How do you properly drive a manual in traffic?

How do you properly drive a manual in traffic?

Constantly shift in and out of neutral?
Or holding it in first and feather the clutch/brake?

>ever using first while you're already moving

If the traffic is literally crawling at sub 5mph then first is fine.

First goes up to like 20 or 30 on most cars
Try to constantly keep creeping, even if it means leaving space and not going as fast as possible. You'll improve traffic flow behind you and save your leg.

In stop and go traffic?
>keep it in first
>only switch to second on very high rpm almost redline
>carefully blip the throttle going very slow, there is no need to go from 0-25mph just to stop, keep her steady at slow 5-10mph speeds
>rarely use breaks unless needed, let the engine do the breaking for you
>only clutch into neutral when reaching almost stalling point (less than 0.7k rpm)

Your clutch, breaks and gas will forgive you if you do this.

Depends. When you're in a jam that just slowly crawls and only occasionally stops you should be in 1st (or 2nd depending on the speed) and use the clutch/brakes to control your speed. When you've stopped for longer than about half a minute put it in neutral.

Or just do whatever. Neither of these methods is actually more correct than the other. It's mostly up to your preference. Just mind that you should be in neutral with the clutch engaged when stopped for longer than a handful of seconds.

i drop back to first all the time when going down to 10 and below when i know im going to get going again, like coming up on a yield

>>only switch to second on very high rpm almost redline

What the fuck? This is terrible advice. You should never rev the engine that high when you're in traffic and especially in first.

You also shouldn't play with the throttle when in first because the car is VERY sensitive to throttle input in first gear.

>you should be in neutral with the clutch engaged

That's redundant though, isn't it? If you're in neutral then why hold the clutch?
Never driven a manual before, just asking (first car will definitely be manual though).

The clutch is engaged when the pedal is not pressed.

>redlining in traffic

dumb as fuck

Depending on the engine and how level the ground is, you can put it in 1st and let the engine idle move the car.

Just leave it in first... Boo fucking Hoo you'll have to replace your throwout bearing 10k miles earlier. Buy a automatic if your too afraid to wear shit out.

Imagine driving in slow moving traffic on a steep hill. Take a second tho think about that.

Follow a truck. They tend to roll at a slower speed but never stop.

I sometimes have to do this. I just leave like 2 car lengths in front of me and crawl in 1st.
Being stuck in traffic is probably the best way to get better in a manual. you have to frequently shift into first and nobody gives a shit if you stall because nobody is moving anyway. I got good at hillstarts after being stuck uphill in traffic and repeatedly stalling

Happens plenty in Edinburgh, have to be a complete retard to find it difficult.

>at stop
>alright we're moving
First gear
>hell yes we're going 10 mph
Second gear
>break lights

From there either coast or brake to stop or if traffic picks up rev match back to first or second depending on speed.

The worst part of owning manual is when you're the first one at a busy red light and you don't wanna hold anyone up so you sit there in first holding the clutch down the entire time.

That's something public executions should be brought back for, cunts at the front not ready to go when it turns green. One day I'll get out of the car and beat them to death with the claw end of a hammer.

Leave enough space in between you and the car in front of you and just let it crawl in first.

How long does it take you to sink the clutch and shift into first?

in tight traffic I have to let the clutch out extremely slow in my car because it's very jerky in first and likes to jump up in speed quick because of all the torque.

Same here, fucking thing flies in first. Can be scary when the car in front moves off too slowly.

Do you guys really think this hard about driving? Just follow your instincts.

>holding the clutch at a light
Lol nigga just peek at when the cross light turns yellow and be ready for the change

rev it up till it goes bam bam bam bam then select d for maximum respect

just rev before going into second

I was driving my sisters autotragic yesterday during rush hour and it was so fucking boring in traffic just brake, gas, brake, gas, brake, gas I was going to fall asleep lol

This. I suppose it's fine in some cars but given my anemic miata's short gearing, anything above 5mph pretty much requires 2nd gear unless you want to rev match up to 3k

>five hour drive home at 2am after music festival
>every junction between motorways/A roads is an island with multiple traffic lights
>each one I get to there's a lorry ahead of me
>never even have to drop to 1st to let him trigger the lights from red to green
>golden 60s show on the radio
Most pleasant long journey I've had in a long time.

Do you redline your car every shift? Get to 10 and go to second.

I have absurdly low gearing in first gear so if I engine brake, even at slow speeds I get bucked forward.

is there an easy way to stop it with only gas and clutch or do i have to practice a lot and at different angles of the road

maybe you'd be at the front if you were a better/faster driver ever think of trying for that instead of having meltdowns like a fucking babby cunt

>hehe xd

There are two ways to handle this
>have your license for more than 6 months
>get a car newer than 2007 you cheap poor fuck