

Short short short while you still can !

What did they do?


seriously tho, what did they do?

they lost horsepower ?

Sales are kill; Missed Q2 earnings target bigly

Whats going on here

Internet continues its slow distruction of traditional retail.


O'Reilly has gotten to the point where simple shit that any automotive store should carry, they don't have it stock. I almost exclusively shop rockauto.

O-O-Oh-O reilee

auto parts


O'Reilly is still better than Autozone.

>taking off this big 'ol electric wheelchair carrier from the tow hitch on a 2006 Sebring (???)
>Need a 3/4 socket and some PB Blaster
>go to O'Reilly's because it's closer than Vato Zone and I needed that carrier off that day
>get the socket, go up to pay
>salesclerk is a short little girl with a thot collar
>ask her "Hey where do you guys have the PB Blaster"
>>ummmmmmm...whats that :)))))
>"lol nevermind I'll find it myself"
>am standing in front of the PB Blaster 1 minute later, her manager comes up to me
>>hey you guys okay
>>oh ok because yeah the clerk up front told me some guys were asking for "PP blaster or something" and I didnt know if you found it or not
tl;dr: you can literally get hired at O'Reillys if you don't know what PB Blaster is but you have a nice set of tits and a thot collar

>PP blaster or something

this, all of them are like that though. if your car is older than like, 10 years, they have to order all the parts for it, I had to order the water pump, timing belt, lift supports for the hatch and a bunch of small shit for a Ford Probe.

toppest keks

I never shopped at O'reilly solely because of their extremely annoying radio ads.

I've ordered timing belts and starters at 8am and picked them up late that day for a VW 2.0 16v.

From my experience their hubs carry more items then Advance Auto parts

Vatozone had the faggot-pink coolant that my Toyota needed and ORielys didn't. Rockauto doesn't do fluids.

>tfw work at O'Reillys

All retail is imploding. The 2008 bailouts just put a bandage over the gunshot wound, and now things have gotten infected.

not all retail. companies like best buy are bouncing back with their websites, instore services, and using every store they own as hyperlocal warehouses for fast shipping.
the dying retail outlets are merely the ones that can't adapt and they would have died in 2008 like you mentioned.




Don't forget they stretch "auto" over like 3 syllables of music.

Full retard jingle composition

Pretty much this. BestBuy and Fry's are both doing alright. Fry's mostly because it's massive selection of electronics and same day shipping to your house if its in stock. Added with the fact they will match Amazon prices really helps.

How big are your tiddies

I feel your pain, brother. Worked there for a couple of years, I enjoyed it and learned a fuckton.

it's not like it takes long to get most stuff either way.

a probe is like 20-30 years old now.


I disagree, oreilly is the only chain in houston that actually keeps weird bmw shit in stock like the electric water pumps and suspension arms


What the fuck does the mortgage crisis have to do with inevitable technological innovation and changing consumer interests in the physical retail industry? Holy shit carfags are so fucking retarded. All bailouts dished out by the government to the GSEs have been paid back with interest and consumer purchasing power is at an all time high, but you'll still be blaming 2008 twenty years from now as the sole reason you still drive a $1500 shitbox.
