I can't be the only one here that keeps failing his driving test right?

I can't be the only one here that keeps failing his driving test right?

Post stories here.

Tell yours first then.

I crashed

I never failed mine but the dude giving me the test decided he didn't like me and wanted to fail me. Took the maximum number of points off he could without me failing.

holy shit I misspelled my own name fuck mobile

ITT women

So I am the only one?


I failed my driving test 3 times before I finally passed, and I have failed my motorcycle tests 4 3 times now.

You're not alone OP. I've failed twice in the past two weeks, I'm scheduled to go again this Thursday.

>first time taking it
>get some nig as my test proctor
> very stoic, always wearing sunglasses
>get in the car
>driving, everything is fine
>parking in the cones
>backing out of the cones left rearview grabs it and pulls it over
>run over cone

>last week, attempt #2
>been practicing every day with cones of my own
>get some 20 year old Stacey as proctor
>start driving
>everything's go fine
>parking, get in and out fine
>leaving parking lot dumb bitch Stacey tells me to go the wrong way
>"oops I meant right not left sorry"
>finish test Stacey says we will go over results inside
>walking back inside, former nig proctor gives thumbs up
>thinking I did great
>Stacey says everything was good but I had a questionable stop at a stop sign
>"well it looked like you came to a complete stop but I felt like you didn't so it was questionable and that unfortunately is an automatic fail"

isnt your driving instructor with you on your practical test?

>go to take driving test
>first part is the written test
>that's what I get for being overconfident and not ready the book cover to cover
>read book later that night
>study again before I leave to re-take written test
>pass, easy
>go to do driving test
>in my moms mini van
>it's kind of a piece of shit
>we're checking the turn signals, brakes, all that jazz
>he then finally asks me to honk the horn before we're ready to start the exam
>panic, because I know the horn doesn't work..
>go to press the horn, shaking and looking nervous
>let out a beep as I press the horn
>he laughs and marks it okay
>pass the driving part


that was many years ago, but man I still remember him letting me slide 'cause my moms van was a hunk of junk.

I only failed once and it was because I wasn't looking at my mirrors. I was, I just wasn't turning my head to do so.

Keep your hopes up user, believe in yourself, you'll make it.

i failed it twice lol

I failed twice to the same nig guy who just happened to have an extremely shitty day both times I was there, and failed me over the most pedantic shit.
Third time I took the test I had another guy that we just chatted about all sorts of things during the test, really put me at ease and was a pretty nice test.
Good taste in books too.


I passed on the first try

I failed twice.

First time was just the parallel parking that got me.

Second time, my parents had already been letting me drive on my own for a while and I was as comfortable as could be. I breezed through the whole test (or so I thought), but the proctor had something against me or idk, brought up all these little things:

>you were going 17 mph in a 15 mph zone
>you made a right turn when the light was on yellow, you should have stopped
>you didn't use a turn signal to get into the turning lane

All were completely BS reasons. For the turning lane problem, it wasn't even like I had to change lanes and watch for traffic in order to get over. The turning lane didn't exist before so there was no point to putting on my turn signal. No one needed to be alerted.

Anyway, I got my license the third time. Don't take this as a reflection of what kind of driver you will be. I failed twice but now all my friends and family think I am a good driver.

Passed the motorcycle test first go then the car test a few weeks later. But in fairness I was driving for two years before applying for either.

I don't have any stories op, although the bitch did mark me down a few points for "not having both hands on the wheel" because I was shifting. So goes driving in burgerland.

I failed first one. In Poland we have hard one, but in my case it wasn't a thing. My instructor gave me car with broken clutch and I w on maneuvering area, car turned off twice. It was the end. Second time was better I get a good car and passed test.

I failed my first time only because i wasn't sure what to do at a green left light when cars on the opposite side of me were allowed to turn right. So I just stood in the middle of the intersection awkwardly.

i almost failed my first test
it was around a little course and i wasn't looking left and right at the stop signs. at the last stop sign, the one which takes you out of the course where other cars actually are, i did look left and right and the proctor told me if i hadn't done it at the end i wouldn't have enough points to pass

that said the written portion is way harder than the driving portion, at least around here where they give licenses away like candy

Where I'm from if you go over the speed limit even just a tiny bit it's an automatic fail

>rented someone's car
>literally the only practice I had with the rental was the 15 min drive to DMV
>missed a few points but nothing big
>tester said we were done
>turning in to the DMV
>someone just backs up almost hitting me
>I was going a bit too fast about 15-20
>tester said to be a bit more careful
>still barely pass on first try

i failed mine like twice until i realised that all you need to do is drive slower than you would have to and do all the stupid moves/cues they make you do way too obviously.
Driving tests in central yurop are a fucking scam.

>One time I failed because some dipshit in front of me parked on the side of the road with like 3/4s of his car hanging into my lane and I had to swerve to avoid him. Instructor failed me for "crossing the center line without blinking".

>These fagets failed a friend of mine because they taught us this retarded move where you have to look in 3 places in a certain order and he looked to far over his shoulder and the instructor "was scared he would injure his neck while doing it"

My license cost me like 2500€ alltogether and I'm not even a shit driver

>turn up for theory test 30 minutes late
>"servers get turned of from the other place"
>"no, they don't"
>sit down do the test
>15 minutes later

>Start driving test
>pass first time

>HGV theory with hazard perception
>pass first time

Pass first time

>start class2 test
>pass first time

>Start class1 test
>pass first time

Some people were born to drive, I fuckin' love it still, even after 15 years of driving for a job.

I failed my first driving test because they fucked up scheduling my driving courses and I only had 8 of 10 hours of driving with an instructor done, but they "thankfully" managed to get me 2 hours at the last minute with an instructor I never met before literally right before my test (and I swore the instructor was fucking with me too or something, I probably interrupted their lunch break I guess). My nerves were so fucking shot from driving for so long and I almost turned left at an intersection into incoming traffic without realizing and made the tester slam the passenger break.

Never had any issues driving before or after my first test. Sure, it's a lot easier to blame them than myself for it even though I was the one that failed fair and square on the test, but seriously that solid 2 hour block of driving with a pissed off instructor might have made me the most stressed I've ever been in my life.

>Live in Europe in a country where only 30% of people pass driving exam
>First time I was so nervous and failed because I was too slow on a roundabout and the light changed to red
>Completely no money
>2 months of work
>Decide to take 4 hours of driving lessons in some driving school
>Even though it was 2 months I was driving just fine the first 2 hours
>Next day, 2 hours of driving left and after that I have the driving exam
>Ride with some old dude
>He literary shit talks about my driving so much to the point I couldn't even park the car because I got so nervous
>Loose all confidence an hour before the exam because of the old dude
>Have second thoughts, not sure If I should go or not
>Get late, examiner is fucking furious at me
>Feel so empty, just think about the old dude shit talking about me while driving
>I pass the driving exam without making a single mistake
I honestly don't know how the fuck that happened, I was driving with 4 different people and whenever it was an old dude I somehow couldn't drive properly and they would always shit talk me and brag about their experience and how I'm a fucking dumb ass since I was only driving a car for about 30 hours

>show up to test late
>proctor is some old dude
>don't signal in parking lot
>run a stop sign
>shift perfectly smoothly
>never lug engine or stall or anything
>get a 71/100
>says "you impressed me with how well you drove manual, the first time I ever drove was on a 10 speed tractor"
>talk about cars for a while with him
>pass first time
Not even shitting you

Failed the written test twice when I was 14 because I didn't really study the first two times. Never failed the actual drivers test though.

>failing your driving test

Holy shit you shouldn't be allowed to fucking drive.

Are you a burger?

I never failed before but my instructor when I got licensed in my home country told me I should really slow down more in the turns.
When I got my US license the instructor and I were all buddy-buddy and were so busy talking I almost hit two mexican sluts that were jaywalking and we laughed it off.

Passed my test the first time with an 85.

Probably because I waited too long at a stop sign for the semi truck to pass.

I passed both written and practical parts first time thankfully.
>take written theory test
>didn't study anything for it because had exams and other shit going on
>night before test skim through highway code book as fast as I could
>got 49/50 on written test
>easiest logical test ever taken
>questions mostly along the lines of "who has to wear a seatbelt in a car" and "what does this sign say"
I'm certain the only one I got wrong was the question asking what percentage of fuel efficiency I'd gain by driving at 50mpg instead of 70mph. That shit is not in the highway code and it depends entirely on the car anyway. Dunno why the fuck it was in there.

>take practical
>nervous because of all the stupid rituals you must do
>every time you move off from parked or stopped position you MUST do a 5 point check round the car starting from over your shoulder
>takes so long that you have to look over your shoulder again before moving anyway
>get marked down for hesitating a couple of times
>prevented me from pulling out into a car and still got marked down for looking again
>have to use handbrake and go into neutral every time car comes to a complete stop
>really fucking frequent and annoying
>can only go into first after completing checks
>stupid bus stopped on narrow road
>couldn't overtake because junction not far off and road is pretty narrow
>figure I'd wait for bus to pull back out, better than get rekt for dangerous overtaking
>bus switches off engine and stays there wtf
>threw me off a bit because it forced me to do what would otherwise be considered a dangerous manoeuvre
>passed just fine with nothing but those hesitating penalties
That 5 point check and other 'safety' rituals were so stupid.
Also had to learn how to reverse around a corner into a junction (yes, into a junction backwards) while remaining about 10cm from kerb at all times. Really don't know why this is tested.

Passed first time with only one fault, after my emergency stop I forgot to check both blind spots when I moved off again.
My instructor never told me about rev matching properly either, so fuck knows how I used to downshift smoothly

One of my friends failed his because someone ran across the street randomly

Tbf reversing round a corner is the easiest manoeuvre in the test apart from turning in the road
I had parallel parking in my test

at least in NY, you have to take the test alone with the proctor
parallel parking was the only thing I did wrong on my test, and it's supposed to fail most drivers (overmaneuvering in my case). I got a perfect score on everything else so I got by.

I failed the written like 5 times

I passed the Driving one first try

>Blow off studying for written test til night before
>Dont study at all
>Get 100% on written
>Take driving test
>Pass with only a few points taken off because I "Didn't stop all the way" when I made the car bounce at every stop.

Its literally shit tier easy.

I failed mine the first time and passed the second

>do everything perfectly and heading back to the testing place
>have to turn left on a back road
>stop on the line, start inching super slowly while waiting for a car in the right lane (only car in sight) of the road I was turning into to pass
>instructor slams on his break as hard as he can and starts yelling at me for trying to turn without looking
>try telling him I was just inching to get in a better position and visibility
>wasn't having it, gives me an instant fail for a "dangerous maneuver"

i swear the fucker was just waiting for something like that to happen so he could fail me and make me pay for a retake.

anyways user you can do it i believe in u, just practice and stay chill. I was super nervous the 2nd time and was driving a 2014 mustang and that did not help, just take it slow and relax

I hated it because you have to cycle between looking out the rear, the side mirror and the front every 2 seconds or else you get marked down. Apparently the rear view mirror is out of bounds for this manoeuvre.

Had to do bay parking too which is nice, even got the choice of front in or rear in. Parallel parking wouldn't have gone well for me, I can't do it the way I was told to. I reverse as tight as possible because it's rare to find parallel parking with two consecutive free spaces so you can reverse an entire car length.

Passed first time with one minor fake for parking a few inches too far from the curb.
Did 50 hours with an old ex-army truck driver who was a really harsh ball breaker but I loved his style and learned a lot from him.

>take written test
>get 90%
>schedule driving test
>take driving test
>pass within 5 mins including the parallel parking

that's TX

My driving instructor was a bit weird, he yelled at you for the tiniest mistakes while you were driving just to get back to the conversation as if nothing happened and was chain smoking the entire time (his passenger seat was sprinkled with scars from his cigarette ash), but did help me while i had my practical test because he constantly talked to the proctor and distracted him from some minor mistakes i made. Only thing that threw me off a bit was parallel parking:
>practice it several times before the test with parked cars on the side of the road
>remember exactly at which point i have to turn the steering wheel to fit perfectly
>have to park between a bush and a tree during the test
>cant even see the bush
>just pray to jesus to take the wheel
>our lord and saviour doesnt fail me

passed the first time thankfully, which was roughly 10 years ago, and passed my motorbike test last week on the first try as well.

>dont read the rulebook
>fail the written test the first time by just 1 point
>pass the second time
>ace the actual driving test

I failed twice and gave up for ten years. Then passed with zero faults. I was so nervous the first couple of times I could hardly sign the form. Just keep going, you'll pass.

I'll condense the story but I'll start off by saying that instant-failure tests are my number one fear. Got no problem with public speaking, meeting and talking with clients, random people, etc.

>Practice with family for over a month
>Test # 1
>Feel reasonably confident going in but heart is beating really hard and fast
>Make a bunch of critical errors, mainly because of stress or I simply didn't know
>Feel like shit
>Drive with an instructor for an hour and a half
>Learn all the stupid shit I didn't know
>Still stressed going into Test #2
>Fail on something really dumb
Accidentally changed lanes on a dedicated left turn
>Feel even shittier

>Be today, about a week later
>Go to a different DMV because illegal immigrants are causing a multi-month backlog
>Test #3
>Slightly more confident, heart still pounding
>I'm not really super stressed but my heart is annoying and distracting
>Focus as much as possible, tune everything else out as much as possible
>Trying not to think about any mistakes too much
>Get back into parking lot
>"6 errors, but that's passing"
>Get back home and decompress and listen to music

Seriously, there's nothing that gets to me more than the fear of failure and the existential dread that follows but I've had the rug pulled out from under me multiple times in life and things seem to be finally turning around.

>be me, in Texas
>take written portion, literally shit like what does the red octagon mean
>take actual driving test for license
>instructor has me drive in a circle after parallel parking
>pass, get license

TX is actually too easy

>be me in 2005 taking my driving test
>at the time you took your test with a state trooper in full uniform for a proctor, nobody else allowed in the car.
>driving instructor repeatedly told us they try to trip you up by going the wrong way down a one way, right on red when it's not allowed, etc.
>taking the rest in my driving schools piece of shit 1993 Nissan Pathfinder
>statie tells me to take my next "available right"
>roadwork on the next right turn that had both lanes blocked off.
>take the very next right instead and parallel park in front of DMV. He asked why I disobeyed his order.
>explain to him that both lanes were blocked. Drive him back to the construction zone to prove it
>get a pat on the back from the statie, pass my test the first time around

It's not that hard OP just don't be a fucking retard

>be me at 16
>take driver's test with all my buddies in hs on the same day
>we all get our licenses first try
>couple years want a motorcycle
>never ridden a motorcycle
>take msf
>pass test EZPZ
Never had any issue passing, they only care about a handful of things on the test, and if you can do those you are set

Failed twice

1. Written test by like 2 questions
2. Driving test for stopping at a green light, when I didn't know it was actually green..

>get 84% on written
>it comes to the practical
>make un-signaled change into opposing traffic
>fuck up the parallel
>stop in the middle of the road because I thought the white line I had passed over was a stop line
>do the back around a corner like a fucking god
>pass with an 82%

>meanwhile my sister took 5 tries to pass

I got a 70% because the womyn didn't see me look for long enough when crossing train tracks. Its something everyone misses though so i think thats why they make it out to 70% and still pass you.


I though the entire purpose of roundabout was to avoid lights

>practical test
>at some point need to do something called independent driving
>tester doesnt direct you, just tells you a location and you need to follow signs yourself to get there
>he forgets to do it
>out of the three maneuvers he can ask you to do he gives me the easiest one, 3 point turn
>pass first time

bro tier guy

I failed twice, then I went and took the test at a different location where you drive on real roads instead on a shitty poorly mantained driving course and I passed without doing anything differenly, really.

Go figure.

On big (3/4 lane or motorway junction) roundabouts there are traffic lights so everyone has a turn round each section. It gets through quite quickly

How can you fail the American drivers test?

>go to DMV to do driving test
>proctor is a middle aged fat chick
>she tells me to do the hand signals for turning left and right and stopping
>i do stop for left, don't even do stop cause i don't even know at that point
>she tells me to identify the defroster
>i autistically fiddle with the windshield wiper
>"thats not... ok never mind."
>fuck am i really gonna fail before even getting out of the driveway
>finish other pre-tests
>she gets in car
>we leave the DMV
>I pass the rest without a single mistake

and thats how I got my license on my very first try

>take drivers test
>test lady asks me who taught me how to drive
>she says to thank whoever taught me because I was the best driver she had tested

>fail twice for clutch coasting
>look on road rules website for anything related to the clutch
i was fucking pissed because the only way you'd know not to do that is if you paid for a test and failed it or paid for a driving school

bring a camera with you on Thursday and shove it up their ass

i hope you fail again you piece of trash

How the fuck can you fail a driving test?
I didn't even practice and I passed first time easy as fuck no problem


How the fuck can you spin out at 5mph?

It can happen when your car is just that powerful, you wouldn't kno tho

>be 18 year old me with ZERO on road driving experience
>wake up and say fuck it, today is the day
>ask my sister to take me to the DMV in her shitty Saturn with a blown head gasket
>overheats before we get into the building but it wasn't a problem
>take the written portion of the test and get a 93/100 iirc
>the lady at the desk said to park the car under the overhang in the back
>oh fuck
>some short beaner comes out and doesn't even inspect the car, he just gets in the passenger seat
>we drive off in heavy inner-city Florida traffic
>I was so nervous that every time he said go right or go left, I would do the opposite
>I passed

I love being in free country

>lift off oversteer


ok faggot

Wasn't even lift off, I wasn't even on the throttle.
I hit the brakes too hard coming in and it spun it around.

>hit the brakes

you lost all the weight in the ass end and you spun. Lifting off the throttle does the same exact thing so it's not much different. At least you had the balls to post your fuckup unlike everyone else here judging you

>Doing bike license test
>Smashing everything, no errors what-so-ever
>Final task is an emergency swerve
>Swerve to the right around some cones
>Was meant to swerve left
>Instant failure

I was so pissed off, i refused to attempt it again for like 2 years and just rode around without my p's on.

>you lost all the weight in the ass end and you spun
Yeah, I do it all the time, works good for getting sideways.
Didn't mean to do it in this case though.

>car driving exam
>hit the curb the lessons before
>nervous as fuck
>still managed to drive fine
>go back to exam building
>"You almost failed because of your sunglasses"
Apparently he just couldn't see if I was looking enough, but he saw I knew what was around me.

>bike license
>it's fucking snowing
>last lessons were cancelled due to snow
>get on bike
>go on highway
>go off it the first exit
>get stuck in traffic jam in town
>"just filter through and head back to the exam building"
>arrive at building
>"It was very hard to see if you know how to ride, but because it's cold and snowy I'll let you pass"

Basically they just passed me while I shouldn't.

I passed mine the first time, but the person that went immediately before me obliterated their car in the parking course. I had to wait 30 minutes for them to clean it up. It was some fag showboating in what was clearly their dads Mercedes as well. To this day i dont understand how they even got to such a speed to cause that kind of damage in the first place.

>do written test
>pass by the skin of my teeth
>get leaners permit that means i can drive whichever vehicle i like as long as someone with a full license is in the front passenger seat
>have to log 100 hours of driving like this, including 10 hours night time
>then you have to mail the logbook in so they can check to make sure you didnt fudge every entry
>then practical driving test
>if you pass the practical test you can drive alone but your car has to be 130kw/ton or under
>unless your car was manufactured before 2010 in which case you can drive any car but it has to have less than 8 cylinders
these laws are so fucking stupid, just because some mental defect had to wrap himself around a tree the government went apeshit and brought these laws in

Mate of mine got rear ended 500m after leaving the testing center. Tester had to fail him on account of being involved in an accident (even if it wasn't his fault), although he got a free test the next day. Would have been the next month but another mates mum worked at the center and pulled some strings.

> 130kw/t

Holy fuck, I have like 70hp a tonne or something, anything more you would need abs/traction control.

Then you may as well have less power at the get go

are you the guy who drove the prius and wrote a big blogpost about how scary it was?

>Failed permit test once because of a shitty trick question.
>Got liscence week before school was starting so i could drive there. >Passed first try but was knocked off for not looking behind me when changing lanes (i looked at the mirror though.), and speeding at the very end.

No, I drive a 82 Volvo with a B23E

I had a 04 S40 2.4i and the bitch kerked on the spot due to FWD and traction control
My 240 ends up faster off the mark with a 3 speed slush box

> capatcha 'shorts'
> thinking this was a blue board

failed my first one light goes yellow for less than a second then to red so end up half way on the crosswalk

failed first one because i was rolling up to a red light without having the car in gear
really pissed after that one because she couldnt give me a valid reason for accelerating up to the light then hitting the brakes

>failed first one because i was rolling up to a red light without having the car in gear
do they expect new drivers to do heel-toe braking?

i can downshift fairly decently, but they expected me to do that shit without rev matching which was just fucking painful

I failed the written exam 3 times.

>tfw you need to take 14 theory lessons, each lesson 1,5 hours and 12 hours of practical lessons for 45 Euros per hour in a non-free country
>approximately 2-4 months until you can pass your theoretical and practical exams after the actual request
>paying 2000 dollar for your driving license

Failed the first one because I made my license at the beginning of university and always was tired as shit. My brain literally shut off in some narrow road where buses usually pass and I just went full speed around the corner where I could not see shit. Could not justify me passing either at that point, it is a surprise I did not kill all of us.
Second time I passed through some miracle because the guy taking the test thought I was somewhat afraid of the wheel but otherwise competent. Dunno how he came to that conclusion, I was tired as shit again, nearly wrecked a wheel by whacking a curbstone, slowed down to 30 on a highway, passed several roads he guided me into because I simply forgot and also forgot to look at corners while turning, forgot blinking and even forgot to turn up the lights on a rainy day.

Now I have my license and still drive like some meth-head lunatic. Sucks to be you OP.

>tfw going through all that shit and you still have to drive with a restricted license and be a massive target for assholes and cops
I know that feel brother

Passed practical test in Brisbane first time, with 5 point deductions
>2 for being too slow to accelerate, my first time driving that car and it felt pretty different
>2 for being too cautious at roundabouts, because people are fucking awful on them and don't indicate here
>1 for being too far forward on a right hand turn
could've been worse

How the fuck do you fail an automatic driving test
Half the work is done for you

>doing 115 in a 100 zone on my L plates
>copper flies past me
>do 40 in a 30 zone on my driving test
>fat fucker didnt say anything
>do 41 in a school zone on p plates
>3 highway pricing command cars pull me over and my car is set alight in front of me

I don't want to even be in the same town as that gross ass fingernail

do they still do that point shit? when i failed the instructor handed me a piece of paper that just had a billion blank marking boxes on it

Passed 2nd time
Failed because I took too long getting onto the busy roundabouts, which according to my anal tester meant I don't understand priority
2nd time I actually didn't drive as well as first time but the instructor wasn't a cunt so I passed

yeah i took the test in January, you're allowed a certain number of each kind of error (like you can fuck up a right hand turn twice, but do it three times you fail)
you can also fail by getting too many of those little errors, or by making a big mistake (hitting the curb, running a red light, speeding at all etc)

man i sped a few times on my test and didnt get any negative marks for it