IC is fucking finished, why are you still driving outdated technology?
IC is fucking finished, why are you still driving outdated technology?
because fuck elon musk
it's not 2040 m8
It's not legislated.
It's not like France is the Mecca for the performance motorist.
Post your EV with timestamp.
>335 mile range
>140 mph top speed
>780 bhp
>Charges in an hour
>4x the mpg (equivalent) of IC
>Doesn't give your kids cancer
>Looks cool
There is no excuse for not owning an electric car in 2017
>implying France wont be a Muslim and African filled wasteland by 2030
I suppose there might be a market for an electric hilux with a .50 on the back
>335 mile range
>140 mph top speed
It's shit, don't even get me started on the interior
You mean that Muslim shithole over in Europe?>
>cost over 50 years salary
Hmmm.. .really makes you think.
Nobody will have private cars in 2040 anyway.
>335 mile range
No holiday/roadtrips 4 u.
Can you please stop with this stale crap? It's like half of this board by now.
Because there's hardly anywhere for me to charge it, but there's almost always a gas station less than a mile away at any point.
That and charging it takes hours and filling up on gas takes 5 minutes. That's one reason why I liked the Honda FCX Clarity, because the hydrogen tank fills up just as fast as an ICE car but it's still a zero emissions electric car, and with a much smaller footprint from making the battery because it's much much smaller than one from a conventional EV.
Is this their plan to stop Hajis from running them over in crossovers? Give them golf carts instead?
>Doesn't give your kids cancer
you probably shouldn't let your kids suck the tailpipe
>implying it's a bad thing.
Now I gotta wait til 2055 to import one to burgerland. damnit
Electric cars are not yet viable.
500 mile range running accessory power without hypermiling, and a 5 minute recharge time. Match that, and they'll be viable.
There are charging stations everywhere in the US with more being added. That time sink is a problem though
quality bait
>stop every 300 miles for an HOUR
>IF you can find a super charger
>and if it's not being used
>and if they let you
>and if you only travel where superchargers will be
>thinks mining batteries is clean and doesn't give people cancer and destroy the land
>thinks landfill full of batteries they can't recycle doesn't destroy the land and give you cancer
>looks ugly and bland
>140mph TOP speed kekeke
>$12k minimum to replace the batteries after 7 years
>electricity cost almost as much as gas for distance right now
>electricity isn't free
>more electric cars means HIGHER electric costs
>coal burning plants
>Buy ICE that gets 40mpg
>never spend as much as the MSRP of a tesla in the life of the car even with full repairs every 10 years.
Gets me every time.
I don't my car was solar converted.
to be fair, most likely they will produce batteries in China, so who gives a fuck if they get polluted?
>$12k minimum to replace the batteries after 7 years
you know in next 10 years it will cost a lot less, you can't deny it.
polluting one part of the city > polluting whole city.
mph top speed
So less than an FR-Slow
>precious metals get more rare
>and harder to mine
>the prices will go down
LOL, keep dreaming.
no, just for muslims in general
lol this post triggered ameribetics hard
with the boom of cell phones in last 15 years did Lithium battery prices go up or down? Yeah thought so...
lol oil lobbyists btfo
2040 is such a long time away, this won't matter
> more than halfway through 2017
Oh shit
Fucking hell this.
When people talk about how much more clean electricity is compared to oil I always point out that the mining for materials and recycling is pretty damn bad for the environment too.
Europe is a bunch of gay old cities full of sand niggers that can't have fun outside of spending way too much money on rental housing and food. Electric cars are great to drive 1 mile an hour through city traffic and park in a shoe box next to your 100sqft apartment in a muslim slum.
We're the future amerishit.