ITT: Post repairs made by people who shouldn't work on cars
Nigger Rigging
Looks good to me.
Clogged cat resolved with exhaust leak
Dr. Pepper would've sealed better
Well that's the thing, it's not supposed to seal, so mountain dew was the only acceptable choice
Don't have pics, bought a ford falcon the shift linkage (moved from column to floor before I got it) was held together by zip ties.
Yea that changed real quick.
Fuck off racist SCUM. Veeky Forums is a progressive board.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
reported for racism
get the fuck off my board, niggers
>find stereo related thing on front fender
>take it off to remove headlights
>lose screw
>zip tie it
>stereo related thing on front fender
What in God's name are you talking about son?
I don't know, the wiring is a mess and there was a box that said Alpine with some wires coming out on the fender, under the hood near the passenger headlight. And it has an Alpine head unit of some kind in it.
broken weld on thin rusted pipe. fixed with a clamp
What's actually wrong with that?
One of the cables connecting to my car's ECU is secured in place by three small zip ties daisy-chained together to be long enough to wrap around the entire ECU.
The alternative was replacing the entire wire harness because the plastic tab that holds that one cable in place was broken, so the cable could be jiggled loose.
Looks like a pretty solid and well thought out fix to me.
This is a MacGyver thread.
Found this piece of solid engineering under my recently acquired used car
enjoy your ban
Same guy must have thought that this is rhe correct way to install the camshaft oil drip tube
Which led to this
And this
enjoy you deportation
im black??? i can't get deported???? wtf???????
you forgot to namefag
sperg more
stay mad
sperg more
> (You)
>stay mad
sperg more
sperg more
keep sperging
stay sperged
sperg more
sperg more
Then i nigger'd this drift to fix it
Are people unable to see bait?
What a fucking cocaine meltdown fuck.
JB weld holds my expansion tank together.
How do cats even get clogged? I've had countless cars and never experienced it.
The correct term is jerry-rig
It pays homage to the ingenuity of the nazi.
>To fix an object (usually mechanical) to a working condition in a haphazard way. Also known as doing a MacGyver on it. This can apply to any non working thing, to fix it in a nonconventional way. This term was created during WW2, in reference to the Germans who were referred to as "Jerries" as slang. Allies often came across hastily repaired objects left by the Germans hence the term Jerry-Rig came to be.
Nigger rig just means to be poorly done. If it works give credit where credit is due, the nazi.
Oil burning or unburned gas. Probably never being rev'd above 1k.
Its just a scratch
>Zip ties on brake lines
It's called Afro Engineering