Why are we still making cars when we've already reached the pinnacle of beauty?

Why are we still making cars when we've already reached the pinnacle of beauty?

It never ceases to amaze me how many people on Veeky Forums judge cars entirely on their aesthetics. A big part of why 911s look like they do is their RR layout

>911 has shit mechanics


get the fuck out retard

You literally have a mental disorder

Car design peaked here.

As far as aesthetics go they arguably hit their peak in the 60s and 70s. Maybe we really should have stopped making new cars in the late 70s since they all look like shit.

>not piling in to the 996 before values skyrocket

You are literally low IQ

That is all.

Seconded I cannot believe how cheap these are right now

996 a CUTE

You're not supposed to let people know until you've already bought yours.



But the Challenger looks infinitely better.

Porsche could have stopped here desu

nice glorified beetle

Am I the only one who finds modern cars /aesthetic/ ?

Most modern cars look like they fucking hate you and everything you stand for.

boomers leave plz

these are aesthetic as fuck

>ever beautiful

They're very well engineered machines with lovely interiors but exterior-wise they are pretty ugly

Nice b8 m8


When will car design go back to curvy looks? Everything is too edgy now.

Why not?

I dont know why they do it.

I never liked Porsches, but this pic really turned me on to them, how are the air-cooled engines and where can I find out more about them?

So did they just lathe off the face of the fuchs or do they actually sell wheels like that already?

Love the car, love the shape. Ferrari isn't one to do a homage model unless your name starts with "G" and ends with "lickenhaus" but if they ever do I hope it's a reincarnation of this one, pop up lights and all

The car looks great. Wouldn't everyone else in the thread be gen Xers by your standards?

when we look at what society has become and the shitty cars we are producing, I can totally understand why some cars look like they hate everything
who wouldnt be mad at wasting road space by sharing it with hipsters driving prius

Actually this gives me an idea. Ferrari hasn't even tried to get into the small roadster game but I think this setup:
>target $100k
>MR layout
>twin-turbo v6 or f6
>open or targa top
>carbon mono
>2 seat
>2 year old F1 tech they had laying around
>styled reincarnation of the Dino 246
I bet it would be fucking awesome. Veeky Forums would hate it, which means it'd be awesome

Because care are about functionality rather then aesthetics?

Cars aren't art.
