The Cadillac ELR

That styling had so much potential!

It could had housed a V6TT or a V8 and Chevy could had made it better.

What a fuck up by Chevy.

And Doug's new video on it.

Other urls found in this thread:

go away Doug

Stop spamming your shitty videos doug, you peice of shit

I'm not Doug you fucking faggots.

post a timestamped pic of ur face

Doug is love, Doug is life

I can't.

That sounds like something Doug would say.


how many user points do I get for this?

whatever you say

Fuck off Doug.

>it's another "rebadge a chebby and mark it up 70%" episode

You are doug.

I give it 2/10 Doug Score.

Prove it with a spreadsheet!

Post Doug

That's something Doug would say

Check out my column at overtrader/autosteer

Agree, a sporty 6 would be a nice fit versus muh electric. But wouldn't hold up though, would need a work up on design.

they kind of used it in the xts? cts/ats is much better

>it could have had a V6TT
Get an ATS-V

>it could have had a V8
Get a CTS-V

Being electric was the point

Doug detected

>the fucking ELR commercial

You literally can't make this shit up.

top kek

I wonder who is behind this

Dougie Fresh detected

yeah their commercials are really weird. they have this elitist vibe but not the sexy stuff like mercedes benz or exotic turd bmw.

this body with an LS would have been sweet

That's not even a chevy you tard

I remember this made liberals ANGRY as fuck at the time.

It's a volt you dolt

>the volt is a chevy
Go away ignoramus
>what did he mean by this

>wikipedia as a source
>he doesnt even read it