me on pizza delivery Veeky Forums
Why are they giving normies so much power??
Post your meme machines and lets talk MR2s
The car becomes for sale in 2 months. Why are they still keeping the numbers a secret...
Convince me not to buy an rx 8
I know infotainment is complete bullshit, but how come Hyundai of all people are the ones who actually get it right?
DB11 for daily use. V12 or V8?
[Daily Bike Thread - dbt]
Which one should I buy?
Ford 3.5L EcoBoost
Nigger Rigging
Tell me why not
Job/Career Thread
What are some good books to learn mechanics and how to fix a car?
Turbo leaking oil?
Anyone have before/after pics of their car?
Waterview tunnel has 18 speed cameras
No tits for you guys
Tfw want to rally race
What is the best looking modern car (<5 years old)? Possibly pic related
"Hey user, think you can catch me meow?"
Hello Veeky Forums
What types of modifications have you done to your car recently?
Is there a better way to tell everyone your an idiot than buying a corvette?
How come everyone here knows absolutely nothing about cars?
Modern Cars Destined to Become Classics
Biggest Regret
Thinking of buying a car over the state line. Its a manual, and i have no experience at all with manual...
Went to the gas station today without putting my seatbelt on
Just bought one of these. How fucked am I?
Fuck germany
Explain your self americans
Has someone ever vandalised your car? Have you ever vandalised someone else's car?
Why does Maserati still exist? They're the Mitsubishi of performance brands
/mg/ - Miata General
So Veeky Forums, have you finally realized the Focus RS is the best car out right now?
Can someone red pill me on Mercedes-Benz...
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
BMW set to unveil a completely electric 3 series to compete with the Model 3. How is tesla going to compete?
Why does everyone get dick hard over 240's, they're slow as shit
/SBG/ Shit Box General - Irrational H8 & R8 Edition
First Car Suggestions
Wtf did I do wrong with my pizza
Keep, Sell, Scrap, the Veeky Forums car game
Who makes the best shifters?
Trashy honda dealership CTR
Paid 12k for an 09 mustang gt premium with 56k mileage
Are jdm fans mostly weebs?
Hey goys. I'm trying to get a 60s or early 70s American muscle car as my first car...
Sup guys
You are with your girlfriend/wife/crush/oneitis/whatever in a carpark and this guy comes up and slaps her ass...
Pop-up Headlights
Dealership stories?
Is there any hope for this car Veeky Forums?
/hg/ 本田
I don't know what's cringier sometimes
Poorfag here. What do you do on the side to earn money to work on your cars/buy your project cars?
Do I need a new battery?
Which part of the globe has the best car culture and why?
Can you use any liquids other than water in a water to air intercooler for improved cooling?
Exotics in Chicago's Gold Coast
Station Wagon love thread
Why are Jeeps popular amongst women?
Is naturally aspirated tuning dead?
My experience with JDM groups
Should there be a max horsepower per iq law?
Claim your Veeky Forums related waifu
Things your car says during a drive
Leasing a new car this weekend
*triggers the europoors*
The corvette™...
Mfw i see a woman driving my favorite car
A dying breed:
This is literally the most comfortable driving position for low speed driving through neighbourhoods on your way to the...
What went wrong?
4000lbs+ SUV
Is frosty free yet?
[Daily Bike Thread - dbt]
ITT: Neat things
What car do you pick here?
Insurance Thread
Is it possible to get 30mpg with a rear wheel drive car?
The Cadillac ELR
Your dream car at: 10, 16, current
How do you go from this
Reminder that owning a slow car is not an excuse to never go to the track. You're only racing yourself after all
Focus ST or Egoboost Mustang
$400k for a Toyota
Why are normies such fucking trash
I'm trying to learn to drift in my automatic shitbox, and apparently to do so I need to do the following:
What kind of cars would impress an older woman?
Let's have a thread dedicated to the absolute worst modifications, professional or amateur...
Post best cars ever
Car stereotypes that are true
What car should I buy to assert my masculinity?
Any AE86 cool pics, Veeky Forums?
Name a more bad-ass, reliable and revolutionary engine
Duster or better aequivalent?
I fucking love my bicycle but need to get a driver's license soon...
*why aren't you driving this?*
Most reliable WRX/STi years ranked?
Sex on Wheels
The Continental may not be as good as an E class or a 5er but it is much more stately and has a presence no car in its...
Tfw no car
The only reason people think mx5's look gay is because of American propaganda about small roadsters that were usually...
Lost my pictures
Your bike a slut edition
Why do people compare the Model S to the S Class?
Guys, what the fuck do i do to my car
/ovg/ - rFactor 1 will not die edition
WA meet: /k/amp/out/ edition
What do you guys think of my new shitbox? Obviously the seller bullshitted me and it could use a rebuild
What dashcam does Veeky Forums use
Daily Driving an AE86
So I test drove one of these today
Are there any Veeky Forums related 3D waifus?
Volvo appreciation thread
Thought it was a qt3.14 racer girl driving this
I'd like to get into car restoration, but I have absolutely no experience and little automotive knowledge...
*blocks your path*
Why don't Euro displacement taxes consider forced induction?
Just bought a 2014 Honda Civic. 39k miles, $14.2k. What should I know and did I just fuck up?
GM fags will defend this
Post a faster production car. i'll wait
ZL1 vs GT350R
Lamborghini killer
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
Volvo owner bunker thread
Sup senpais, what's the most cringe license plate?
Miata Hate Thread
How vintage is your ride Veeky Forums?
So, my cars computer had a stroke today
YLYL Auto Edition
Jesus FUCK why do cars have to be so fucking expensive??
It's time for another /eurobeat/ thread. What's your favourite track to drive to?
Is Ryosuke actually dumb?
Choose one
1 month until the model 3 goes on sale
QTDDTOT - argument edition
Is anyone familiar with Baer brake systems? Are they good? Should I just save money for Brembos?
Can somebody explain this please
LPG's Promise
Name ONE (1) 2017/2018 car or truck RIGHT NOW that'll still be running in 20 years with 250,000 miles+
/mg/ - Miata General
Friends and family start buying new German cars because we are getting closer to 30 and that's what you are "supposed"...
In 10 years kids will think manual gearboxes were primitive and shit and paddle shifting was the forefront of driving
As far as ride quality alone is concerned what is the best car you have been in?
Do you think that having high functioning autism like Takumi would give the driver an advantage in their driving skills...
Car for a dentalfag
/osg/ - Auto Sticker General
What's the car culture like in your city, Veeky Forums?
Reminder that trance is the best genre for driving music
Stepsides - WHY???
See an '04 impreza
Krypton green is ACTUALLY an option on the base camaro
You have you 25 thousand dollars to spend on a new car. Needs to have 4 doors and a stick what do you buy?
Someone near me is selling these LS tri y headers for $50 with cats
Post some clean econobox cars
Really stimulates the brainwaves
Cringe Warning: Night Wave Video
Why don't mechanics get paid like surgeons and vice versa?
ITT: I post the best car cleaning shit without needing to spend shekels on adampolish bullshit
Which car is the one driven the most by people who really care what other people think of them? Pic related
Can someone recommend me a good car channel that isnt this loser?
Are tinted windows Veeky Forumspproved?
V6 vs. I6 vs. Flat 6
Does chevy even make a more powerful V8? I looked into it but I couldn't find one
Considering buying this 240sx for $5500, any objections? Also is there a better price I should offer?
I hate MrCummy from Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums トヨタ
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
Veeky Forums humor thread
ITT we post what's under our hood
This is supposed to be a fucking bowtie...?
*merges in front of you with no signal*
Why has the corvette done so poorly at Le Mans recently? Ever since Ford arrived in 2016 gm has been getting destroyed...
Initial D Memes
Giulia Quadrifoglio vs M3/M4
Good afternoon Veeky Forums. I don't usually come here, but I had a question, and you guys are the best to answer it
Best brake rotors?
Cunt or not?
How do we fix Japan?
How do you properly drive a manual in traffic?
Will manufacturers make lower weight cars anytime soon?
Lets Talk """"Toe Gay""""
Lexus is the only Japanese car manufacturer that makes V8 sedans/coups
Who here /cars/
Post your car and the tunes you listen to while getting around town
I like sporty looking sedans, I like manual, I like RWD, and I like V8s...
Pornography general
Vroom vroom
Talk me out of the focus st
Would you rather have
This is making me moist
Incompetent mechanic stories
Will Amricans buy the Kia Stinger 4 door sportscoupe?
Why did Toyota stop making fast sports cars?
Hellcat Widebody
Porsche vs Tesla which one for you?
Viper Saga
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
Why isn't your car fun to drive?
First car, help with potential models?
My wife is telling me to buy a "BMW 3" to replace my 2008 Mustang GT because she's pregnant
LMAO Amerifat heavy as fuck and slow!
Do you own a hot hatch because it's what you wanted, or out of necessity, due to practical/financial reasons...
Extreme Tuning
What the heck. How is it that my neighbor can afford a Bently. This basket American has 4 kids...
I can't be the only one here that keeps failing his driving test right?
Tfw this is the only 3k civic i can afford
Is anyone here in a circle of peers who feel that at a certain age or point in your career that you "should" be driving...
Why did the NSX and Civic Type R fail for Honda this year?
What is the western equivalent of AE86?
Post old cars that look new
I want to get aftermarket wheels
Why does no one ever talk about the Mazdaspeed 6?
What's wrong with Audi?
What went right?
So I'm looking at a new 2017 V6 Mustang at 24gs and some change...
Why haven't you purchased a Corvette™ yet Veeky Forums?
Best drift car for <$4000
Daily shitbox life
Driving in rain
Got my car broken into during early morning, lost my head unit, charger, and my South Bend glasses
Need professional car advice
The freeways in his country have speed limits
Focus RS
Car buying horror stories
he fell for the automatic meme
/ORG/ Off road General
Motorcycle fails & crashes
When you akwardly run into your gf's ex and hes driving a car you know is faster than yours(current gen mustang GT) but...
Wat bai Veeky Forums?
How in the living fuck can I remove this stripped screw from my brake rotor? Working on my 2010 civic...
/ovg/ - #rf1forever edition
Why hasn't america responded to this?
This car will rip up the sales of the Escalade, LX, Range Rover, QX80, G wagon, GLS, Q7, and the XC90
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
Be me
Official Craigslist thread
Nissan managed to make a vehicle faster than any production corvette ever created. How is this possible?
Why do Americans think hey can do luxury
When did I do dangerous driving guys?
Has anyone fucked with your car? Did you catch them? What did you do to them...
/CCG/ - Classic Car General
What car is he driving? Thanks guy filming I mean. And what type of people drive the car that the fat woman was on...
You will never listen to vaporwave with Mr. R cruising in his MR-2
/hg/ 本田
Who here /bimmer/? I need some advise on what engine I should get on the e90/e92...
Bad driver
True or false
Find a more beautiful gear knob
New NSX Appreciation Thread
What do you guys think of the opinions of normals?
ITT: autistic things you do with your car
Why dont you have carbon fibre rims?
Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel's 1st car was a Cadillac Escalade worth $74k for his 16th birthday
How would you react?
Dropped plastic nozzle from gas can completely inside my gas tank
So what's the closest thing you can get to a Twingo in north america ?
Auto-failed my driving test for turning right on a yellow, passed everything else with flying colours...
What are the most exciting pick-up trucks to drive?
Honda S2000
Undervalued Cars?
Lightning Mcqueen: C5 Corvette
Farthest you've driven without rest?
ITT we talk shit about posted car
Name a car and the race most likely to drive them
Are f150s reliable or is it just a meme?
ITT: your favorite sleepers
Is his show actually any good or is he just ranting
Chester is 72 years old. He’s been dreaming of owning a Corvette for the vast majority of those years...
Tfw too intelligent to work on my own car
Eazy E never actually owned a 64 Impala
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
Hey bro, I washed your car for you
Cayman GT4 with 100k salary
Why this is car so overrated?
Why do people buy boring Japanese made-for-manlets slow cars when they can buy big fun muscle American cars for less?
What are some easily/fast detachable parts that prevents a bike/car engine from working? Small parts, preferable
What's the worst car accident that you have had?
Is this the official driving position of a douchebag?
Name me a better performance Car
What would your car be like if it turned into a human overnight?
N/o/rcal Veeky Forums meet
Hey Veeky Forums what's your experience selling your cars?
What ya'll negros think about the 2010 Cobalt SS? Death of a legend or good riddance?
Brakes thread
Would you buy it?
2007 Prius with 170K for $2500 how did I do?
You are a Police Officer
The most generic car looking car
EMP-proof cars or bikes
Can we have flags here pls
I dare you to show me a better looking car
Is it a trap to buy a used WRX? I know new it's a good car but used I have no feedback from people around me...
How often do you have rear passengers?
Auto Insurance Costs?
WTF I love Camrys now!
How long until self driving cars become a legal requirement?
What's the cheapest way to get into racing in Europe that's not kart racing?
Truckerfag Thread - /TFG/
I want to learn to drive a manual transmission but literally no one I know has one (Amerilard)...
What is the best sounding v6?
Stupid traffic laws
Are you excited?
[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/
Driving your 1996 Mazda Mx-5
I'm in the market for a new RWD coupe and narrowed down my choices to either a 2016 BMW 4 or MB C Coupe
I've never been one to be into modding cars and stuff but I think I am going through a quarter life crisis
/osg/ - Auto Sticker General
Any Pr/o/be lovers here? Just picked up a 95 gt with only 47k miles
What is really so bad about ricing out a car? If it looks cool, what's wrong with that...
"cars of the future"
What do you reply?
Is there anything more satisfying than slowing down to the speed limit and comfortably watching the ragefag...
Dead car battery
Post hum/o/r
ITT we talk about Tesla as if we are reddit
Why are there no affordable small-displacement V8's?
What are the worst and/or stupidest features to ever make it to mass production and receive wide distribution...
Fun things to do in auto FWD?
Traded in my CTS-V Coupe for a Focus RS today
Why would you buy a Toyota?
Work at dealership
/ovg/ - Drag Queens Edition
Car face thread
Why does Veeky Forums hate mighty car mods? they're mad funny and drive sick cars...
"Jack-of-All-Cars" Plans
Do you work on your own car? What's the most difficult thing you have done to it?
Whats the best car to pick up anime girls?
Lmao how can bugatti compete ?
Why is it such a meme car when other small cars exist?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games