Weird habits

what are some weird driving habits you have

the car i drive now has something like pic related but i usually just leave it in neutral and pull the e-brake to park

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I leave my hand on the shifter in my new automatic car as if I'm going to shift it.

i wipe my boogers on the bottom of the seats

I see you are a greatly cultured man.

I once masturbated in the bed of a friend's truck while he was giving me a lift

>How to have your car roll into something in 3 easy steps.

I still do this constantly. Muscle memory from having a stick I guess.

I granny shift when I should be double clutching

A "lift" must be some gay sex act that I hadn't heard of before

>i usually just leave it in neutral and pull the e-brake to park
mine won't me switch off ignition and take out the key unless I put it in park

You'd have leave the key in every time you park, OP.

Idk if this qualifies as a "driving" habit, but I never use the A/C. My past two cars didnt have A/C, as in they didnt come with it from the manufacturer, so out of habit I roll down all of my windows and go on with my day. It will be 95F (35C) out and Ill be sweating my ass off in traffic, awaiting to get home to my A/C. My car is new and has great A/C, I just seem to forget it unless its raining

Same here. OP ur a lying bitch

I lost that habit and gained a different one: sometimes I'll start instinctively downshifting using the flappy paddles when approaching a corner

in my fucking minivan with a cvt

I leave my right hand over the stick shift and drive my left hand.

I rarely use the AC because you will use more petrol with it on.

You must have been a shit tier stick driver then, your hand should only be on the shifter when changing gears.

i just move the shifter to the left as my "wiggle" when I check it's in neutral

is any sort of wiggling even good

That's how you're supposed to check. If it moves left or right you're in neutral

you use even more with windows open

I do this also never owned a vehicle with working ac got it fixed in my current vehicle and always forget about it unless one of my friends or girlfriend says something

If you haven't experienced one firsthand than you wouldn't truly know. It's enlightening.

I do that an accidentally threw my car in neutral when I got brake checked by some douche

i drive an automatic now but i always shift into neutral to coast

a lot of people think it's weird for some reason

ITT: retards

It is dumb because muh shaft not connected lubricants not spinning

This. Exactly.
Not if you're sitting in traffic man. That is only at highway speeds where the windows have more of an impact on the wind resistance.

It's dumb and unsafe, coasting in neutral makes you lose engine braking, which allows you to control your speed and save in brake pads, plus in any modern car it is a waste of gas, as there won't be fuel cutoff.

why do you need engine braking though

when i throw it in neutral i pick up a lot more speed going downhill and then i just keep coasting until i need to put it back into gear again

Use the E brake to slow down for no good reason sometimes

how do you even develop such a habit