You are a Police Officer

You're parked behind a bush and see 7 different vehicles driving down the highway at unsafe speeds...

>teenage girl in a rusting old econobox
>young male with a ball-cap in an obviously-modified hot hatch with loud exhaust
>rich looking man in a suit driving an expensive German sports car
>fat guy in a tank top in a full-size pick up with a lift kit on it
>mother in a big 7-seat SUV with a couple kids in the back
>middle age black man driving a American muscle car
>old guy in a full-size sedan

Which one do you pull over?

Other urls found in this thread:

the nigger, obviously

Everybody .

The breeder roastie, of course

The guy in the lifted pick-up. Its the most unstable and thus most dangerous car.

I pull over the black guy, and empty my magazine into his chest when he reaches for his wallet.

>"unsafe" speed
How fast are they going, 140mph?

That guy is also the most likely to be armed

mother in the 7-seat SUV, probably distracted by her phone with half of her body contorted into the rear seat trying to do god knows what to her kids therefore she's the most dangerous hazard on the road maybe second to the lifted truck

also this

That nigger has got to be up to something. Light him up!


The mother as she is directly/purposfully endangering the lives of the children.

>teenager is probably dirt poor, a ticket could increase insurance enough to ruin her life
>boy-racer probably has at least a bit of knowledge about car control from Forza, more likely to kill himself than others since he drives a tin can
>rich guy is likely the best driver here with the best handling car
>fat ass has the worst handling and heaviest vehicle here
>mother is the worst driver with a heavy car, and is endangering her children
>black guy probably just wants to cruise while listening to nigger beats, it's always white trash who try to show off and crash their muscle cars
>senile old fast probably doesn't even realize he's going over the limit and is tied with the mom for worst driver

Old guy is tempting, but the mom and the fatty are most deserving of a ticket. Ham planet is likely to have a loaded gun, so I guess I'll ticket mom and make a scene in front of her children.

As a cuckmuter I can say without the shadow of a doubt that the most dangerous by far is the soccer mom.
I actively avoid being around SUVs when on the road now, especially white ones.

The rich fuck. Communism, ho

Order of most dangerous to least dangerous in my opinion
>mom in SUV
>fat ass in lifted truck
>teenage girl in rusted shitbox
>black guy in muscle car
>old guy in full size sedan
>rich man in suit with german car

Order of risk when pulled over
>black guy in muscle car
>fat ass in lifted truck
>everything else
Prove me wrong

The last two I would mess with would be the yuppie in the eurofag car and the old guy in the sedan. Both have the money and the knowledge to beat whatever ticket you give them, and it's going to be work to use them to meet your quota.

Everybody else? About the same. Cops hate niggers, go get the nigger first.

Nigger has it coming

You think the mother is a worse driver than the teenage girl?


I remember the auto parts clerk getting anxious when a woman in a pickup truck would start backing up in the parking lot. I guess he had gotten his car banged up by a woman who couldn't drive...

Why would he be reaching for his wallet when you're supposed to have all that info out before the cop gets to your car?

oh wait

If the Tyrone can afford a V8, he's probably not living in the ghetto. Poor blacks are enormously more dangerous than well-off ones. Fatty is more likely to be armed, so I'd switch them around.

Both of them are bad drivers, but the girl has the drivers test fresh in her mind. Mom has had a couple decades to cement bad habits, and is probably distracted by her kids and her phone. It's also better to get hit by a 2500lbs shitbox than a 5000lbs crossover.

this isn't really related but I want to blogpost

>be me
>driving in dark blue 07 corolla
>speeding at 85 in a 75, 4 lane highway
>moving around a herd of slower traffic, I'm in lane 3
>white fusion doing about the same speed, 4 car lengths in front of me
>up ahead there is a state trooper on right side
>cant' see him because trees
>fusion sees him before I do, hits brakes fairly hard
>I see trooper
>he has his door open, legs outside car (pretty hot day)
>I let off, signal, pass on left
>trooper gets in car, begins to move
>fusion cuts across two lanes of traffic, to get in furthest right lane
>quickly, but safely
>pulls over to side of road
>the trooper doesn't even have lights on until after the fusion is almost stopped
>I'm still doing about 80 while moving around slower traffic
>get off at my exit, which was conveniently only a mile and a half away

wtf was this guy in the fusion doing? trying to get a lighter ticket by presenting his ass to the cop?
guess he might have saved me from my first ticket
I'm in Michigan btw

/end blogpost

to answer your question, the suv, old guy, or brotruck, in that order.

thats not true. Ghetto basketball americans arent spending much money on their house or apartment or project, so they have more money to spend on other things, like donks and cars

OP didn't specify, I considered the fact that Tyrone could be in some shitty catfish camaro he got on the cheap. Blacks still pose the greatest threat when pulled over though, according to police demographics.

all of them

>ITT: /pol/tards spilling over

>thinks niggers are human

reported for racism

>thinks classification of niggers (non-humans) is racism

>report submitted!

>announcing reports

>submitting false reports to white knight for niggers on a Rhodesian racial cleansing enthusiast telnet BBS

>report submitted!

>report submitted!

>wat is global rule 7

>what is racism
Enjoy your ban you disgusting fuck

fuck niggers

>lemme violate the rules because this guy violated the rules


>let me say racist things and get away with it
enjoy your ban motherfucker

lol i love how racist white people always get defensive over the truth. baka

Reported for autism.

>implying I was the one posting "racist things"
>implying you need to break global rule 7 to report someone

it's like you aren't even trying
samefag detector broke?

why would you report yourself?
im not samefagging???? wtf????

>The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
>human character

ah sorry. I intended to imply that you are not aware that you are interacting with multiple people, and you are pinning the actions of one onto another


I hope we both get banned for shitposting non related board things.
I don't mind nigger, do you?

For what? False reports and announcing reports are against the rules btw.

you are autistic.
for racism retard

>The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability

But it does though. What are human migration patterns and what is development of civilization?

Niggers aren't human therefore you cannot be racist against them

Lmao look at this NIGGER

except they are???
lol i triggered you into a self realization of your own racism.

>namefag ruins thread
How shocking

>t. racist

>Niggers are human

>implying he didn't start the thread under anonymous with the intention of crashing it later on

except they are????

>he thinks niggers are human

they are?

You bitch ass white trash racist fucks were descended from "niggers"

We are all brown inside

>he thinks niggers are human

they are?

>We are all brown inside
yeah, my shit maybe



Pick 1

The answer to your question is no.

No we aren't


>Thinks niggers are human
>Doesn't know numbers
Checks out

Sieg Wankel!

they are?


>Veeky Forums and /pol/ are literally incapable of not ruining threads

>Which one do you pull over?
1. The one that is statistically getting into an accident - teenage girl. I will give her a warning in the pull over.

2. The 2nd choice is the guy with the loud exhaust because that is against city ordinance where I live. I would tell him to fix it soon and write a note in his computer record that if he is pulled over, to have the next officer issue a fix-it ticket. While that doesn't earn me any ticket writing points, if I was a police officer, I would go down the peace officer route instead of the law enforcement cop route.

7. Last choice is the rich man (bill gates) driving an expensive german car (his famous porsche). The last officer to actually ticket him was fired. He's donated to the city 20 to 80 million per year every year for decades. Instead of bothering him, I'd say please keep on doing what you're doing. Besides, my wife works for your company and makes more than I do.

The true beauty of it really shows, when one stops taking it seriously; it's pretty hilarious imo

>typical thread on Veeky Forums

Alphonse, go away with your troublemaking.

You are a giant hypocrite with your trolling, new thread spamming, and stirring trouble up in so many other threads with bad advice.

how am i hypocrit?!?!

No, alphonse (musashi, other pseudonyms and tripcodes) are the same person. He is a longtime shitposter trying to make things worse. Just like in detroit, his shadenfreude and racism logic makes things worse for everyone.

I think alphonse is bitter at life, and finds creative ways to "attack the Man" which is why his contribution to BLM is to make Veeky Forums a worse place for open free-speech discussion.

imagine being this autistic, lol

The mother.
She's got two distractions on her car, and in an accident, the car she crashes in will be way more deformed than the other involved. So she needs to be pulled over and properly recieve a ticket.

And I obviously inform dispatch about the other cases.

I use ANPR to record their plates and send them tickets by post, since I've illegally hidden a camera.

light up the nigger of course.

The mother, everyone else is only going to kill themselves and I know the POS is probably not well maintained.

Whichever has the most drugs I can steal I suppose 3 or 7.

>You're parked behind a bush
I would not pull over any of them because OP created a situation where I cannot do so. OP is clearly one of those naive freaks scared of the law. So he sets up the officer scenario to fail.

In my USA city, and many others, officers are not supposed to hide behind a sign or bush to launch a pursuit. They should be parked on public, not private, parking. They are not considered parked if they are in driving mode. So if they are coincidentally hidden by a sign, house, construct, or other cars while driving on the roadway, they may launch pursuit.

The nigger, absolutely. Most likely to kill another person inside or outside of a car.


Besides doing it just on general principles, the nigger is the one most likely to have drugs or drug money. And since he was coming right at me the shoot will be determined to be good.

I keep jerking off to 2D lewds because there's a damn good reason I am behind that bush.

If that's are whites more evolved than niggers?

What if there is a cute female officer in the passenger seat?

Every single one of them, I unload my magazine at their tires and crash them. Can probably get away with " I feared for my life ".

>no speeding asian woman
you fukd up OP

just the teenage girl, because her registration is expired due to not being able to pass safety inspection

flip my lights at the rest of them and change spots as the melanin-enriched gentleman comes by, but also don't pull him over.

>Girl is already driving poorly in an even poorer car, would probably hurt someone else before she hurts herself.
>German sports car man already has a boring life if he bought such a boring ass kind of car.
>truck would be annoying to pullover because more than likely they'll either run or shoot.
>I'd let the mother go even if she was endangering her kids cause it's already bad enough having to drive kids.
>Shoot the black guy immediately if he doesn't do exactly as I say.
>let the old-man sedan go cause sedans are ok

All things considered I'd just go after the hot hatch cause the only remotely good hatchback is the meme86. Fuck hatchbacks.