5-doors were a mistake

5-doors were a mistake.

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5 doors more hoes

>3 door hatchback
>only has 2 doors

The hatch is a door.

Petrol door

>Not entering a car through the petrol door
How do you people live?

I'm selling a bridge. Its a great opportunity for tolls and whatnot. Meet me at the foot of the bridge at 11pm sharp. bring 1.2 million dollars.

>Entering the car through a door

>he's folding front seats every time he wants to seat someone in the back instead of just letting them through the rear door

you are automatically gay if you let someone in your back door
I don't even care if its a girl

>he's folding front seats every time he wants to seat someone in the back instead of just letting them through the rear door

rear doors add structural weakness to the chassis (or lessen it actually) in case of a side impact, so you're a faggot

>Car has more than 1 door

>People dont get in their cars as if they're climbing into a refrigerator

>owning a cuckvertible

Is that why in the case of the E46 the 4 door sedan has a stiffer chassis than a 2 door coupe, not to mention being lighter.

>entering a car


*4 doors were a mistake

>he has a back door
Something tells me youre not talking about a canopy door you big white collar faggit!!

>Being in the general area of your car

I thought that at first too (same with the E36) however I think that's more due to the fact that the coupes have frameless doors. This isn't the case in most other applications, specifically hatches.

>Having your soul on the same etherial plane as your car

mah nigga
and you didn't even post the 306, that's top sex imo

he was talking about the hatch, and 4 door cars are stiffer than 2 doors because of the extra pillar

kek, did a spic emulate Dead?

What if I told you 4/5 door bodies are generally stiffer than their 2/3 door counterparts?

What if I tood you a single cab ute is stiffer then both of them?

What if I told you Im stiffer than all 3

>Stiffer then a courier
I highly fucking doubt it.

Not anymore. Cars are too large and 3-doors end up having large awkward gaps. 5-doors look much better than 3-doors now.

Lots of hatchbacks have stupid mini doors at the rear end though. And hidden doors are the new things. So thats obviously wrong

>structural part of a car

If anything its the lack of a center pilar

Only really tiny hatchbacks. What the hell happened to small liftbacks though? Those were the best of both worlds.

>he has friends and family to carry around in the first place

306 is too wide.
205 best car ever.

>there are people on Veeky Forums who don't shit out their dick nipples


Half the hatchbacks are turning into liftbacks for some reason. The rake on the Mazda 3 and civic is barely a hatch.

>too wide
it's like you don't like having enhanced stability

stability makes car boring. you can't have fun while being "stable" when most fun thing you can do as a everyday man is riding relatively fast on the gravel roads, or having some winter driving fun.

that being said, 306 has its good sides. maybe it weights over a ton compared to 106's ~800kg, but at least you don't shit yourself every time there is a bad situation on the highway, knowing you'd be safer riding 120kmph on bicycle than sitting in 106

but since thread is about the looks, it's safe to say that 306 looks great

Is the 106 really that bad? Also wasn't the original post a 205? And how does stability hamper fun? If anything it allows you to do crazier shit.

what car has the one giant driver side door and two smaller front and rear passenger side doors?

that's a brilliant diesign

106 is super cool, it's just not very safe, and 205 is even worse than 106 in this department

and about stability, here's the logic i used:
stable car = easy to drive
fun = challenge while driving

and "crazy shit" usually comes with high speeds, you can't reach high speeds anywhere other than on the track. unless, of course, you take it on a track day, then it's fun no matter what you use.

ayyy that's almost China tier
the 106 doesn't seem too bad

it almost decapitates the driver, but what is the logic behind running car crash test without seatbelts?

To show what happens if you don't wear them

Those are hardly small now

Do any good 3 doors even exist anymore that aren't just as fucking big as your standard 4/5 door?

I mean what's the fucking point if you're just going to have a still fuckhuge car?

Even actual small cars look kinda awkward now


>Having a soul

hardtops were a mistake

I absolutely agree
There is no good looking car with more than 3 doors
Try to prove me wrong, I'll wait

You're a mistake