ITT cool nicknames for cars
Subaru wrx = rexie
Acura integra = Teggy or teg
ITT cool nicknames for cars
Subaru wrx = rexie
Acura integra = Teggy or teg
Other urls found in this thread:
OP = Faggot
Subaru wrx : Wrexedit
Integra : Integra is fwd but at least I don't have a subaru
>Posts sexy chicky babe
imprezza = pimp-rezza
lowered hilux = lo-lux
>he gives it a name
Some people, mostly women, find this behavior adorable, I don't.
That thing looks like Wayne Brady in drag you nigger
reported for racism
Cars are named by their manufacturer. That is all.
Giving names for cars are things children and women do.
They're not alive, they are tools meant to be used as an extension of yourself, no different than a prosthetic arm or a leg.
ma' heart
>implying op isn't always a faggot
>Its a good thing I was able to reaffirm my masculinity by telling everyone else they're dumb females on an anonymous tiewanese riverdicking website.
>Good thing I can't refute the mans personal philosophy and have to resort to a mocking internet meme to establish my intellectual dominance.
Those are some Tig ol Bitties
probably a fig ol batt belly under it too.
Maybe, maybe not but I wouldn't mind finding out
Why are there not one but two niggers on the 1st page?
niggers are for fucking, not breeding
Hi OP. Suck many cocks today?
>Nicknames are dumb, memes are dumb, I have ascended above that folly long ago.
Its ok to enjoy things user.
Fucking this
ain't for neither brother
they's for avoidin'
Some people kill other people for enjoyment.
So by your logic it would mean and horrible of me to not condone their actions?
What If I get enjoyment from trolling you? Would you say that's bad as well?
This and usually some element of their actual names sound cool, fox body, bb 'lude, eg hatch. "Blob eye" is a terrible term though.
March man, in Tennessee...sniff the pines...sniff that cross mounted pussy down by the river HOT DAMN
>Teggy or teg
Those are stupid names.
>Giving names for cars are things children and women do.
Giving cutesy names to things is what homosexuals do. I'm more worried about being labeled homo than in being labeled childish for using cutesy labels for things around me.
Every year, my city's main hospital has 13 year old mothers. No, they don't get abortions. They actually full term and birth them. Their bodies are pretty durable and can have many babies starting at a young age.
>implying cutesy homo's don't act like children.
that was sort of the point.
>Look mum I am being racist on Veeky Forums!
>ITT cool nicknames for cars
Malibu = boo
>no different than a prosthetic arm or a leg.
>Not naming your prosthetic arm or leg.
Never said they couldn't pop out welfare checks, just said don't breed with em
ugly nigger
nice asian tranny you faggot
Have names for all your toes too Ed?
That's a black not an asian your vision impaired faggot.
..asian?? Nigga wtf.
>they don't dispute that it's a tranny
Pretty hard to tell these days.
I call my mini cooper "the MC"
Corolla = rolla
>Cutlass=short sword also = beretta 92FS from anime
>character who uses 92FS=Revy
My car is Revvy with an extra v because I can
>being this triggered
Go back to your hugbox
>right wingers r dhe reel triggerds!!!1
lol butthurt faggot go back to your reddit hugbox
I can't even imagine how retarded you must be in real life.
So I've been thinking for a while and I've found a cool nickname that'll work for every car in existence.
The nickname is Car. Now fuck off faggot OP.
>he said Nigger so he MUST go on /pol/
When will this dumb shit end? Nigger has always been a frequent word on this website aswell as casual racism.
Reported for racism.
Lel her eyes are fucked bro.
Nigger do you think anyone gives a fuck about the rules.
vw golf = parts car
lancer = what car is this?
*teleports behind you*
We'll see how edgy I am
After my katana
Edges your heart out
Sorry user, I don't play D&D.
Alternate cute names are a poor choice if other people don't recognize or use them. That is the case when the alt name sounds silly or doesn't have an obvious relationship to the object.
>My car is Revvy
Sounds insane
I used to call miatas miats but sounds too much like fiat so I just use chassis codes.
NA=nah, rest pronounced like initials.
>would still smash
>cool nicknames for cars
What do you think confederates did in their free, time?
Hell it took an hour to pull the clothes off white Antebellum bitches, whereas your fucking house slave had maybe a blouse and nothing else on underneath?