What does Veeky Forums use to deep clean upholstery after say, an asshole friend shits his pants in the back seat?

what does Veeky Forums use to deep clean upholstery after say, an asshole friend shits his pants in the back seat?

I use my gun to make my friend figure out how to clean that shit

I only allow people who are potty trained in my car.

I use my retarded friend's wallet to clean ore replace the seat.

>what does Veeky Forums use to deep clean upholstery after say, an asshole

If people can't wipe their butts before sitting in your car, yourself included, then your seat(s) will smell like feces. Of if the day is hot, sweat runs down buttcracks and oozes out as buttcrack juice. That soaks thru the underwear and into your seat fabric and cushion.

You can't really use those spray on methods. It only cleans the surface and the rubbing drives the feces deeper into the sponge or padding. Get a cheap spot-cleaning machine at walmart or target or whenever costco sells them again. The brands at walmart are bissell or stanley black&decker. It's basically a wet-dry-vacuum that sprays out a soapy solution and sucks it up. They are quite effective.

If you have a wet-dry vac of your own, you can spray cleaning solution and suck it up with your vac. Then you can avoid buying a spot cleaning machine. REMEMBER to clean your vac first before using it. You don't want to mix wet solution with the dust and debris already in the vac. Otherwise, the feces juices will grow ultra bacteria mold slop in the container. It will come to life and devour New York City.

This is a man, correct?

look for tips on removing baby shit?

>This is a man, correct?
These were posted before on Veeky Forums and I saved them. This person uses the name "Mike". Yes, that is the correct spelling m-i-k-e. Looks female to me.

Haha I don't have friends.

I bet if you sniffed your driver seat right now, it smells like poop. You've probably cross-contaminated your sofa too after sitting in a poopy driver seat and then sitting on your sofa. Or you sit in a poopy public seat in the library where homeless was sitting right before you sat there. Poop poop la poop. La poop.

How do you know ahead of time? It's not something you can ask.

>an asshole friend shits his pants in the back seat
He's had too much anal sex and now his anus can't close? So the poop leaks out all the time?

みけ is a common pet name for cats in nipland. The spelling would be Mike, but it sounds like "mi que".

You bring it to a professional and make your friend pay for it.

That makes sense. I wondered why a girl would choose Mike as the cosplay name.

>make your friend pay for it.
If he is your friend, you don't need to force him. He will voluntarily offer to pay for a cleaning. An aquaintance would not care because he's always able to write people off and move on.

Ideally, buy a second hand seat.

If it is soaked in, then he has to remove the seat and use a flow-through cleaning method.

Rent a Rug Doctor and religiously use it. Do not scrub, it'll push the shit into the cushions.

This thread is the worst. Golly I miss having leather

Cloth is more comfortable to sit on, so I don't get leather. But I can understand why so many want leather for its sealed surface they can just wipe clean. But since I don't make a mess of things, I prefer cloth seats.

i pissed myself drunk on my friend's couch last week.

i flipped the cushion over. think he knows?

Take the seats off the car, use a pressure washer and then a water vacuum

I'm a detailer that does full reconditioning at dealerships. this should work pretty well. find some all purpose car cleaner/degreaser and soak the ever living fuck out of it before, during, and then after you clean it with the wet vac.

The only time I ever saw someone purposely shit on the backseat was when they kicked the bucket.