LPG's Promise

Did LPG ever share the stories he said he was going to last Christmas? I'm really wanting them since he said that he couldn't share them for as long as he still worked there.

Other urls found in this thread: From The Dealership.pdf


fuck off to reddit for your le epig stories, fag.

Nigga LPG stories were pretty much the only thing that broke the cycle of this board.

It gets boring seeing the same threads but phrased differently week after week. Rarely does something happen in the auto industry that really gets some different talk going. From The Dealership.pdf

i got ya buddy

Oh fuck you newfag. LPG was the only good trip. Ever.

God bless you user

what happen to lplebg?
the guy who was askin' for input on writin'
to start his own dealership stories
he did good, where he go?
>coke dad story was good

>Upcoming titles from WAT Books:
- “It’ll Make it Better, Mom”: How to convince your mother
to modify her Civic
- Running in 90 minutes: 28 Great Eurobeat Tutorials
- Tools and Techniques for Pretending You Have a Car on
the Internet
- Can’t Deal: How Air Fresheners Affect Car Performance
- Ninety Degrees: Why Going Sideways is Better
- Displacement?: Making the most of your 4A-GE
- 288 Reasons Rotaries Are Good, Honest
- So You Finally Own an AE86: Coping Strategies
- Living With Paralysis: An MR2 Owner’s Guide

WAT self-help library when?

Someone please write these.

hearty second
let's Make thA sticky Great Again

Does that include the last ones he promised?

>being this new
>being so much of a fag

neg, star commander

Blast. Good one on ya for sharing the pdf, though. Much obliged, user.

is this is?

fug, nope

>mfw no LPG poasts since March 21st
i want my stories and vehicle financial advice
we miss u LPG
no homo

>I'm really wanting them since he said that he couldn't share them for as long as he still worked there.

Those are probably too dangerous for him to share due to slander and libel lawsuit potential. Many are already familiar with how BLM tries to make sure lawsuits are filed for as many things as possible. It makes no sense for LPG to put out lawsuit bait for contingency fee activist lawyers.

Can someone explain the Tier I, II, III and IV loan offers for me please?
I'm guessing Tier I is Bill Gates Tier, and Tier IV is Literally never had more than $1000 at a time tier?

pretty much. tier III and IV are designed around people where they statistically know they are going to default on the loan long before they come close to paying it off, so paradoxically it's impossible to pay off.

Favorite type of loser are the ones who make good money but are against credit cards because "muh tracking" and then they can't get a car or house. Had a shitty credit card when I was 16, put everything on it and paid it off and by the time I wanted to go out on my own I had a 800 score no problem

>good OC sucks, I want more tripfaggots sperging at eachother over lap times and ruining every thread

Kill yourself, dumb cunt

I am honestly still expecting that last bomb story from him.

That would seriously just top things off wonderfully. He's one of the best trips out there. Kinda like oppenheimer on /k/.

talking about /k/, what happened with muslimbro?

I think every petrol head, car enthusiast, and gear head should sell cars for at least a year. It gives you a wildly pessimistic perspective on cars, car culture, and the general public. Even if you don't engage in shady practices you will come to understand that the ones too stupid not to get ripped of, probably deserve it. Like teachers, cops, doctors, fast food workers and everyone who deals with a large volume of general public for work, You always come to hate the average costumer. You live to give great service to the gems of people, the shining futures of mankind, that small fraction of humanity that shouldn't be sterilized for the sake of progress. You get a good customer and treat them right and bend over backwards to suck them off as they sign the papers. The rat fuck shit humans who couldn't get a car if it came tumbling out of their chin scruff like a stale crumb of a cookie, down thier mountain dew stained shirts and into their semen semen pants pocket still expect you to suck them off even though they wont "be in the market for several years".

But overall its great fun.

I honestly have no idea.

>- “It’ll Make it Better, Mom”: How to convince your mother to modify her Civic

>that story with Duck Dynasty and his mom

I miss LPG desu...he had some really good stories, and told them well...
He seems to have disapeared, and thats a shame...he was a tripfag, but one that was a real contributater to Veeky Forums...

He said that he left his job and became an IT monkey.

Wonder if he just ended up getting too frustrated or if he just parlayed the money he made into school/courses to get dem IT certs

fuck off cancer


He was selling cars while working on his master's degree.

Good for him.
>tfw spent 4 hours last night reading through the entire .pdf of his stories
>now I want more

he probably is busy having a life that doesn't suck
hopefully he's on vacation now
since his IT boss was a shit
and he had to cover both positions
>mfw secretly want him to rewrite all the old material and make a book including the new material

I'd buy it.