>tfw your rhd is auto and your lhd is manual so you never get to drive with your foot out the window
why even live?
>tfw your rhd is auto and your lhd is manual so you never get to drive with your foot out the window
why even live?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck do you shave your legs, you fagtrain
>Learn to work the gas/brake with your left foot
>Right foot out window
>Delete this worthless thread
>Legs shaved
Hope he crashes and dies. Between being gay and that dumb stunt he's working as hard as possible to be a genetic dead end. Just needs a little extra luck.
Hope you enjoy having no toes.
this is more a tale of why you should pay attention to where you're fucking driving than where your feet should be desu
>he doesn't enjoy smooth skin
I agree. I for one always stick my head out of the sunroof and drive. Only an idiot who doesn't pay attention could get in an accident, and I enjoy the fresh air in my face. Don't listen to these reduction of risk faggots, none of them can even drive and I bet they even wear their seatbelts.
i-i think that's a woman user
i have 5 motorcycles so i can't really argue
>Those hands
>Those feet
Are you black? No offence, but they're the only race with hands and feet that masculine. White and middle eastern women are more bony and slender, asians are more small, soft, and childlike as far as appendages are concerned. That's clearly a white faggot.
i still think it could be an overweight older woman
look at the length of those fingernails, not even the toe nails
also if it were a male faggot he'd be driving a miata you dingus
yuropoors BTFO
Fuck you for making me look again.
You can tell it's a younger guy because the skin on his wrist where it's bent, his hands, and his ankle is tight. An older woman lacks the bone structure as mentioned earlier, but also would have much looser skin. That's a genetic dead end all right, 110% positive.
You're distinctly less likely to lose appendages to the vehicle you're driving when it doesn't surround you.
You, I like you.
No. It literally looks like a queer gay ass faggot.
What would you tell the girls when they see your gay legs? They can auto asume that youre some fucking shemale
You sound pretty gay, dude. You cruising for some ass?
Trap here, can confirm smooth legs are GOAT
your sexuality, it is so fragile
Thats fucking wierd man/trans
>used to cruise down the freeway in my 1985 MB 300D with heel of my boot rested above the side mirror
It was extremely comfy, although I'm sure in the event of a wreck I would have snapped my snapped my pelvis in two.
>What would you tell the girls when they see your gay legs?
You mean what would he tell himself?
He is the girl.
Put your filthy feet down you fuckin scum
Why would you bother to shave legs that are so pasty and fat?
Go for a run, get a tan.
It's one thing to be the passenger doing that. It's quite another to be the driver doing that...
Of course they're in a tin can Lancer
nice athlete's foot faggot
>you will never get to pamper OP's soles and toes
Why live?
>Gay fag that shaves legs
>Drives automatic
Interestingly my rhd is auto and my lhd is manual.
I have never considered sticking my foot out the window but I am sure you could do it easily on a freeway. It's not like you change gears much on them.
Otherwise you could just float the box
Nah it's a man. That's a man's hand a man's foot. Very pampered aside from the cigarette burn but his Dom's bull probably gave home that.
Anyhow between the post and picture I don't think that's OP in the photo seeing as he is complaining that he can't do that.